Jury: State your name, Civilian.
Civilian: Yeah, I go by a few names. "Dr.Bhoioh", Detective Bhoioh, Under, ah- that's spelt "U-H-N-D-E-R-R" by the way, just so-
Jury: I got it. Now, what exactly were you doing just an hour ago, behind the noodle store?
Civilian: finding answers, sir!
Jury: answers for. . .what, exactly?
Civilian: well, you see, I run the B.D.A
Jury: the what.
Civilian: The B.D.A! Bhoioh Detective Agency! Y'know, "ask me the questions you can't find answers to!" That place?
Jury: can't exactly say I've heard of it.
Civilian: whatever, it'll be big one day.
Jury: right. Again, what were you doing behind the noodle store.
Civilian: right! Well, I was tryin' to find out why the noodles taste funny! One of my clients approached me about that, and I was simply trying to find the answer for 'em!
Jury: so you felt the need to break into their property.
Civilian: it's not breaking in, I was doing my job!
Jury: right. That's all I needed to hear. Criminal trespass charge, now.
i2 unit: you got it, boss.
Civilian: hey, what? You can't do that! You know what the client was told me? The noodles tasted like meat! Meat, I tell you! Hey, what's that stick fo-