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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. TheDeNuke

    Vortigaunt skin is like frog skin so... uh... lmao you can't make leather from that

    Vortigaunt skin is like frog skin so... uh... lmao you can't make leather from that
  2. TheDeNuke

    New Frontiers - Epilogue

    NAME: The Wanderer FACTION: ?????? FATE: Observed the events that had taken place here and had left towards Nunavut with his Envoy. On to further adventures...
  3. TheDeNuke

    Accepted [Lore Submission] THE KRAH'AUR'NUR

    Fuc#ing Heretics...
  4. TheDeNuke

    [V3] Russia Rewrite

    Think of it as a general administrative purge where any leftover collaborators that were not just overt Breen loyalists or Breen sycophants getting rounded up and shot. Its a valid way to get rid of all OTL politicians or mentions regarding OTL politicians in one fowl sweep built off by a...
  5. TheDeNuke


  6. TheDeNuke

    [V3] Russia Rewrite

    This aspect is likely going to be automatically rejected as this conflicts with several foundational aspects of the lore of Willard Networks. This includes: 1. This event being a foundational part of the culling and why it had ultimately occurred 2. This event being the final act of the Eastern...
  7. TheDeNuke

    [V3] The Underground Railroad

    This seems like yet another fallout reference (at least I assume that's where he got the idea from) especially with that logo. Everything else about it still feels unique though and does not directly reference fallout.
  8. TheDeNuke

    Under Red Skies - The Final Stretch

    Look @Imperator RAD-X He did a TNO.
  9. TheDeNuke

    City 42 - Anchorage & Nearby Facilities

    I've read over it again, and I'm ultimately forced to approve of it since its of a high enough quality for approval, even if it does basically throw out a piece of old lore that I'm now going to have to basically adjust internally. Support
  10. TheDeNuke

    City 42 - Anchorage & Nearby Facilities

    Unfortunately, you'll need to rewrite this. As stated previously this city was reserved due to already active lore in this area, and your account of this city directly conflicts with that lore. I'll talk to you separately, but until we can have a discussion regarding this city I will be...
  11. TheDeNuke

    The American South

    Red Cities are most notably either cities in a outright uprising or in a state in which they could potentially collapse in the near future and thus can only be placed in such a state for a temporary period prior to being moved to either Orange or Blue (or Purple/Critical if it gets worse). So...
  12. TheDeNuke

    ... but what about... Money?

    ... but what about... Money?
  13. TheDeNuke


    Yeah, I think it would serve a better purpose as a "general" city rather then a "industrial" city.
  14. TheDeNuke


    I don't think that Istanbul would make much sense as a Industrial City. Think about it for a second. You have Industrial 17 and the Danube Industrial Cities that have to route their shipping though the Bosporous. This just seems. Redundant? It just feels like City 50 is outside of the main area...
  15. TheDeNuke

    The Unionist Republicans

    That's some really good work on expanding this. As I said in the intent, my OP was only a base concept which really needed further expansion.
  16. TheDeNuke

    The Unionist Republicans

    The Republicans
  17. TheDeNuke

    The Rebel's Guide to Launching a Resistance

    Yep, people should be focusing on Phases 0-3 at the moment with most aggressive operations taking place on Expeditions rather then on the main server. Even attempting Phase 4 at the moment would be suicide and don't even think about Phase 5.
  18. TheDeNuke

    The Rebel's Guide to Launching a Resistance

    The Expeditions will be basically the primary means of the Resistance being able to combat the Combine since doing it on the main map is de-facto suicide until a full scale uprising can be triggered. That was the point of what Equinox is trying to say above. There is no half-measures. You...
  19. TheDeNuke

    The Combine Planetary Research Directive (CPRD)

    Feel free to PM me about the things.