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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Asimo1234


    Advanced beam w/ extract works as it should :3
  2. Asimo1234


    Steam Name: Furret "No Furry" Asimo Steam ID / Link to Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Asimo1234/ Discord ID: asimo1234 What Character are you playing?: August Hanning; President of the Bundesnachrichtendienst What role does your character have in this event?: An individual tasked with...
  3. Asimo1234

    OSCILLATIONS OF DARKNESS - A Coterminous Reimagining

    The main problem isn't military might. It is the simple fact that through globalization, the entire supply system is connected. And because of US hegemony, it has a big hand in that supply chain. Unless the Nihilanths invasion is quickly stopped, the US is going to be dropping out of the supply...
  4. Asimo1234

    OSCILLATIONS OF DARKNESS - A Coterminous Reimagining

    I mean the US did detonate a nuke at Black Mesa. I think you'd have to remove Gman and Freeman to give the Nihilanth a chance. Kinda depends on how willing the US is to mass nuke itself to take care of the Xenian threat, but yeah, Nini isn't going to win with large troop formations primed for...
  5. Asimo1234

    OSCILLATIONS OF DARKNESS - A Coterminous Reimagining

    While Xen is indeed barely anything compared to the Combine, it is hard to leave out just how fragile human civilization is to an event on this kind of scale. Portal storms would be fucking the climate and infrastructure across the globe, even if they don't deposit a mass of Xenian creatures all...
  6. Asimo1234

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback, DAY 2

    Another W for Ekrell Someone pay this man
  7. Asimo1234

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback Day 1

    T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V O I C E S T H E V...
  8. Asimo1234

    Murder at the Occidental

    Can I be the pizza delivery guy who shows up halfway and just starts spam-hitting the door during a tense RP moment?
  9. Asimo1234


    Patriot Application // Name: Maria "El Chefe" Molina What useful skills do you have? C O O K I N G (You know you read that as if it was the vortigaunt VC) Backstory: Maria was born a little over a decade before the Black Mesa Incident to an immigrant family in one of the states comprising...
  10. Asimo1234


  11. Asimo1234


  12. Asimo1234


  13. Asimo1234

    Citizen Profile [V3] 'Patriot'

    If HL2 was set in america, instead of you taking out the gunships at the top of the citadel in the fight with breen, it'd be american patriots strafing the place with A10s... Glorious brrrrrt turning breen into swiss cheese
  14. Asimo1234

    Project Lochaber Feedback Thread

    Moderate compared to getting evaporated
  15. Asimo1234

    Project Lochaber Feedback Thread

    The Gunship was based. (The bellycannon was BS but we reduced that to moderate damage and being blown back) Aviator Joe sacrificed himself to blow it up. Synths 0 Vietnam War vet with no pilot licence 1
  16. Asimo1234

    Look again

    Look again
  17. Asimo1234


  18. Asimo1234

    wtf did u steal that joke from me?

    wtf did u steal that joke from me?
  19. Asimo1234

    McDonald's Route: 24/7 (Icecream machine broken)

    McDonald's Route: 24/7 (Icecream machine broken)