Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Noodle

    Why are my credentials sold on the rebel market? The price is too low.

    Why are my credentials sold on the rebel market? The price is too low.
  2. Noodle


  3. Noodle

    HL2RP Roster

    Some noteworthy changes: - @Lost Coast Chanties / Arbiter - MOE lead - @Hiros OTA co-lead (A). - @Cengiz resigned from OAA (A) and is now listed as CCG FL. - Mikey left thus all positions held have been replaced.
  4. Noodle

    HL2RP Roster

    Added the following: FL - OAA => @AppleFlavoredFox FL - OAA (A) => @Cengiz Dispute Manager => Kaffee
  5. Noodle

    HL2RP Roster

    @Darth Vader steps down as MOE lead. @ella steps up as the MOE lead. @Vinyl resigns from LA lead => New LA FL to be announced soon. EDIT: @Bassilisk resigns from OTA lead @Dej takes over as main OTA lead @MikeyMoe as co-lead.
  6. Noodle

    Heartwick moment

    Heartwick moment
  7. Noodle

    HL2RP Roster

    @Memesky resigned as FL CP & SA @HOKI resigned as Co-FL CP @ClapTrap has taken over as CP FL. Sidenote: Removed row OSI.
  8. Noodle

    I am trapped in WN HQ basement. Send help.

    I am trapped in WN HQ basement. Send help.
  9. Noodle

    Civil Dump Truck

    Civil Dump Truck
  10. Noodle

    Another day another execution

    Another day another execution
  11. Noodle

    You are all a pigment of my schizophrenia

    You are all a pigment of my schizophrenia
  12. Noodle

    Puts $META this upcoming week and calls next week

    Puts $META this upcoming week and calls next week
  13. Noodle

    Bernard bio when

    Bernard bio when
  14. Noodle

    HL2RP Roster

    @Ronald is removed as OSI lead. @Asimo1234 is added as OSI lead. @HOKI is added as CP lead (A). @RogueSynapse is added as BRI Lead and removed from Vort Lead (A)
  15. Noodle

    What we need: Cocaine, Dogs & cats, Bernard Bio.

    What we need: Cocaine, Dogs & cats, Bernard Bio.
  16. Noodle


  17. Noodle

    /setjob CA "Big Boss"

    /setjob CA "Big Boss"
  18. Noodle


  19. Noodle

    Cumbine lololol

    Cumbine lololol
  20. Noodle

    Just Mullin about

    Just Mullin about