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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Gun_O

    With Fire and Sword

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: Gun_O Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:443280635 Discord Name & ID: @sealus --- IC Section --- Heinrich the Armourer Armoursmith for the King and the House of Swords An old geezer simply known as Heinrich or Henry to the commoners. His clothes are usually dirty...
  2. Gun_O

    try heroin

    try heroin
  3. Gun_O


    What was good: I like the premise of it. Good atmosphere, good sound effects, good map. What was bad: It was both underwhelming and overwhelming at the same time, at least for me. I've never played a proper Combine role on Willard so it was a bit hectic from my POV. I also thought we'd be...
  4. Gun_O


  5. Gun_O


    Discord Name: @sealus Steam Name: Gun_O Role you are applying for: CCR Squad Member Do you have the applicable whitelists?: No. Character name: Joe DiPrete ding ding ding An old shithead from Industrial 46. Having defrauded Farmouth Industries, the Industrial 46 Triumvirate and the...
  6. Gun_O


  7. Gun_O

    only if you're active ;)

    only if you're active ;)
  8. Gun_O

    heroin withdrawal

    heroin withdrawal
  9. Gun_O


  10. Gun_O

    you'll need to visit a scribe for some lessons

    you'll need to visit a scribe for some lessons
  11. Gun_O

    war is coming . . .

    war is coming . . .
  12. Gun_O


  13. Gun_O

    little dogs weep while big dogs collect that dough

    little dogs weep while big dogs collect that dough
  14. Gun_O

    regrettably true

    regrettably true
  15. Gun_O

    i'm going out minge hunting, you in?

    i'm going out minge hunting, you in?
  16. Gun_O

    shot the neighbors dog thrice with a .22, god praise america

    shot the neighbors dog thrice with a .22, god praise america
  17. Gun_O

    ¿Quieres Taco Bell?

    ¿Quieres Taco Bell?
  18. Gun_O

    stay true to the cause

    stay true to the cause
  19. Gun_O

    smoke that shit, garfield

    smoke that shit, garfield
  20. Gun_O

    stand down little dog

    stand down little dog