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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Mr_Cookie13

    Operation Blackjack

    Steam Name: Mr_Cookie13 Discord Name & ID: Mr_Cookie13#9722 Timezone: GMT+1 Character Name: William. Richard Konig Rank: PFC MOS(If applicable): Rifleman AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 6’4’’ Backstory (Optional): Inner Colony soldier born on Harvest. Ignore the Spnkr
  2. Mr_Cookie13

    Official Devblog #26 - QoL Improvements, Infestation Control, Song Player, Chat Tabs

    What are strains, what are these chemicals, what kind of effect do they have on nearby players without hazmat suits. Does this impact the "spores" inside the sewers?
  3. Mr_Cookie13


  4. Mr_Cookie13

    Stop complaining

    Stop complaining
  5. Mr_Cookie13

    Is water wet?

    Is water wet?
  6. Mr_Cookie13

    Almost the end of 2021

    Almost the end of 2021
  7. Mr_Cookie13

    Why slum lock

    Why slum lock
  8. Mr_Cookie13

    I like to RP yes.

    I like to RP yes.
  9. Mr_Cookie13

    Denied The City 3 Arteria against Communists

    The return of Tommy Lawerence
  10. Mr_Cookie13

    Fake news

    Fake news
  11. Mr_Cookie13

    Dit profiel is gekoloniseerd - Cookie

    Dit profiel is gekoloniseerd - Cookie
  12. Mr_Cookie13

    Dit profiel is gekoloniseerd - Cookie

    Dit profiel is gekoloniseerd - Cookie
  13. Mr_Cookie13


  14. Mr_Cookie13


    The long journey of a Vortigaunt Born trough the Vortessence Shaa'Lih Tash lead a life of a sage and a avid hunter using both his Vortessence teaching younglings the art of hunting. As a mage he'd ensure the safety of his tribe and kin and held a political position within his tribe. But...