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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Otizem

    It do be me. Is Sarah even alive anymore?

    It do be me. Is Sarah even alive anymore?
  2. Otizem

    The Melee of Quarrytown

    Section One *Steam Name: Otizem *Steam ID: 76561198064271328 *Discord Name and ID: Otizem#6957 Section Two *Character Name: Ari Naftali Brief Summary of Character: A devout mutilated and skeptical jewish man, who has a hard time trusting others. *Character Backstory: Ari was born in the...
  3. Otizem

    Under Red Skies - Day 2/3 Feedback thread!

    Beautiful. I love this event so much, my mind on it had done a complet 180 since day one.
  4. Otizem

    Under Red Skies - Feedback thread!

    I hope the ss team does some events/ stuff for non app citizens. As today I didn't do anything except do a little bit of farming rp and bench rp. All the groups and gangs only seem to interact with themselves and some other groups and hang out in their ''bases'' which us nobodies can't really...
  5. Otizem

    Under Red Skies

    --- Section One --- Steam Name: Otizem Steam ID: 76561198064271328 Discord Name & ID: Otizem#6957 --- Section Two --- Character Name: The Devourer of Bejing (Human name: Yichen Chen) Character Role: Gonome Brief summary of the character: The Devourer is a standard headcrab zombie that has...
  6. Otizem

    Under Red Skies

    --- Section One --- Steam Name: Otizem Steam ID: 76561198064271328 Discord Name & ID: Otizem#6957 --- Section Two --- Character Name: Drone#8151 Character Role: Race x Shock trooper and leader of the Remnants group Brief summary of the character: Drone#8151 is a shock trooper that got stuck...
  7. Otizem

    Great Leap Downwards

    --- Section One --- Steam Name: Otizem Steam ID: 76561198064271328 Discord Name & ID: Otizem#6957 --- Section Two --- Character Name: Drone#8151 Character Role: Race x Shock trooper and leader of the Remnants group Brief summary of the character: Drone#8151 is a shock trooper that got...
  8. Otizem

    Great Leap Downwards

    --- Section One --- *Steam name: Otizem *Steam ID: 76561198064271328 *Discord Name & ID Otizem#6957 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Rajesh Kumar *Character Role: Cp turned gang member *Brief summary of the character: Rajesh is a former cp who never shows his face and is not afraid of...