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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. ClapTrap

    My resin doing well....industry is the future

    My resin doing well....industry is the future
  2. ClapTrap

    Accepted City 23 - A Preventable Tragedy

    Updated with some new pictures better representing the city, plus some adjustments to make the overall submission prettier now that I'm at my PC.
  3. ClapTrap

    Accepted City 23 - A Preventable Tragedy

    City Designation/Number: City 23 Status: Abandoned City Type: Originally agricultural, turned industrial. Population...
  4. ClapTrap

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    You’re assumin quite a bit in literally all of this. Yeah, I checked most of the players’ activities involved in the activity check. Alone. It took damn near a quarter of my day off just to do it. I have my theories on why activity has dropped in recent time, but it’s all just speculation. I...
  5. ClapTrap

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    1. We literally just had an activity check not even a month ago. 2. We’re not gonna promote players who don’t deserve the rank. High activity isn’t sufficient enough to fulfill the standards and responsibilities higher ranks require.
  6. ClapTrap


    Good and fun with a few minor annoyances. Groups continue to rush ahead whilst people try to pace themselves and actually roleplay, which ends up just making the roleplay actually feel more like a zombie escape map/gamemode. Though this is more of a player problem than it is a GM problem, GMs...
  7. ClapTrap


    The Händler (Art by: Connor Bremner) There comes a moment amid extended periods of isolation where the genisis of oneself is truly forgotten. Not even this alien recalls his distant past — simply what remains. All the knowledge this Vortigaunt possesses regarding the origins of anything lie...
  8. ClapTrap


  9. ClapTrap


    Somehow, the Short Stories team has managed to make 6.5 hours of an event not feel overly exhausting or repetitive. Considering the vastness of the map, and different group dynamics being forced to work with one another (which may inevitably degrade into conflict soon), there is still much to...
  10. ClapTrap

    Official Model Update Part 1

    these models are AMAZING. Very well done! Can't wait to see them in-game!!
  11. ClapTrap


    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: ClapTrap *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51034660 *Discord Name & ID: ClapTrap#1313 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Jackson Cook | RL.DEFENDER-2 *Character Role: CP Officer/Rank Leader *Brief summary of the character: A City Twenty-One Rank Leader...
  12. ClapTrap

    Blackjack - Feedback

    Operation Blackjack was an insanely unique and lovely experienced that I had enjoyed over the course of three or so weeks. Though lag and some technical bugs were speckled around the events themselves, the amount of effort the Game Masters put into providing an excellent passive environment AND...
  13. ClapTrap

    Johan von Schmidt char bio when???

    Johan von Schmidt char bio when???
  14. ClapTrap


  15. ClapTrap


  16. ClapTrap

    Operation Blackjack

    Steam Name: ClapTrap Discord Name & ID: ClapTrap#1313 Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Character Name: Wesley 'Pike' Armstrong Rank: E-4 (Corporal) MOS(If applicable): Preferably CQC/Demolitions, but I don't mind rifleman. Backstory (Optional): Born in the year 2490, and among a...
  17. ClapTrap

    Rising Sun - Final Day - Feedback

    Thanks to all staff who worked so hard to make the event as fun as it was! I and many others had an amazing time this week, thanks to you guys.
  18. ClapTrap

