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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. M3ntal


    Amelie Adelheid *** "When you reach the bottom of the barrel, nobody else is there to see your failures but you." A once loving mother of three, though left single by a deadbeat partner, thought her life's road paved with fine cobble rather than gravel. And much like gravel, her footing slipped...
  2. M3ntal

    Until The Next

    Application format. --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: M3ntal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 Discord Name & ID: lastneuron --- IC Section --- Character Name: Arran'Sha Self-liberated, self-made warrior, healer and overall helper of both human and vortal kind. Studious but cautious, they seek...
  3. M3ntal


  4. M3ntal

    the liberals cant handle the truth........

    the liberals cant handle the truth........
  5. M3ntal

    The Hunt

    Steam Name: M3ntal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 Discord Name & ID: lastneuron (no id because dumb discord change) Timezone: EEST Character Name: Calvin Hemayer Character Role: Ranger Captain Characters Backstory: Calvin Hemayer Thus far longest running ranger captain ( 25 years ) "Have you...
  6. M3ntal

    reported for harassment smh

    reported for harassment smh
  7. M3ntal


    - Section One - Steam Name: M3ntal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 Discord Name & ID: lastneuron#4176 Timezone: EEST - Section Two - "The good die twice, the evil die once, the innocent die a thousand times." Character name: Luna Ricci Character's role during life: Rebel How did your character...
  8. M3ntal

    CFLU - Combine Exclusion Zone - 20

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: M3ntal *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 *Discord Name & ID: lastneuron#4176 *Timezone: EEST I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ] Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ] --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Hrii'Amthuur -...
  9. M3ntal

    Vault 127 Day 2 FEEDBACK

    I died saving people so I went out as good as I could've but I feel like the enclave should've sustained more damage from me, but it was alright as it was.
  10. M3ntal


    It was good, but people need to stop fucking running ahead and speedrunning things. While we WERE on a timecrunch, it was one we could get away with taking things slow. I WANTED to RP and I made a damn strong effort but I didn't want to get left behind in the end because I decided I cared to...
  11. M3ntal


    Section One: Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:93450871 Discord ID - lastneuron#4176 Timezone - EEST Character Format: 'The Yokel' "Them sum'biches really thought that they could jus'...weather the storm. Hide away...no. I told 'em all, it's comin' and it's gonna take alla us, and we had to RUN! But NO...
  12. M3ntal

    Nicole Death Thread

    who is nicole
  13. M3ntal

    Vault 127

    *Backstory: A-58X2 Manufactured by RobCo in 2072 to be a supplemental infantry force for the at the time ongoing conflict with China, the assaultron performed it's duties well - entering battlefields as a frontline combatant and laying waste to scattered and individual infantry units through...
  14. M3ntal

    Containment Breach - Day 1 Feedback

    I liked the event a lot, but I really hope I don't get stuck in 106's fun box for the rest of it.
  15. M3ntal

    pee fart

    pee fart
  16. M3ntal

    Under Red Skies - Day 2/3 Feedback thread!

    I personally think an OTA shouldn't be able to solo 3 vortigaunts but that's just me
  17. M3ntal

    Under Red Skies

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: M3ntal *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 *Discord Name & ID: shroom#4176 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Al'huur *Character Role: Undercover Vortigaunt *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt. A healer. A saint. Many things, are this vortigaunt. Some of...
  18. M3ntal

    Operation BLACKOUT Sign-Ups

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: M3ntal *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 *Discord Name & ID: shroom#4176 *Timezone: EEST --- Section Two --- *Are you applying for an event character?: Y Which part are you applying for? : Standard event application Character that you are applying for: Vortigaunt...
  19. M3ntal

    Great Leap Downwards

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: M3ntal *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 *Discord Name & ID: shroom#4176 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Al'huur *Character Role: Undercover Vortigaunt *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt. A healer. A saint. Many things, are this vortigaunt. Some of...
  20. M3ntal

    Our Mutual Destruction, SEASON 1

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: M3ntal *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871 *Discord Name & ID: shroom#4176 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Norman Aurenheim *Character Faction: Refugee *Character Role: Local average combine disliker *Character Backstory: Norman was and is not someone you...