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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

Search results

  1. alessiodoomboy

    With Fire and Sword

    Please clarify what your character's name is (I can't read that font)
  2. alessiodoomboy

    With Fire and Sword

    Please clarify what role you are applying for.
  3. alessiodoomboy

    With Fire and Sword

    THE NEXT MEGAEVENT IS HERE. Thread created by @CreekMando and editted by @alessiodoomboy OVERVIEW With Fire and Sword is Willard Network's latest mega-event, emphasizing player freedom, mystical wonder, and worldbuilding. Set in a fictional land only named as "The Kingdom", this event aims...
  4. alessiodoomboy

    OPERATION: Overworld

    OPERATION: Overworld In the aftermath of Earth's liberation from the Universal Union's grip by the legendary Doctor Freeman, the year is now 2016, and the struggle for freedom rages on. Despite severing ties with their home world, the relentless posthuman Overwatch forces refuse to yield...
  5. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 4 Feedback

    That entire day was improvised... Leave Feedback Here!
  6. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 3 Feedback

    Why didn't you guys position better in the time you had before the battle... Leave Feedback Here!
  7. alessiodoomboy

    Accepted 14 - A FALLOUT EVENT

    ACCEPTED by default as CreekMando has been accepted into the short stories team
  8. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 2 Feedback

    We only got through half of what I planned but that's okay because I didn't have anything planned for day 3... LEAVE FEEDBACK HERE!
  9. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 1 Feedback

    I was genuinely scared that would end too early before the S2RP started LEAVE FEEDBACK HERE!
  10. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light - Season 2

  11. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light - Season 2

    Accepted Accepted
  12. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light - Season 2

    Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Pending - This application is for the special role. I'd like to keep this open for a little bit in case anyone else would be interested in it later on. A little competition keeps the quality high! That being said this application will be accepted if a...
  13. alessiodoomboy

    Report Short-Stories site decaying

    Decay no more. I'm not too much of a "code" person - this was basically the first time I've ever done anything vaguely programming related since I helped my friends make games on Scratch in Year 7. That being said, I've gone through and updated the site - changing what I thought could use a...
  14. alessiodoomboy

    Holy Light - Season 2

    Holy Light - Season 2 Holy Light is a story based event series set in a universe with complex lore and worldbuilding based on the Christian narrative. It is required to read through the lore if you wish to apply, and if you have any questions feel free to message me directly or ping me on the...
  15. alessiodoomboy


    Steam Name: alessiodoomboy Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:0:197504616 Discord ID: alessiodoomboy What Character are you playing?: Charles Cartwright What role does your character have in this event?: A high ranking member of MI5, becoming the default leader of the organisation after his...
  16. alessiodoomboy

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback Day 1

    Fun event, for what I played of it. I played an evil ass vortigaunt alongside @Raptorian and we definitely had a lot of fun with it. We'd finish each other's sentences, constantly affirm eachother, and just generally do whatever twin vortigaunts do. We didn't have too many in depth...
  17. alessiodoomboy


    - Section One - Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197504616 Discord Name & ID: alessiodoomboy Timezone: GMT + 0 Steam Name: Raptorian Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897 Discord Name & ID: _raptorian Timezone: EST - Section Two - Alessio's Character Name: Karatus'Aang Raptorian's...
  18. alessiodoomboy

    Transmission Lost - Epilogue

    The only survivor of the affair, Avery Osborne (@Eski) was lifted off via helicopter. He spent the next years of his life in immense survivors guilt, returning to his family farm to keep sane. Despite the dangerous nature of sharing information about the thoughtfeeder, he wrote a book about his...
  19. alessiodoomboy

    Transmission Lost - Day Three Feedback

    Leave Feedback Here!
  20. alessiodoomboy


    Stop telling them about that. Was meant to be our secret.