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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. vortist

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback, DAY 2

    As usual great event alessio /j
  2. vortist


    when some random hobo fishers are more authoritarian than the combine: these GMs are also REALLY good at invoking paranoia, especially that part where some of us had to clean the captain's house
  3. vortist

    Transmission Lost - Epilogue

    I ate kinsman Sowwy
  4. vortist

    Transmission Lost - Day Three Feedback

    Johnny was sacrificed for the true ending However, one thing I would've liked during passive day 2 was the mannequins returning for like the horror. BUT this event was very very good and despite all the problems and delays we finished the event
  5. vortist

    Transmission Lost - Day Three Feedback

    Wait wat Alex died???
  6. vortist


    music was scawwy, day was scawwy, my toilet is scawed
  7. vortist

    Hierarchy Chart

    you guys ever remember tier 7 loyalists from the hit game half-life 2?
  8. vortist

    Transmission Lost - Day One Feedback

    it was pretty good for the part where i could attend, pacing was pretty good but it is not realistic at all, there were no tall alien cat waifus like in the original game.....
  9. vortist

    Transmission Lost

    Johnny Shepardson It's currently 1995. After an impressive 24 year long career with NASA, Johnny was forced to retire from the aerospace industry due to his age. After retiring, Johnny and his wife moved to Missouri where they would live for the foreseeable future. Before his life took a drastic...
  10. vortist


    - APPLICATION FORMAT - - Section One - Steam Name: pro goblin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841 Discord Name & ID: eerja Timezone: GMT - Section Two - Character Name: Aleksandr Morozov Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the few...
  11. vortist

    Until the Next - Day Four Feedback

    best event ever, common rebel W
  12. vortist

    Until the Next - Day Three Feedback

    it was pretty good, but after looking in the direction of the outpost the conscripts ambushed us my fps tanked hard, making me kinda useless for most gunfights also idk how augusto isnt a pile of flesh he got downed like about 3 morbillion times, god bless bleedout godmode
  13. vortist

    Until the Next - Day Two Feedback

    well the outpost was too easy to overwhelm and take....
  14. vortist

    Until the Next - Day One Feedback

    too short but ok
  15. vortist

    Until The Next

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: pro goblin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841 Discord Name & ID: vortist | eerja --- IC Section --- Character Name: Augusto Delgado Character Rank: Standard Soldier Backstory: Born in Getafe, only a few kilometres away from Madrid, Augusto was described by most...
  16. vortist

    Until The Next

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: pro goblin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841 Discord Name & ID: eerja 858267674123042827 --- IC Section --- Character Name: Mateo Alejandro Fernández Character Rank (Standard Soldier, Squad Leader): Standard Soldier
  17. vortist


    Steam Name: pro goblin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841 Discord: vortist (eerja) Time Zone: GMT+0 Are you certain you can be present for the event and on time for the event, which is hosted January 13, 2024 2:00 PM CST?: yes Faction: Metropolice Force Rank: i3
  18. vortist

    [V3] The Underground Railroad

    this sounds like one of the few canon rebel groups that should actually exist, not the lame ass LFC and other dumb rebel groups
  19. vortist


    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: browhydid *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841 *Discord Name & ID: erja#5676 --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Reynard Kennedy *Role/Rank: Maintenance (Remnants) *Brief Summary of Character: A fairly introverted man, always keeping to himself. Now, being the...
  20. vortist

    Stalingrad the Long Journey - Day3

    what happened