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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. TheGamingPlumber

    Medical Roleplay Guide - For Patients and Medical Characters

    Once upon a time there was a man who got blasted in the face by a shotgun point blank. To save himself he used a bandage
  2. TheGamingPlumber


  3. TheGamingPlumber


    I was the detective. I left midway through, as I think my attention span went out of the building, but I had a fun event none the less. My only complaint that there was too many people but a great event
  4. TheGamingPlumber


    Character Name: Richard "Dick" Collins Age: 38 Character Role: Detective A wise and well-dressed World War II veteran who was lucky enough to have lived through it all. He went back to Los Angeles, his hometown, and enjoyed an intriguing career as a police officer there. He tracked down...
  5. TheGamingPlumber

    Bro is drooling so hard that they disagreed with all my posts 💀💀💀💀💀💀

    Bro is drooling so hard that they disagreed with all my posts 💀💀💀💀💀💀
  6. TheGamingPlumber


  7. TheGamingPlumber

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    these two videos explain it really good cuh
  8. TheGamingPlumber

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Why would there be any veterans within civil protection? Sure, they would keep an amount to ensure that the command structure is maintained and the the new recruits are being processed, but any further, they would turn them into transhumans to not have their skills wasted. Civil Protection are...
  9. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] Project Astral Vanguard

    Sounds good! I'm fine with that outcome
  10. TheGamingPlumber

    For Greater Glory Feedback Thread

    Had a fun time during the event. It was a bit slow at the start but once the action picked up it was fun. Made me felt like I was in the wild west
  11. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] Project Astral Vanguard

    Gonna respond to this thread since some good points were put out on it. I agree with the above two rather then to set this as a lore point to make it a dark event arc. I wouldn't mind it either, I just wanted to give some background on the subject to write on it. I am fine with a compromise to...
  12. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] Project Astral Vanguard

    fr starcraft 2 is the best
  13. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] Project Astral Vanguard

    Project Astral Vanguard Status: Phase IV: Field Testing Synth Name/Designation: Vanguard Unit Synth Species: Vortigaunt Year of appearance: 2015 Height: 6'8" - 7'0" Weight: 200 lbs.–300 lbs. Purpose: Synthetic Support Unit Armaments: x2 Hand Beam Apparatuses Mk VI Variants: N/A...
  14. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] Daugava Canals

    Daugava Canals Located South-East of City 46 Sector Fourteen Daugava Canals Influence Civil Protection Outpost Annuška The Combine's presence in the canal block is primarily focused on monitoring and controlling access to the waterways. They have established a small outpost in the...
  15. TheGamingPlumber


  16. TheGamingPlumber

    [V3] City 46 - Riga

    City 46 Status: STABLE City Type: Industrial Population: 25,000 Citizens: 7,000 Citizen Workforce: 6,000 Biotic Workforce: 2,000 Civil Protection: 6,000 Overwatch Transhuman Arm: 4,000 Year of Founding: 2005 City 46 Influence District 12 One of the most underdeveloped regions of the...
  17. TheGamingPlumber


    I wasn't there for most of day 2. I only came in for the ending.... Greg the grunt lives on entire event series was 10 out of 10
  18. TheGamingPlumber


    great event, really fun.
  19. TheGamingPlumber


    SECTION TWO <:: TRANSHUMAN ARM RECORDS ::> <:: LOADING ::> <:: CLEARANCE CONFIRMED ::> <:: CONTAINMENT UNIT ECHO-65 ::> <:: STATUS: UNKNOWN ::> As the combine began transhumanizing former members of the now-defunct Earth Military. One of the first of many containment units was designated...
  20. TheGamingPlumber

    Operation Lochaber

    --- Section One --- Steam Name: TonyTheTiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49210697 Discord Name & ID: TonyTheTiger#0317 Timezone: GMT-5/EST I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] --- Section Two --- *Character Name: Varos Atkins Character...