Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Kranky

    waiting for willard to come back.

    waiting for willard to come back.
  2. Kranky

    I think its time to return..

    I think its time to return..
  3. Kranky

    read the post

    read the post
  4. Kranky

    Ope forgot to post this - burned out on willard. I'll see you guys next week.

    Ope forgot to post this - burned out on willard. I'll see you guys next week.
  5. Kranky

    Frozen Tears

    - Section One - Steam Name: Kranky Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124 Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Kranky_ - Section Two - Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.FLASH-98 Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): OWS Standard Did your...
  6. Kranky


    Steam name: Kranky Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124 Discord: Kranky_ /// Character Name: Pierre Dubois Age: 26 Character Role: Guest, small business owner Description:
  7. Kranky

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    I'll flip a coin on it.
  8. Kranky

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    Its finished for the most-part. Have any suggestions? feel free to post them :D
  9. Kranky

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    personally I was thinking of adding "Misc life cycles" where the gonarch and armored would be, but this is an interesting idea.
  10. Kranky

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    Have any suggestions ? feel free to shoot them over in the thread.
  11. Kranky

    Accepted The Headcrab Life Cycle

    Hailing from the borderworld of Xen, the creatures known as "Head-Crabs," scientifically referred to as Craniumparasitus, exhibit intriguing characteristics unlike anything of earthly origin. Headcrabs are nest-borne organisms, their eggs hidden within these nests, making them exceedingly...
  12. Kranky

    Woo I'm in CT now .:D Just gotta wait for my role

    Woo I'm in CT now .:D Just gotta wait for my role
  13. Kranky

    Denied The Lucky 88

    fallout new vega
  14. Kranky


    Steam name: Kranky Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124 Discord: Kranky_ // Name: Age: 2354 (Elder) Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? Yes. Backstory:
  15. Kranky

    [V3] The Deep Blue - WORK IN PROGRESS

    Ngl this seems really cool, if we could get an expo down to this (if its even added) I’d sign up.
  16. Kranky

    You see, that's the point. He is bat-shit insane

    You see, that's the point. He is bat-shit insane
  17. Kranky

    How to have fun as a citizen / How to write engaging citizen events

    The nosos heart in question:
  18. Kranky

    is that you in your pfp

    is that you in your pfp
  19. Kranky

