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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. verTix

    Denied Warhammer 40K: The war of Inferria Prime

    Ok can I be custodes though
  2. verTix


  3. verTix


    this is short stories right ok let me play my wallhammer ok?
  4. verTix

    save us

    save us
  5. verTix

    Official The Interaction Update

    how about you interact with some bitches
  6. verTix

    Official The Avian Update

    this is the absolute state of the willard networks dev team
  7. verTix

    Rising Sun - Final Day - Feedback

    didnt play today or yesterday much but the event as a whole was decent because i got to use my charger pac which i totally think you should add to the main server
  8. verTix


    My favorite part is when the OTA found a secret tunnel leading to a secret base and had to wait several minutes to get teleported through the tunnel (it takes time ICly of course) but the rebels crawled through it instantly (teleported in record time) and were already OUT of the tunnel by the...
  9. verTix

    Guide Resistance through Loyalism: A Guide to Undercover Operations

    https://willard.network/forums/threads/the-rebels-guide-to-launching-a-resistance.2888/ What is... the definition... of insanity...?
  10. verTix

    Guide Resistance through Loyalism: A Guide to Undercover Operations

    This is the second in-depth guide that teaches _______ players how to better contribute to the server… that won’t be read, acknowledged, or adhered to! But at least now I have more ammunition to source when I call people out on their BS and they go “well what SHOULD we be doing?” This is what...
  11. verTix

    Resistance Do's and Don'ts; a PSA

    As far as I know, cops can't really do anything to prosecute people (much less PK) if there's no proof. If you're getting punished by CPs after a citizen report, it probably means the CPs caught you with some contraband. Put your contraband away. CPs literally CANNOT PK you for acting...
  12. verTix

    Highlights from the EXODUS event!!!

    alexa, play نشيد - القول قول الصوارم ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ
  13. verTix


  14. verTix

    What does that even mean

    What does that even mean
  15. verTix

    Poor Quality User

    Poor Quality User
  16. verTix

    i'm pickle pete

    i'm pickle pete
  17. verTix

    I fixed it do not worry. I could not post anything but someone told me how to fix

    I fixed it do not worry. I could not post anything but someone told me how to fix
  18. verTix

    have i been shadow bannmed???

    have i been shadow bannmed???
  19. verTix


    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: vertix *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58254963 *Discord Name & ID: vertix#9343 *Timezone: CST (GMT-6) --- Section Two --- *Role you're applying for: Off-world assigned member of the Overwatch Transhuman Arm *Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers...