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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. MCG

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 4 Feedback

    You should do it for Season 3. We'd have benefited from more ppl.
  2. MCG

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 4 Feedback

    I pretty much prefer the first half of today's event over the second half. There was considerable build-up, a mysterious set-up, and more props to flesh out the safe zone more, which is good because the past days have been barren of world-building props and descriptions. However, that second...
  3. MCG

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 3 Feedback

    Tried to slow Knight down because he moved so fast. Scrambling together supplies was pretty good. Spooky furnace encounter was spooky. Messed up the battle plan. I was just trying to be sneaky, I didn't realize they saw me on the side enough to gang up on me. That being said, I don't think...
  4. MCG

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 2 Feedback

    Roleplay still good. A lot of it was self-sustained for those not in the know about the ritual and such. I wish there were more interactables and such. There wasn't that much to read or learn, and we are surviving on scraps. Could use more environmental stuff i.e. shelves and tables in the safe...
  5. MCG

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 1 Feedback

    Our luck was so shit, and so were our rolls. Roleplay good, would roleplay again. A lot of worldbuilding in the notes, though not a lot of interactables otherwise. I definitely liked the characters introduced.
  6. MCG

    Holy Light - Season 2

    MCG Bill Greenwood Guns 40, Speed 20, Melee 15 (Is this how expressing my interest works?)
  7. MCG

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback, DAY 2

    I'll have to refute some of this, but we did have a huge item famine. We had a lot of materials we couldn't use, sure, but we were dangerously low on food and water all the time, especially when almost nobody took advantage of all the plastic we had to make bottles. I made one just today to make...
  8. MCG

    NIGHTFALL - Feedback, DAY 2

    Chaotic, but fun, accommodating and flexible. Had a few bugs and issues, but that's par for the course. Definitely couldn't have made progress without someone holding my hand a bit near the end there.
  9. MCG


    Vort: The Last Airbender
  10. MCG

    Transmission Lost

    Section One (OOC): Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062 Discord Name: MCG Timezone: GMT +10 Section Two (IC): Character Name: Hale Dalton Backstory: A random reliable nobody, Hale managed to snag the last opening of some fancy job out at the Mountains. He had been...
  11. MCG


    Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062 Discord Name & ID: MCG Timezone: GMT+10 Character Name: Chris Millermen Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor Short (or detailed) character backstory: Chris had always preferred living around the Quarantine Zones, as...
  12. MCG

    Until the Next - Epilogue

    Oh right, one additional piece of feedback: we didn't end up using *any* of the explosives. Not the grenade crate we found in Day 2, not the mines we set up in passive between Days 2 and 3, nor the explosives we harvested from some of the duds. I feel like it would've been really handy if there...
  13. MCG

    Until the Next - Epilogue

    This was the best event. It wasn't my favorite, but it's an ideal standard that big events should live by. Didn't have the chaos that usually comes with OOC problems (content, issues, etc). The plot and setting were coherent, given explicit detail and considerable thought, like some of the more...
  14. MCG

    Until the Next - Day Four Feedback

    The drug overdose and the ammo shortage were my favorite parts. Also, the advisor campfire.
  15. MCG

    Until the Next - Day Three Feedback

    Just about everyone forgot Ana died, apparently. What the hell happened on the roof that over half the group went into bleedout there and I won a 1 v 2? I shouldn't have been alive with my connection, I'm garbage. Who was that guy driving the vehicles all the way to the front? Event set-up...
  16. MCG

    Until the Next - Day Two Feedback

    Wdym we threw the strategy out the window? It went according to what we planned, and better than we expected. Do you know how nerve-wracking it is to get into an S2K encounter with 500 ping?
  17. MCG

    Until the Next - Day Two Feedback

    Dude, half of us were vorts and the other half of us have garbage ping, especially with my 400-500. It was pure luck that we managed to do as much as we did.
  18. MCG


    Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062 Discord Name & ID: MCG (mcg55555) Burt 'Barfreak' Diskant The bartender at The Journey. Not actually a very good bartender in his own right. Not a very creative individual, but he can certainly follow recipes online with a...
  19. MCG

    Until The Next

    Application format. --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062 Discord Name & ID: MCG (mcg55555) --- IC Section --- Character Name: Rex Parkson Character Rank (Newblood, Warrior, Guardian): Warrior Character Species (Human/Vortigaunt): Human Backstory...
  20. MCG


    Question: when is it happening?