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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. ford-michigan

    With Fire and Sword

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: AlexGuinea Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:484840441 Discord Name & ID: alexguinea ford_michigan --- IC Section --- Character Name: Johnathon Brownfield the 3rd. Character Role: Lowborn (farmer). Character Backstory (Optional): Johnathon is the 3rd generation in his...
  2. ford-michigan

    Stranded in the sea.

    Also feedback is welcome.
  3. ford-michigan

    Stranded in the sea.

    If I need to add the planning of what will happen during the event just tell me to do so. I am just following the format for now.
  4. ford-michigan

    Stranded in the sea.

    Steam Name & ID: AlexGuinea STEAM_0:0:484840441 Discord Name & ID: alexguinea ford_michigan Minimum two paragraph backstory on the event: After the Combine’s invasion of earth they went out to reclaim old world wells and ways of production. In addition to this the Combine also established...
  5. ford-michigan


    so would I just be a refugee as I do not see my app accepted or has it not been processed yet?
  6. ford-michigan


    Conscription Steam name:AlexGuinea Steam profile link or ID:STEAM_0:0:484840441 Discord:ford_michigan // Name:John Mcune Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random? Volunteered after being offered to be...