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  1. dusty

    me when i have to pay a recurring sibscrupstion

    me when i have to pay a recurring sibscrupstion
  2. dusty


    Lou the Mutilator Lou the Mutilator was once an ordinary human, but that changed when a supermutant overlord captured him. They dragged him into a lab and injected him with FEV. Unlike some mutants who retained parts of their humanity, Lou lost all of his former self. At first, Lou trudged...
  3. dusty

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 4 Feedback

    I finally got to do something.
  4. dusty

    CLOSE, but NO CIGAR.

    Deontay "Dez" O'Neil Deontay O'Neil, also known as "Dez" in the neighbourhood, grew up in Harlem. At 29 years old he has experienced time inside jail walls than many do in a lifetime. Raised on 4th Street, which separates the class from the lower class community Deontay understood early on...
  5. dusty


  6. dusty

    Holy Light Season 2 Day 1 Feedback

    I'm going to break open that skull.
  7. dusty

    Squints, smiles, and nods.

    Squints, smiles, and nods.
  8. dusty


  9. dusty

    Holy Light - Season 2

  10. dusty


  11. dusty

    On a different keyboard which is also broken but very much less so.

    On a different keyboard which is also broken but very much less so.
  12. dusty

    My keyboard is fucked at the moment. Forgive if I'm inactive as I repair/clean/replace

    My keyboard is fucked at the moment. Forgive if I'm inactive as I repair/clean/replace