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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Bi-Em 2.0

    With Fire and Sword

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: Bi-Em Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116393258 Discord Name & ID: Bi-Em / bi-em420 --- IC Section --- Character Name: Eberhardt the Erratic Character Role: House of Swords Local Alchemists Character Backstory (Optional): Eberhardt The Erattic is a well know Alchemist...
  2. Bi-Em 2.0


    Steam Name: Bi-Em Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:1:116393258 Discord ID: bi_em420 What Character are you playing?: Chupov Yelisey Svyatoslavovich What role does your character have in this event?: Police Captain of Moscow Police Why do you want to play that character?: While Police Force...