Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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    Deus Ex - Resurrections

    this is smart. i get it. galaxy brain
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    I just remembered, you can actually make a killer one yourself with a simple recipe

    I just remembered, you can actually make a killer one yourself with a simple recipe
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    They're amazing. You should get one soon again, they don't only exist in Greece. Treat yourself <3

    They're amazing. You should get one soon again, they don't only exist in Greece. Treat yourself <3
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    amogus on crack

    amogus on crack
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    it's time for your 10 o'clock appointment

    it's time for your 10 o'clock appointment
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    i am woke

    i am woke
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    and smell the asses

    and smell the asses
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    you have come so far my boy.. proud of you

    you have come so far my boy.. proud of you
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    happy cakeday

    happy cakeday
  11. B

    keep it sfw

    keep it sfw
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    schizo faction

    schizo faction
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    is this the new maa

    is this the new maa
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    stay strong

    stay strong
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    FIM /)

    FIM /)
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    Official Guide to Shoot To Roleplay (S2RP) - WIP

    common wn l
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    Elder Scrolls: Coldharbour

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    can't believe you didn't accept my application. i spent so long on the backstory...
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    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: [Varangian]Blitz [U.M.P] *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45281092 *Discord Name & ID: Blitz#6813 *Timezone: CET / UTC +1 --- Section Two --- *Time Period (Exact dates not required - just a sense of when and where they're from): November 1, 1800 *Character Name: White...
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    Official Willard Game Plan

    Very excited about the economy update. It's part of what I've wanted to see for a long time. I think once people are accustomed to it, it will do many favours for the server