Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council



Steam Name:
Steam ID / Link to Profile:
Discord ID:

What Character are you playing?:
What role does your character have in this event?:
Why do you want to play that character?:

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?:
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Steam Name: cjtn10
Steam ID / Link to Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090576520/
Discord ID: 325702184236744705

What Character are you playing?: Raymond Clarke
What role does your character have in this event?: Lieutenant Colonel within The UK Armed Forces
Why do you want to play that character?: To witness the downfall of humanity from a military perspective. Assisting in the co-ordination The UK's armed forces against a would be overwhelming force could be potentially interesting with the fate of men and women laying within your very hands.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: Yes

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: London
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?: Military Garrison (-5), Stockpiled Materials (-3), Anomalous Activity (???), Hazmat Gear (-4), Rushed Construction (+1), Power Failure (+3), Inbuilt Radio System (-3)

I believe a hastily prepared bunker within the nations capitol with a reserve of troops alongside the proper hazmat equipment as well as a stock of resources could provide a slim but still better chance for the inhabitants within. However due to the nature of such apocalyptic events, unforeseen horrors and beings lurk within the dark, tampering with the bunkers power, causing the radio system to fault alongside potentially disrupting various other elements.
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Steam Name: STEAM_0:1:113942347
Steam ID / Link to Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/797651972/
Discord ID: cengo62

What Character are you playing?: Gerhard Reicher
What role does your character have in this event?: Gerhard Reicher a Doctor within the Military
Why do you want to play that character?: I would like to be part of this event and play the character since the Event Description and Timeframe of the event really spoke out to me, regarding the character. I would like to play an old Character who is part within the Military as a Doctor, his young years are over and he only cares for a few people within his squad.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: yes i understood the concept

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: BERLIN
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:


Power Failure [ 3 P ]


A Military Garrision bunker would clearly give us advantage in protecting ourselves from the threats outside, the water Filtration System and Food reserves are pretty self explaining since our goal would it be to survive over a long period of time without being detected by Hostile Aliens. The inbuilt radio system could help us get into contact with other survivors, stockpiled materials could also be usefull.​
Steam Name: Furret "No Furry" Asimo
Steam ID / Link to Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Asimo1234/
Discord ID: asimo1234

What Character are you playing?: August Hanning; President of the Bundesnachrichtendienst
What role does your character have in this event?:
An individual tasked with executing "Notfallplan Blauer Engel".
After the 1948-1949 blockade and subsequent airlift to saver West-Berlin from starvation, the dillema arrived of what to do with the city in case of a "Cold War Gone Hot" scenario. While initially it seemed like an idiotic plan to even attempt to hold onto the city for more than a day, one of the more creative minds of the joint staff meeting suggested turning the city into a fortress.
Regardless of when this CWGH scenario would occur, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the main front between NATO and the Warsaw Pact would be the North-European plain. As such, Soviet forces would have to advance from the Western border of East-Germany, with Berlin being one of their main supply routes back to the Soviet Union proper.
Any form of sabotage or disruption around Berlin could thus delay the Soviet advance, or at least weaken its logistics situation, to allow NATO forces to repare a counter to a sudden attack.
Of course, building this fortress in the open, would allow Soviet planners to circumvent this distraction by preparing alternative lines of supply, thus the decision was made to construct state-of-the-art underground facilities able to house a decent contingent of troops, with large storage bays to house and service heavy vehicles. Alongside this, hidden access points into the sewer system were prepared to allow these besieged troops to launch guerilla attacks on any forces in or around Soviet-controlled Berlin.

Luckily for humanity, this contingency was never required, as the Cold War never turned hot.
The decade since the end of the Cold War has not done well for the bunker, as major cost-cutting measures were implemented all over the military. Still weapon stockpiles lay prepared. And anything required for a long siege still resides within its tunnels.
The directives of "Contingency Plan Blue Angel" are clear.
-Hurt the enemy as much as possible.
-Hold out until relieved. To. The. Last. Man.

Why do you want to play that character?: Fucking Schizimo that's why.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: Myaes

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: F E S T U N G B E R L I N
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:

"Negative Traits"

-Portal Storm [10]
-Invasion Target [5]

"Positive Traits"
-Food Reserved [-2]
-Weapon's Armory [-3]
-Military Garrison [-5]
-Water Filtration [-3]
-Auto-Turrets [-4]
-Stockpiled Materials [-3]
-Inbuilt Radio System [-3]
-Hazmat Gear [-4]

-Alien Visitors

But asimo... Why!?

Steam Name: Hayden
Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:1:22038366
Discord ID: Haydeon

What Character are you playing?: Jordan Banks
What role does your character have in this event?: Colonel of the British Armed Forces // 104th Theatre Sustainment Brigade
Why do you want to play that character?: I feel that the rank of Colonel carries sufficient weight while also not being too high-ranked, but still being important enough to be assigned to the Bunker. Jordan Banks has served in the Armed Forces for around 26 years, having garnered experience on the field as a Commanding Officer, and also on the political side of his role as he climbed the ranks.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: I have looked at the pretty pictures -- including the one ripped from a Roblox game -- nodded my head, and went "hmm yes this looks very fun."
Now we are here.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: London
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Requested Modifier:Modifier cost:Remaining Points:
Anomalous Activity???12
Creature Hive+315
Power Failure+318
Military Garrison-513
Auto Turrets-49
Water Filtration-36
Inbuilt radio system-33
Food Reserves-21
:: Terminal Access :: Duke of Gloucester Barracks // Officer Wing ::
:: LOGIN ID :: Jordan.Banks@CO-104th ::
:: PASSWORD :: ****************** ::

:: Messaging Service ::
:: #Regarding Bunker Readiness# ::

:: Message Content ::

`We need this bunker operational ASAP. These portal storms threaten the continued survival of mankind, and we can't simply sit here and twiddle our thumbs, hoping that they might just be a temporary setback. We must act on the assumption that they're a long-term threat, and prepare accordingly. Attached is a document listing the requested specifications, agreed on by other 104th Commissioned Officers.
The bunker must have both artificial and living defences - a Auto-Turrets and a Military Garrison respectively. This is to ensure that if the worst comes to worst and we find ourselves in a situation where we must accept defeat, the Bunker and it's occupants can still have some semblance of self-governance regardless of what may be going on outside it's 22-inch walls.
Furthermore - it must be ready to stand the test of time. Food reserves and water filtration systems are a bare-minimum requirement, along with - if possible - hydroponics systems to ensure we're not just leaving the occupants with a (albeit, lengthy) expiry date. If there's one thing I've learned in my time serving with the 104th, it's that food and water is just as important, if not more important, than bullets and armor.
Finally, it must have a radio system. The idea of a one-way broadcasting system was considered, but it was decided that a inbuilt radio system would be better - if there are other survivors out there, it would be good to have some method of keeping in touch with them. If possible, the radio system must have cross-continental capabilities, so that we may keep in touch with other countries, who I have no doubt are also preparing their own bunkers for the worst-case scenario.
The 104th stands ready to assist with the logistics effort in regards to building and preparing this bunker, along with the continued efforts of assisting major Cities as we adapt to the changing climate.
God save the Queen,
Col. Jordan Banks,
104th Theatre Sustainment Brigade.`

:: Message end ::
Steam Name: Imperialist that Sneeds
Steam ID / Link to Profile: N/A
Discord ID: N/A

What Character are you playing?: Marshall Arthur Macdonald

What role does your character have in this event?: A member of the royal Australian airforce cadre that had made it into the Amberley bunker prior to the invasion they expected to carry out a wargame scenario with NATO the following morning however a WARNO Was received early the morning of which caused hell and chaos to unravel in the bunker now with an infestation knocking on the front guard post a power failure in part due to said infestation and later the discovery of being a secondary combine invasion target the bunker personnel are fighting for their lives with only the hope of being fed and staying safe in numbers keeping each alive the cadre remains at the heart of the bunker armed only with knowledge and determination the garrison *Will* Prevent capture of the installation at all costs. With a grave situation a hand its anyone's guess to know how things will unfold for the garrison and the personnel but perhaps luck may be on their side.

Why do you want to play that character?: Australia has remained pretty barren and unexplored in the aftermath of the war and on the server and I think this could be a good opportunity to explore a continent we've never stepped foot on remotely and possibly shed some light on the way society fell apart and how it became an antlion infested desert hell-hole. If the air-strip survives what will its future look like? an abandoned military installation scavenged by wastelanders? perhaps an ascension facility or an AirWatch pad?

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:
Yes I have read everything through the modifiers and what not.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: Queensland Australia.

What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?: I'd like the airbase to have both shoddy defences aswell as a hardened one if the defenders choose to fight wisely the small motor-pool of Abrahams tanks and LAV's could prove to be their saving grace I also want to leave the fate of it open as it could possibly survive and go dark with the help of outside allies, Or perhaps all hope becomes lost and the broadcasting station requests a nuclear strike on the base to prevent it from being lost and captured for use by the enemy.

"Negative Traits"
Infestation (+5)
Invasion target (+5)
Power failure (+3)
+12 starting points

"Positive Modifiers" 25
Broadcasting station (-4) =18
Air Conditioning (-3 ) = 14
Food reserves (-2) 12
Hazmat gear (-4) 8
Military Garrison (-5)
Motor-pool (-5)
(Remaining Points) 0.

Alien visitors ???

In the beginning hours around roughly 04:22 AM An RAF Patrol was scrambled following detection of unauthorized air traffic the intercepting wing briefly made contact with what was unconfirmed to be a large alien presence of unknown origin though seemingly different than that of the black mesa incident, Upon first contact the entire fighter-wing deployed was decimated before the transmission could be completed following this a WARNO was received from NATO's Pacific Command fleet at roughly 04:49 as this occurred communications were in disarray and contingency orders were put into effect with RAAF Amberley at some point prior being outfitted as a command post for the region a small cadre of roughly 8 officers arrived in-time at the C-BUNKER with the remaining air wings on base being deployed to combat the invasion forces headed towards the RAAF Station the facility was left hastily guarded by a mere military police garrison armed with a handful of submachine guns pistols and a small motor pool. Seemingly having expected the event taking place to be a Nuclear exchange the base was outfitted with an exceptional supply of MOPP or CBRN suits now worn by the remaining Military's Police members tasked with defending the inside of the installation originally planned to have received a shipment of automated Defence turrets the month following the current predicament the remaining garrison is very lightly armed and ill-equip for the situation at hand, The only hope of the forlorn garrison of RAAF Amberley is to hold and wait for the Royal Navy to hopefully arrive and relieve them but that could take far more time than the garrison has, The grim truth is the bunker is not likely to survive the coming onslaught but the cadre has promised no matter the cost the ANZAC Legend will be maintained whether that means fending the invaders off corridor to corridor or requesting a strike on the location to prevent it from being captured. Another issue being the base had been experiencing xenian attacks on an almost daily occurrence prior to the invasion and it is likely the fences will be breached as the current air units are dispatched to deal with fending off the invaders elsewhere.
-Enter Credentials-
Credentials accepted....
RAAF - Amberley Secured Communications network.
>>>>>>> Contingency : Monarch : ACTIVE.
NATO PAC-COM: - DISTRESS CODE: XRAY - INDIA. 10101-203-4502-2985. Authentication: = True.
Code: Yankee - Zulu - 2342 - 19234 - 9284 Papa Hotel. 929182.
Initializing decoding.... Power failure....error...error....
-Stand by- : Reinitializing..70% -......
WARNO: Attention This is Pacific Command to RAAF Amberley at roughly 04:15 Contact was detected directly south of your position unknown hostiles have been reported at several US Installations repeat DEFCON 1 has been initiated stand by for further Installation Amberley has been identified as a possible target for the unknown force casualty estimates are already massive.
ECRPYT:20291-129293-596879 - RAAF - SECURITY FORCES DESIGNATION: Sealion-5
LAV-25: -STATUS-: Serviceable:
Attention, Gate to Command this is Sealion-5 we've got multiple hostiles approaching the front gate currently we've lost several of our infantry escort to the bloody bastards but we're holding.. not sure how long there must be hundreds of the godamn things.. If we can get any air assets in the air please.

"We once thought ourselves masters of the air but as the first hour struck the skies thundered in defiance mere hour(s) later it demanded our capitulation." - Unknown.

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Steam Name:
Steam ID / Link to Profile:
Discord ID:

What Character are you playing?:
Charles Cartwright
What role does your character have in this event?:
A high ranking member of MI5, becoming the default leader of the organisation after his superiors were killed early on in the invasion.
Why do you want to play that character?:
I quite enjoy British spy media and the idea of playing a high ranking member of MI5. Given how the event is about controlling from afar I think the approach from a member of a security service may be helpful for traversing the situations that military tactics aren't able to, given the sheer military superiority of the enemy.
Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:

We're a collection of government officials in a remote bunker trying to defend a city from afar against an alien (The Combine?) invasion using clever leadership and problem solving skills.
What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?:
London, mainly because there seems to be a lot of British characters applying, which just makes it make sense as a location.
Second is Jerusalem because the religious symbolism goes hard and I like non-western settings.
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Food Reserves (-2)
Anomalous Activity (???)
Rushed Construction (+1)
Weapons Armoury (-3)
Alien Rodents (+2)
Water Filtration (-3)
Inbuilt Radio System (-3)
Broadcasting Station (-4)
Total (-15)
Total (+3)

I've noticed a lot of the applicants taking on a lot of negative traits in favour of buffing up the bunker more. To me, this seems a mistake. I've created a quite minimal build with the design of avoiding conflict rather than taking things head on. I've got food reserves and water filtration so we can sustain ourselves for the duration of the invasion, given how it's uncertain how long it'll last. My only form of security is a weapon's armoury, which I've assumed means our characters will be the ones that are armed using weapons from the armoury. This is because my strategy is mainly to avoid conflict and hope we don't run into anything we can't handle ourselves. Finally, the radio and broadcasting systems are there to aid our ability to lead the city. Can't do much if we're just hiding in a bunker!

The negative traits I've taken feel handle-able. I'm not sure what rushed construction means, but given it's only 1 point I hope it's nothing too intense. The rodents will hopefully not prove too much trouble against our firearms, and who knows? Perhaps they're edible.

Steam Name: Solstice
Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:1:93210022
Discord ID: emim
Flektarn german soldier.png
What Character are you playing?: Hautpmann Else Schutte, 31st Airborne Brigade, German Army
I'd like to note here, in the event a different location for the Command Bunker is selected I would alter the character to be from the nation it resides within. The overall intent of the character would remain unchanged however their specific experiences, disposition, mechanism for achieving that intent, and of course their name and nationality would be changed. I understand that with the extent of specifics I go to in this post I am liable to be required to rewrite it significantly.

What role does your character have in this event?: Else Schutte is a Captain under the Thirty First Airborne Brigade of the Division Spezielle Operationen, assigned to the 313th Parachute Battalion. Tasked among the ready response forces of the Bundeswehr, when the earliest signs of invasion became known they reacted, scrambling forces to population centers and vital infrastructure to the National Defense. The Bunker chief among these vital infrastructures, much of the Thirty First deployed into Berlin to defend the national capital and all within it. Selected for her own previous experience in the signals detachment of the 272nd Support Battalion, Schutte was brought within The Bunker to keep the communications equipment running at all costs, and coordinate the joint relief and defensive efforts of Berlin as conducted by the subordinate forces of the 31st Airborne Brigade through it's command and control systems.

Why do you want to play that character?: I feel like this offers an interesting opportunity to play a style of character I don't typically pursue or get the opportunity to play. Additionally noting the previous types of characters I've seen throughout this thread I believe that with the disposition I have in mind for Schutte can lend itself well to intercharacter interaction. I was originally going to vote for L.A. for my vote, or London if I decided against that, however on review Asimo has converted me to Berlin.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: I've read through everything in the initial forum post, and believe I understand the concept in full.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: Berlin.

What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Requested Modifier: N/A
Modifier cost: #
Remaining Points: 12
Requested Modifier: Invasion Target | Modifier Cost:+5 | Remaining Points: 17
Requested Modifier: Military Garrison | Modifier Cost: -5 | Remaining Points: 12
Requested Modifier: Broadcasting Station | Modifier Cost: -4 | Remaining Points: 8
Requested Modifier: Weapons Armory | Modifier Cost: -3 | Remaining Points: 5
Requested Modifier: Food Reserves | Modifier Cost: -2 | Remaining Points: 3
Requested Modifier: Water Filtration | Modifier Cost: -3 | Remaining Points: 0
This Bunker Setup has been selected in order to create what is hopefully a challenging, but interesting and fun scenario for this event. Invasion target was picked under the basis of facilitating an increased risk environment and bringing about an active and significant conflict notably around the area the bunker is present within. The additional selections then are based under the notion of allowing us to greater interact with the outside world and to direct all endeavors towards the grander situation. With the broadcast station and military garrisons allowing us a variety of options for reaching out beyond the bunker.
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4:06 A.M.

Beyond the veil of reality, the other-worlders silently weaved Fate.
Strings, flashes, pulses of green energy flickered, exploded, faded.
Unseen and unheard, she observed the void-tenders.
Suddenly, uneasiness dawned with her gut and rose to her throat.
She didn't belong here.
It was then that they turned.
Strange eyes glistened, piercing into her soul.


The ring of the diplomat's bedside phone is what drug her from the void of sleep.
Groggy eyes peeled open to reveal the Embassy's bedroom walls.
After a short delay, Kim's hand finally pulled the receiver to her ear.


"Li. There's been a situation in New Mexico. You're being recalled to Washington."

Steam Name: Merlinsclaw
Steam ID / Link to Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087699897/
Discord ID: Merlinsclaw

What Character are you playing?:
Kim Li, the United States' ambassador to China.

What role does your character have in this event?:
Kim Li is a silent, observing diplomat but, more importantly, a self-described realist. She's served as the U.S Diplomat to China for several years, a highly respected role. Her connections span from members of the PRC's government to individuals at the United Nations - a frequent stop during this crisis. Since the beginning of the crisis, she's been having strange dreams.

Why do you want to play that character?: It seems like a fun event and everyone else seemingly wishes to take a combat-orientated role. I am offering something a bit different.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: Yes.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: New York.
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Invasion Target (+5) [17]
Alien Rodents (+2) [19]
Broadcasting Station (-4) [15]
Alien Slaves (-5) [10]
Motorpool (-5) [5]
Military Garrison (-5) [0]

I prefer New York due to my character's status as a diplomat and its importance in the HL2 story. The motorpool is one of my major requests for "ease of access" to the United Nations. The "Alien Slaves" would be a particularly interesting choice due to my character's "dreams" of the creatures.

What happens when the character you applied for for that specific location contradicts with the selected location? Wouldnt it be better to apply after a location is selected?
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What happens when the character you applied for for that specific location contradicts with the selected location? Wouldnt it be better to apply after a location is selected?
A fair point of view, and a very good question. I will answer this from a perspective point of view.

Given this is a global catastrophe - I've taken the idea to bring some form of liberty to character creation. Letting people experiment around with their characters would be ideal. People could end up in the wrong places, maybe delayed or are forced to navigate different routes than usual.

This truly is a chaotic time for humankind.






<:: Good afternoon comrade minister, the entirety of The Russian Federation thanks you for your efforts in securing the arms trade line for the United States to supply the motherland with food and ammunition so we may continue to combat the alien threat. ::>

<:: Unfortunately, a dire situation has begun to occur back home in Moscow and for the safety of you and your escorts, I and the ministerial cabinet have elected to change your route home to a more...'diverse' direction so you may return to the Kremlin quickly and with minimal harm caused. для Родины ::



Steam Name: General_Claw36
Steam ID / Link to Profile: 76561199149030942
Discord ID: Craw419#9525

What Character are you playing?: Borislav Cherdenko

What role does your character have in this event?: Minister of Defence to The Russian Federation

Why do you want to play that character?: Well everyone was applying as military Commanders and delegates so I decided "Why not both?". Also since this is a global thingy with soldiers and diplomats from all over the world, you'd have to have Russia in there somewhere.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:  Uhuh

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: Well for my characters sake I'd choose Vladivostok first but if not that I'd say Berlin simply because it's a middle point between America, Russia & England, so it'd be a good meeting place.

What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:

Rushed Construction (+1)
- Alien Rodents (+2)

Anomalous Activity (???)
- Alien Visitors (???)

POSITIVE: (15 Points)
- Food Reserves (-2)
- Water Filtration (-3)
- Weapons Armory (-3)
- Inbuilt Radio System (-3)
- Broadcasting Station (-4)

After looking at all the other players choices, I'm come to agree with Alessio mostly on the adequate necessities with risks that should be handled with ease. I've chosen both of the Neutral choices because I do love a bit of the unknown.
Steam Name: Mr Calcium
Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:0:85981754
Discord ID: Justanotherguardthatexists

What Character are you playing?:

Pelton James, a relatively well known figure prominent in the academic fields for his previously speculative works on theoretical forms of extraterrestrial life. While never outright rejected by his peers due to the sound predictions of how such lifeforms would function, many of them had viewed his focus on the purely hypothetical field as a waste of his talent, that was, until the hypothetical became fact. As would be expected by the sudden and mostly hostile nature of the newly arrived foreign lifeforms, he would be contacted by various governments as they would all desperately try to gather as much knowledge as possible on these new forms of life in an attempt to figure out some solution to the shattering of norms their arrival had caused. Suffice to say, the man who was never well known outside specific scientific circles would find himself with far more eyes upon him than he had ever expected…

Some say that the pressure is getting to him, after all, what would you do if everyone looked to you for answers?

What role does your character have in this event?: Xenobiologist
Why do you want to play that character?: I think someone with an interest in the sciences would be a good addition to the event’s roster, especially considering the addition of several bunker events that revolve around alien lifeforms. I also think it’d be a good contrast to the expected government and military officials, as someone who’s personal priority is on science would find themselves in an interesting situation when they are forced to make decisions far beyond the scope of their job.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: Yes

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: London, as I think it’s status as an island would make it beneficial in a disaster scenario, at the very least sparing it from whatever events would affect the European Mainland, which is likely to attract more attention from any…hostile forces.
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Alien Rodents (+2)

Creature Hive(+3)



Water filtration (-3)

Weather resistant (-3)

Air Conditioning (-3)

Inbuilt Radio System (-3)

Military Garrison (-5)

I chose this layout because I think it gives us all the basic necessities to survive any catastrophic event, particularly those relevant to the situation we’ve found ourselves in. Anomalous weather conditions alone can cause a fair share of difficulties, and as such I think the positive choices given will provide a good counterbalance.

The negative traits I’ve chosen are both based upon alien life, as I think it will provide those of us in the bunker an adequate challenge, while also giving us an opportunity to study the lifeforms that have made settled themselves on Earth.

As for the neutral selections, who doesn’t like some mystery?
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Would you dare?

ModifiersAggregate Points
Starting Setup12
Portal Storm22 (+10)
Invasion Target27 (+5)
Creature Hive31 (+4)
Infestation34 (+3)
Alien Rodents36 (+2)

* Hard to invade the bunker if the surface is already full of hive creatures, infestation and rodents with portal storm.
* On excluding the power failure, malfunctioning equipment or rushed construction - a sloppy bunker is no good bunker.


ModifiersAggregate Points
Starting Points36
Military Garrison31 (-5)
Police Garrison28 (-3)
Weapons Armory25 (-3)
Broadcasting Station21 (-4)
Inbuilt Radio18 (-3)
Weather Resistant15 (-3)
Air Conditioning12 (-3)
Water Filtration9 (-3)
Food Reserves7 (-2)
Stockpiled Materials4 (-3)
Hazmat Gear0 (-4)


Military Garrison for defense of bunker and security detail when conducting outside repairs, police garrison to guard resources from residents and rodents - arm them to the teeth with the armory.

Communications: Being anchored to cliffs, it is good to draw in potential survivors with a broadcasting station as they might bring resources or information. Might be the only chance to stay in touch with other bunkers with broadcasting stations as well. Inbuilt radio used for internal coordination of personnel for immediate assessments and orders.

Bunker Specs: Counter the Portal Storm with Weather Resistance, and incase of damage, use stockpiled materials. If damage is outside, use Hazmat gear. To maintain the garrisons, food reserves, water filtration and air conditioning is of the essence when the surface is hell.

Anomalous ActivityWith many things on top of the surface, might as well factor in some luck.
Alien VisitorsAt worst, free alien slaves.
At best, might guide us about the alien rodent, creature hive and infestation problem.
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Steam Name: Bi-Em
Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:1:116393258
Discord ID: bi_em420

What Character are you playing?:
Chupov Yelisey Svyatoslavovich
What role does your character have in this event?: Police Captain of Moscow Police
Why do you want to play that character?: While Police Force would't be able to withstand the sheer force of Combine Troopers send during "Seven Hour War", it doesn't mean they would't play a role in either aiding whatever remains of Military Force or in evacuating civilians from battlezones through out the city and country.
I want to play as one of those characters who despise being heavily outnumbered and outgunned, still attempts to perform his duty as Police Captain and provide safety to those who aren't able to protect themselfs.

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:
I mostly do understand the concept that was presented, however I think I will gain full on understanding once it starts.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: Moscow [To be precise its Metro System]
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:

Bank of Points: 28 - 27 = 1
N: 16
P: - 21
Start: 12
Negative Traits:

- Power Failure:

"Above us a hell itself is ravaging through out our once beautiful city, and while it was build as symbol of our country's might, it doesn't mean it is immune towards destruction that those creatures are causing, especially our power lines."

- Malfunctioning equipment:

"This bunker might had been shiny and clean, but after "The Cold War" has ended? It was left and forgotten by those in power as it was considered "waste of funds and time", now we are at mercy that some engineer out there that didn't cut corners and set this equipment up to last."

- Infestation:

" We never knew what exactly caused most of Metro routes to be closed off, only that it was something related to Зен (Xen) and to ignore or shut down all cases regarding missing people, who were last seen down in Metro.

Now we know what exactly was hiding underneath us..."

- Invasion Target:

"What is happening above us is just hell and honestly? I am suprised we even were able to make our way through one block..Those creatures were slaying ANYTHING they came across.

Officer Gulin saw one of those things with what he best described as "Spear", just impaling a poor soldier right in the stomach, and then tossing him like he weighted nothing against a wall.

I don't know what they are or what is their goal, but I know for sure that Moscow is on their list of targets, and they really want to cross it out."

Positive Traits:

- Food Reserves:

"You would thought that with ignorance of those in power, regarding the state of bunker there would be nothing to eat down here, so you can imagine our faces when we discovered food reserves down there, it been a hour and we still counting how many cans of beef and stews we got here."

- Water Filtration::

"I have to say, if I was send back in time and met one of engineers who set this system up? I would buy him a entire bar worth of drinks for him."

- Police Garrison:

" There isn't a whole lot of us left, as most of other Officers had either perished, evacuated or found a shelter like us. I don't know how many other Junior or Senior Officers are left to keep up order..hell I would't be suprised if anyone beyond Colonel was already dead or far from here.

All I know is that it just me and my fellow Officers who are left to provide protection to those civilians who are down here with us, while soldiers above us try their best to repeal .. what ever the hell those creatures are."

- Weapon's Armoury:

" Lieutenant Ryabkov .. God rest his soul was smart enough to convince me to pack up some of our equipment and ammunition with us, now I don't suspect that he did so beacuse he knew, we would end up here but whatever he had in mind, it has surely made setting up guard shifts much easier and keeping morale up, people fall asleep easier when they know that their protectors are well armed.

It also helps that we discovered a room which I assume was a old armoury during the hayday of this bunker, now most of these guns are really outdated, pretty sure my grandfather used some of these during his service in Red Army, but I rather use old SVT-38 than my police baton."

- Air Conditioning:

"One of the civilians ..Dedov is his name I think, was a HVAC Technician before "dropping that crappy job and moving to Moscow to strike gold", as much as he never wanted to handle another AC Unit, it had to be done to make sure, we would't sufficate with those old fumes and whatever is burning above us."

- Hazmat Gear:

"After our armoury discovery, we also found a locker room full of those old gasmasks and jumpsuits, Chayka a lady we picked up on our way to Metro, was a student majorying in history, so she was quick towards explaining to us how after Chernobyl disaster, all bunkers and military installations were given mandatory order to have Hazmat Equipment ready at hand.

Now I am not a safety inspector or have any clue on how radiation works but if this equipment is still useable, we might as well keep it close, better to have trouble breathing than caughing up blood or worse."

- Stockpiled Materials:

" While we were searching the bunker, Junior Lieutenant Kurpatov alongside few Officers went bit further down the Metro tunnel, to check if anyone was taking refuge at nearby station. Lord and behold they not only he had found a small crew of construction workers who were renovating the station, but also a stockpile of materials they had been delivered with yesterday.

Now I am not comfortable at all, with staying underground while what can be best described as "Battle of Heaven and Hell" itself is taking place above us, we ain't gonna be able to leave this place any time soon, so we might as well use these materials to keep this bunker in shape and set up some defenses."

- Inbuilt Radio System:

" I don't know if Lord has blessed us or what, but we found a inbuilt in radio we can use to communicate with..well whoever is still alive out there, maybe we can use it to figure out when it is safe to leave the Metro?"

- Weather Resistant:

" Zharkov our local idiot who somehow at the same time is genius when it comes to electricity, was worried about weather ... I had to remind him that Metro doesn't have it's own weather system."


- "Alien Visitors"

Currently I am a student, so there might be times where I may not have time to join the server, unless the gameplay is done through out responses aka Frostpunk decision making.

Steam Name: Dej
Steam ID / Link to Profile: STEAM_0:1:68827315
Discord ID: dej (shockyc#0978)

What role does your character have in this event?:
The Director of China's Internal Security Department

Why do you want to play that character?:
To see if China's brutal nature will stand up to the force of nature itself, to see if their ultimate greed for power and censorship of the likes will cause them to fail.​


Director Joseph Lim Sang


Ministry of State Security

(...Director Sang speaking.)

(Sir, we have an emergency incident, you're needed at the Party Headquarters urgently.)

(...On my way, I can see that the sky has decided to colour itself a nice tone today.)

(Yes sir, most of us are waiting for you here, we ha-)

A rumble shook the street he was on, then the loudest blast ever was heard.
The call abruptly cut off.



People's Republic of China

The Setbacks:

(Whats going on?!)

"未知联系人,没有 IFF 提示音!追踪超过两百!"
(Unknown contacts, no IFF toneback! Tracking over two hundred!)

"Director, Army Missile Command is reporting several unknown aerial hostiles inbound, the People's Army is mobilizing but they have no idea who it is, nobody should've been able to sneak an army this big this deep into our land."



The sound of gunfire permeates throughout the building, panicked shouts and screaming from the security and regular staff alike.

(Director, we need to relocate you immediately! The perimeter's been breached by something and we have no idea what these things are, but our men are dying in droves! They're coming from the damn ground!)



(...Is that a purple frog?)


The Reprieves:


“主任,我是李将军,我联系不上党,你就联系吧。北京军区已经确认,解放军两栖部队第九重联兵营正试图强行进入北京。” ,他们报告说在前进的道路上遇到了巨大的阻力,但他们正在稳步取得进展。”
(Director, this is General Li, I can't reach the Party so you'll have to do. Beijing Military Command has confirmed that the 9th Heavy Combined Arms Battalion of the Liberation Army Amphibious Ground Forces is trying to force their way into Beijing, they're reporting heavy resistance along their route of advancement, but they're making steady progress.)


(Unit 110, you have new orders. Fall back and regroup with the Falcon Commando Detachment, link up with them and then proceed to the designated coordinates.)

(This is the 110th Riot Containment Unit! We're in Beijing and are moving to regroup with you! The Falcon Commando detachment of the People's Armed Police found us and have joined us along the way! We'll be there in an hour, there's too many of these damn things popping up!)

(Director, this is Detachment Hujian, the MSS has dispatched its agents amongst the 110th. You will receive reinforcements momentarily.)

Stockpiled Food, Weapons Armory and Stockpiled Materials (-8):

(Director, Shanxi Detachment has managed to accommodate for your requests from the local Army Logistics Base. Its not the luxury meals of the Party, but its food all the same.)

Auto-Turrets and Motor-Pool (-9):

(This is uhh..Manager Zhou, Emergency Engineering Team. We've gotten the bunker systems up and running, vehicles have been properly maintained and so have life support and defensive facilities.)
(Qinghai Detachment reporting, Automated Perimeter Defenses are online, ready for the Director's arrival.)

(Gansu Detachment, vehicular response teams are almost ready for deployment.)

In-Built Radio System, Hazmat Gear and Weather Resistant (-10):

(Er...there we go, Comms are up. Hazmat gear is ready and the weather seals seem to be holding strong...I hope.)


(This is Shenyang Detachment, Emergency CBRN teams are on stand-by.)



Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:

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The chimes of various emergency service sirens are heard in muffled frequencies, moving up and down the street outside the hallway windows as a government accountant speed-walks down the hall, passing portraits of ancient Presidents and Founding Fathers, unimportant in the given circumstance as far as he is concerned. The carillon of city-wide sirens then shortly follows, delivering a sensory overload of a resonance that would make an atheist believe these were in fact the Trumpets of Gabriel.

The accountant sported a blue pin-striped suit and tie with a pair of beige suit bottoms, which complimented a brown set of Oxford's that sat on his feet. He proceeds to rush down the white-painted hallway, passing tripping interns and office doors left ajar, revealing acquainted colleagues shredding documents, papers and files.

Despite the chaos, the accountant proceeds to speed-walk down the football-field worth of a hall, dodging the chaos that was erupting, hurdling over scattered documents, ducking under fallen cabinets, all in order to accomplish one thing. His target: the end of the hall, where a set of large wooden doors stuck out from the rest of the side-offices and closets. Finally, he makes it to the the impressively crafted pair of doors, and not caring for etiquette, rushes through without indication of his presence, leaving a wet and sweaty mess behind on the handle. He noticed his hands sweat when he was nervous.

The accountant realized in his left hand, that through the adrenaline pumped mission to get here, he gripped a black telephone, disconnected from its line, a pigs-tail spiral cord trails behind as he looks over his left shoulder with a quick motion, before his attention is returned forward seconds later. He didn't drop the phone, it was comforting to keep it close, despite its useless function. He promptly directs his quivering voice to the back of a well-stitched leather office chair, which in itself sat behind an equally large wooden desk, made of the same material as the doors behind him.

"Vice-President Woodward- We- We- We-"

The pigeon-hearted stuttering is interrupted by a disintegrating voice, grit and grain, blood and iron from the well-stitched leather office chair. In it, sat a patriot, stating calmly,


An awkward silence proves its dominance in the rather patriotically decorated office, the accountant clearly not following along before he'd interrupt the the silence with no time to lose,

"We've lost contact with Washington, sir."

The leather office chair swivels to reveal a cigar-smoking patriot. Aged, yes, yet youthful in mind, and perhaps even soul.

"WELL, I'LL BE DAMNED..." The patriot dabs his lips on his cigar as he'd swivel further right, facing the half-shut blinds to his office. It was nearly an hour to sun-set, and even then as he sat there, he never felt more awake. More alive. He resumed,

A dominant silence crowds the room again, this time the accountant had nothing to say.

"PILOTE." The patriots says, demanding the accountants undivided attention, for this was his name.

"Sir?", Pilote acknowledges.



The patriot convincingly explains to the youthful accountant the current predicament in a reassuring manner as he'd come to stand from his desk, turning to walk casually towards a mini-bar that houses an aged bottle of scotch.

The accountant thought the patriot was moving for a drink, which made his heart drop- suggesting they're all screwed if he's drinking now of all times, however, to his surprise the patriot reaches for a portrait of some long forgotten figure.

The patriot swings open the false-painting, reveling a large steel safe with the American flag etched and painted on the front. He started to rotate the spinning combination lock,


"Sir?", Pilote asks, not understanding what the patriot is attempting to say.

"SCORCHED EARTH, SON.", the patriot vaguely clarifies.

Distant explosions and flurries of gun fire are heard, a faint pattering noise echoes within the well insolated office, suggesting helicopters are flying in the distance. Chaos outside these walls.
The accountant winces, the patriot doesn't.


With a creak, the steel safe is opened, reveling a money-shot of various classified documents, stacks of paper bills, war time bonds and a 1911 pistol, but what the patriot reached for was a simple black briefcase. The Nuclear football. It was clear to Pilote, the simple accountant, that life as he knew it was over, and with this realization the black phone he gripped fell from his grasp and onto the floor next to his shining polished men's Oxford dress shoes.

Steam Name: quest
Steam ID / Link to Profile: ID STEAM_1:0:628296807 / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199216859342/
Discord ID: eight1240

What Character are you playing?: Vice-President Enoch D. Woodward of the United States of America
What role does your character have in this event?: Vice-President of the United States of America, and Acting Commander-In-Chief.
Why do you want to play that character?: Firstly, I want to play this event because I imagine it'll be like a Dr. Strangelove type War Room thing, which I adore. Secondly, why I'd like to play the actual character is because on the world map, it explains that New York City was very important in the early stages of what we all know today. I wanted to give there an reason as to why it was chosen to act as the first secured occupied city. I find it would make the most logical sense that some ambitious bureaucrat with authority, and with nobody telling him what to do would want to establish such a autonomous government within New York City, which would explain why despite the city being hit extremely hard by the portal storms, NYC was still the center point of the early occupation..

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?: Yes.

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?: New York
What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:

-5 Military Garrison
-3 Police Garrison
-5 Motorpool
-2 Food Reserves
-3 Weapons Armory

+3 Malfunctioning Equipment
+3 Power Failure
+3 Weather Resistant
+2 Alien Rodents
+1 Rushed Construction
(???) Alien Visitors

My setup is focused purely on weapons armory, military & police garrisons, motorpools, and food reserves. I chose malfunctioning equipment for the express purpose that logistics is extremely poor within this junta, and it is not organized at all, causing many to improvise their weapons, or steal them from citizens or the bodies of other militiamen that have fallen for whatever reason. I then picked power failure, once again highlighting the improvisation within a portal storm wrecked city, where all communications and power is cut. Weather resistant was picked for the purpose of the Manhattan Municipal Building serving as an HQ, with an improvised war-room in the bunker where Woodward would be stationed. Alien rodents for the comical fact that we're in New York City, and rushed construction to high-light again the improvisation of this ragtag junta.

As for the alien visitors, that is something I just don't know about, but it seems really cool.

Vice-President Enoch D. Woodward, publicly a fanatic American patriot and beloved Republican bureaucrat, veteran of the USAF and prior Governor of New York State, sworn into Vice-Presidency on the deal that he would never run for President come next election due to his pro-authoritarian and further concerning political views, has taken the role of Acting Commander-In-Chief and Interim-President, declaring a State of Emergency in the State of New York. His tale starts in his Albany office, away from the White House and Washington in up-state New York, there on business matters, where then it hit suddenly. Within hours random alien portal storms hit New York City hard, crippling the local populace. Though, where others saw a trashed City, Woodward saw opportunity. The communications line to Washington was cut, and all in-coming and out-coming lines are dead, even the secret lines. With local military radio lines still operational, he has called for the unification of the New York Guard, New York State Police and the New York Army National Guard to convey at a specific choke-point in the ruins of New York City which would act as a strategic fortified base of operations that's isolated from the mainland. The Manhattan Municipal Building would henceforth be the operational headquarters of the newly established military junta dubbed "New York State Military Governorate", with the plan of operating as an autonomous administrative sector. The Governorate would first attempt to secure Lower Manhattan, creating large armed-checkpoints all over major highways and connectors, as well as evacuating citizens to designated safe-zones within Lower Manhattan. Their forces started to spread even wider as around 30,000 NYPD officers are handed rifles and body-armor as incentives to voluntarily join the junta. Logistically, this operation is extremely messy, however, with solid training and professionalism up the chain of command, they seemed to get the job done in this state of emergency despite the multiple acts of military brutality, war-crimes against civilians etc. etc.!

Woodward's objective is clear. Take advantage of the chaos and use his sway with the public to keep the peace, by any means necessary.
He is bunkered away inside a secured improvised War Room underneath the Manhattan Municipal Building.


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Applications are still open until the planning period for fixating the scenario is considered a 'fixed location'. When the planning date is announced, the position of the event will be locked and those who voted on failed locations will instead be calculated to the two most chosen urban environments.

However, the apps should be a good setting stone for where your character may be travelling to which means the more unique characters, the more interesting the affair could become.

Prince Alexander Henry James Windsor was born into the prestigious yet less publicly scrutinized branch of the British royal family on March 21, 1985 His parents, the Duke and Duchess, lived a relatively low-profile life compared to the central royal family. Raised at the Sussex family estate in the serene countryside of West Sussex, Alexander enjoyed a childhood marked by a balance of royal etiquette and normalcy.

His early education took place at a local preparatory school. This early exposure to diversity and a somewhat ordinary lifestyle grounded him in a way that was unusual for a royal. He later attended Eton College, where he excelled in history and literature, showcasing a deep interest in his country’s past and its cultural heritage.

Upon finishing Eton, Alexander decided to attend the University of Edinburgh, choosing to study International Relations and Environmental Studies. His choice of university, away from the traditional Oxford or Cambridge, reflected his desire to carve out a unique path. At Edinburgh, he was known for his academic rigour and active participation in various student-led environmental initiatives.

After graduating, Alexander opted not to immediately join the military, a traditional path for many royals. Instead, he spent a year travelling through South America and Southeast Asia, working with various non-governmental organizations focused on environmental conservation and sustainable development. These experiences profoundly shaped his worldview and solidified his commitment to making a tangible impact on global environmental issues.

Returning to the UK, Alexander began to take on more public roles. His detachment from the central royal family allowed him to champion causes with a degree of freedom and authenticity that resonated with the public. He became a patron of several environmental charities and founded the "Green Horizons Trust," which focuses on youth-led environmental projects and sustainability education.

In addition to his environmental work, Alexander became a vocal advocate for mental health awareness. Inspired by his travels and the people he met, he launched the "Mindful Pathways" initiative, which aims to provide mental health resources to underserved communities. His efforts in this area earned him widespread acclaim and brought much-needed attention to mental health issues.

Alexander's personal life is marked by his love for adventure and the outdoors. An avid hiker and mountaineer, he often spends his free time exploring the UK's national parks and participating in conservation efforts. His passion for nature is not just a hobby but an extension of his environmental advocacy.

In 2019, Alexander married Dr. Isabelle Clarke, an accomplished marine biologist. Their shared love for the environment and commitment to public service make them a dynamic couple. Together, they have a son, Arthur, and a daughter, Beatrice, who are being raised with a strong sense of social responsibility and an appreciation for nature.

Now in these trying times where the fate of the rest of the Royal Family is unknown, the weight falls on young Alex's shoulders.

Steam Name:

Steam ID / Link to Profile:

Discord ID:

What Character are you playing?:
Alexander Henry James Windsor

What role does your character have in this event?:
Prince of the Royal Family

Why do you want to play that character?:
I think that having a member of the royal family will bring a fun dynamic that isn't solely military-based

Have you read everything above, understanding the concept, and haven't just skimmed through it without reading?:

What is your preferred choice for the Bunker Location?:

What is your preferred Bunker Setup from the C-Bunker Imagery and why?:
Food Reserves
Military Garrison
Police Garrison
Hazmat Gear
Water Filtration

Alien Visitors
Anomalous Activity

Alien Rodents
Creature Hive

I chose the above set-up as food and water are essential for survival, a military and police garrison are essential for defence, and hazmat gear is always useful to have just in case.

The Alien Visitors and Anomalous Activity piqued my curiosity and added an unknown element and dynamic to the event.

Hives are scary and alien rodents are cute.
