A History of the Overwatch Standard Forces | Enlightenment Historical Bulletin #021


The Owl
Galunga Prince

To rise is our ambition.

To ascend is our reward.
Greetings citizens!

The Bureau of Enlightenment once again invites your eyes to absorb a bounty of information brought to you by our historical bulletins! Ensure you have grabbed yourself a seat, for this one shall be taking us all the way back; to the new beginning!

So what is today's topic, you may ask? Well, one both simple and complex. For despite the potential familiarity our older viewers may find within the topic, our younger readers have likely never laid eyes on this extension of the Combines authority for many years! Not since the very establishment of the Urban Reconstruction!
We speak, of course, about the Militant Arm-Arteria. The backbone of the Earth Administrations militant arm around the outland sectors - far beyond the walls of security and prosperity you know well!

Arteria word edit.png

Pictured: Two Constituents led by a Vexillum - just after a decisive victory against Anti-civil forces!

After the liberation of mankind from the poisons of the old world, at the hands of our entrusted and beloved benefactors, the newly established Civil Administration headed by Dr. Wallace Breen was tasked in ensuring that the pasts rot would not rise to the surface once more. Especially after the benefactors forces returned beyond the mystical veil that we can only hope to one day bear honest witness to. Of course, as cornered beasts tend to do, the old systems did lash out at the progress that was beginning to be made worldwide. Terrorist attacks. Riots. Strikes and all sorts of nonsensical paranoia fueled a renewed struggling against a new age. To you, this probably seems almost unimaginable. To think that so many people would not only reject salvation, but actively seek to snatch it away from their betters. It goes to show just how far we have come since these dark days.

Part of this growth is of course due to the subject at hand today! The Arteria, as they are often called, was established in 2004, following the departure of the benefactors main liberation forces. This formation was done as a direct response to the growing insurrection from anti-civil forces, as well as the need to continue the immediate protection of our more honest citizens; such as yourselves.

Operating with these interests in mind, the Arteria became an imperative part of Peace forces on Earth, with the help of the mighty synthetic troops left behind to ensure our safety. Relocations were often guarded closely by the Arteria, and the inner city streets were patrolled and order was maintained with these familiar, but equally renewed forces of the old world. Composed of both enlightened soldiers and dutiful citizens alike, the Arteria made use of refurbished equipment to carry out their duties, and still do to this day. While they may seem outdated by modern standards, these men were and still are, an inspiration of redemption and commitment that humanity can display towards the benefactors that freed us from ourselves.

However, after the foundation of the Civil Protection initiative was launched in 2005, the Arteria would be redeployed to strongholds and hardpoints well beyond the comfort and freedom of the urban centers all across Earth. From here, they would rapidly find themselves engaged in battle with the dreadful forces of the East; fools who hardly ought to even be named.

This foe, crushed and swept aside like all others who resist ascension, were the last stepping stone for the Arteria to find itself a permanent presence upon our world, and the first step for the new age of soldier to begin truly setting the example for what man can become. During this period, the force was reformed under a simplified and highly efficient command structure. Ranks within the Arteria are handled by a mixture of performance and dedication to the tasks laid before them. Three field ranks exist in total with one being the most common, simply referred to as constituents, which is filled by all non-commanding members of the force.

A Nominal follows after, acting as squad and team leaders and ensuring that troops are well-fit for battle on a personal level. They are often relative veterans of the force with many victories under their name! They take the responsibility of making rapid tactical decisions and ensuring troop motivation remains high! This rank can be somewhat fluid with Constituents falling in and out of it depending on the deployed region and its requirements.

The Vexillum, is a field commander attached to anywhere from a few hundred to up to nearly a thousand soldiers! They act as Lieutenants in the field and are among the most trusted personnel during operations. Any further duties above those listed are handled by administrative personnel and conducted from the safety and comfort of closed doors. All members, be them administrative or field based, are awarded Social Credit points for enhanced performance ratings both on and off mission.

For the last decade the Arteria have maintained a staunch watch on the outskirts of our world. Fighting back all manner of beasts and fiends in order to ensure heightened security and peace within your homes and the outside elements that keep them running. You do not see the efforts they partake in, but do know, they partake in them every day. Not only for you, but for the benefactors as well.

As of August 2018, the Militant Arm-Arteria has been renamed as part of the newly formed Overwatch Standard Forces. Most divisions no longer serve cities or any form of Human Administration but instead are now directly under the authority of the Overwatch Central Intelligence Network, an AI in charge of commanding all Military elements on Earth including both the Overwatch Synthetic Arm and the Overwatch Transhuman Arm.

With this change, the OSF follow an entirely differing command structure with the ranks of Vexillum, Nominal and Constituents being no more. Replace with a mish-mash of both British and American NATO ranking. It also now operates more often in outlands duties working more closely with the Transhuman Arm in wiping out Local Resistance forces from a vast array of locations and areas.

So, with the general premise well out of the way, it seems prudent to answer some interesting questions; directly from you, straight to us.

Our first question originates from City 14, a fine Urban Center in the European sectors!

“I have heard the members of the Arteria referred to as ‘conscripts’ in the past. Why is this?”

The title of ‘conscript’ was first seen sometime after the Old World finally took its last breath. This title was made mostly as a way to demonize and disrespect those who are a part of the Arteria by those who remain threatened by Civil Authorities. This title bears no basis in the functions or recruitment processes of the Arteria. Members are exclusively volunteer forces with the betterment of Earth in mind.

Next up! From the shores of City 8, a considerable staging ground for Arteria forces.

“How can the Arteria survive in the outlands if they are so dangerous? Are these lands safer than we are led to believe?”

Another common question, with a simple answer.

The Arteria are trained professionals and have seen much, though not all, of what the outlands have to offer. The dangers they face are constant, with countless Xenian hives, Vortigaunt tribes or anti-civil elements hiding out in ditches and any other holes that can be found. While they are given the best odds that can be offered, their duty remains a dangerous one, make no mistake. It is for this reason and so much more, that your cities remain safe. No normal citizens could ever survive beyond the security of the walls. That is why they are there - to secure you.

From the spires of City 55 - the haven of the Middle East!

“Are the Arteria being phased out by the ascended Transhuman Arm?”

While the Overwatch Transhuman Arm represents the best of our species, it is important to note that not all possess the capacity; both mental and physical for such a biological ascension. Humanity in general, despite our strides, has a long way to go before we are capable of so readily being gifted with power and knowledge of the kind our benefactors provide. This relates not only to the Arteria, but to you, reader. Contentedness is the grand enemy of our time. Do not become comfortable with your imperfect self. Strive for greatness that only the benefactors can ultimately provide.

One final question from Terminal 4, a citizen no doubt nearing transfer to greater pastures!

“How can one join the Arteria?”

Recruitment drives within Urban centers will be conducted whenever additional recruits are wanted. These can be quite rare, depending on your sector. Remember that the Arteria is far from the only way to serve The Combine. Applying for Civil Protection, or various Worker Unions will allow you to make a difference right where you stand!

This bulletin is the property of The Bureau of Enlightenment. Defacement, unlawful disposal, unlawful trade, unlawful tinkering, altering of documentation, unauthorized copies, or redistribution are subject to civil prosecution, at the discretion of local and regional protection teams.
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This better not be a Star Wars thing where they go "Oh no, the troops you see all the time in every piece of media, they're SUPER SPECIAL, theres actually this SUPER LARGE ARMY of lesser goons that for some reason never shows up in anything!"
Edited to add in some bits of the name change and structural changes