American Samoa and the Samoan Islands

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Galunga Prince
'Active Civilisation' Lore submission
// note: English may be wacky


The American Samoa and the Samoan Islands are three loose islands, that lies in between the Northern and Southern borders of the Pacific Ocean, far north-east of Australia.
Both three island's cities, government and civilisation still remains intact after the Seven Hour War, as if the Combine have never noticed them. But such theory may end sometime. They haven't attempted to communicate with nearby major states ever since the Combine established themselves around the globe. The remaining government of the Samoan Islands are well aware of their presence and established their plans to remain their island's, civilisation and government intact.


The Samoan Islands holds a population estimated of 250.000 people across the three islands, whereby the majority currently live in the American Samoa. While they may be cut off from the rest of the globe, they remain conducting their pre-war activities across the three islands, regardless they may be in constant tension. The citizens of the Samoan Islands are rather at unrest due to the constant silence and lack of communications with the other states around the globe, minor riots occurred for an answer of the situation. The government have decided to co-operate and reveal their visions of Earth's state and their plans for survival. Most citizens are confused, agitated, raged and sorrow knowning their world is lost to the Combine and their loved ones. The government have requested for their co-operation to protect the Samoan Islands and the remaining civilization, the majority of the citizens have agreed upon this request. Citizens have established their own farms for food supply, harbors to relocate citizens, resources and the supplies around the three islands and even some are recruited into the government forces of the Samoan Islands.


The Politics of American Samoa
The Politics of American Samoa is one of the few remaining pre-war governments taking place in the American Samoan island as their 'main' island. The government is led by:
Governor 'Lolo Matalasi Moliga'; Lieutenant Governor 'Lemanu Peleti Mauga' and US House Delegate 'Amata Coleman Radewagen'

The three have drew their plans and establishments against the Combine if an invasion may occur on the islands. For their first act, they established their plans and standards to prevent any communication towards other countries in the world, alongside citizens must remain calm to prevent major unrest that may weaken the Island's protection. Their second act is to draw border lines of their islands. Settling their priorities on each island as zones and travelling limits by boat. Even locations of HQ's, military bases and safehouse bunkers are established.
After creating their plans and establishments, they gathered their pre-war government forces of police officers, security officers and military personnel to brief their plans alongside them. To ensure pre-war personnel are well established, extended training and promotions are given those proven themselves. All equipment and military vehicles are gathered and split between each established military base and certain key points. As their last act is to gather the citizens and request for their understanding and co-operation to accomplish their plans. Citizens are advised to settle their own agricultural land s, wether it may be settled as a whole farm or in their yard to atleast ensure enough supplies and resources. The citizens have been requested to join the government forces to increase infantry on the grounds to ensure protection of the island.

If all plans may succeed, the islands may just be safe to sustain all lives for the upcoming few decades.

// So my request is to place this lore aspect into the interactable world map as follow:
- Question mark icon over the location
- The islands divided in three sections like ex:
Yellow: 'The Samoan Islands' with the introduction of:

The American Samoa and the Samoan Islands are three loose islands, that lies in between the Northern and Southern borders of the Pacific Ocean, far north-east of Australia.
Both three island's cities, government and civilisation still remains intact after the Seven Hour War, as if the Combine have never noticed them. But such theory may end sometime. They haven't attempted to communicate with nearby major states ever since the Combine established themselves around the globe. The remaining government of the Samoan Islands are well aware of their presence and established their plans to remain their island's, civilisation and government intact.
Blue: 'Samoa' with the introduction of:
The two islands of the Samoan Sea are rated as 'Priority Zone 2' and has been established for standard citizenship and large varied farms and agricultural lands to collect plenty of food supplies and resources to sustain everyone on both three islands. The rate boat travels between the island are likely high but protection and established government personnel seems uncommon within these two islands.
Red: American Samoa with the introduction of:
The American Samoa is considered as the 'Main island' and 'Priority Zone 1' by the The Politics of American Samoa. Therefore most of the government personnel and are established on the island to ensure most protection from Combine invasions with pre-war vehicles and few air missile cannons settled at all times.

(Use any colour scheme to show off on the map, this was just an example to divide the three with seperate descriptions.)


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The current take on this reminds me of the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War, where the Nationalists retreated to Taiwan and have remained there ever since sort of untouched, or North Korea after their war... sort of just left the same as an isolated case.

These little remnants of pre-war society are rather a peculiar take. Even with the vastness of the Combine, it also bares that grim note of a tribe in the jungle knowing there's a massive civilisation outside of them, but we do not know of their existences as a whole due to major distractions elsewhere. This isn't the first time we have something like this (correlation to the farmers.) When the time is right and people start exploring the interactive maps in groups, the question remains on what will happen to them after their discovery. Assuming that we do take the potentiality of this band of outcasts, this may open some more doors in this part of the world, probably more than that.

I have chosen to approve your post, and they will be added onto the map with the correlated instructions you have wished to designate in due time.

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