Cengiz Event Concept - Darkest Hour - Part I


Staff Member
Creative Team

Out of Character Information

Steam ID : Cengo | STEAM_0:1:113942347
Discord ID: Cengiz#4268


Operation Darkest Hour - Part I

Your Story - Overwatch Standard Forces
( The first Faction in this Conflict )

"You are an MAA Soldier from the Overwatch Standard Forces currently Deployed in City 24, you have received orders to reinforce the Exclusion Zone-024...currently there are Overwatch forces along with various synthetic units deployed there. When your unit left the city, they lost radio contact with the Overwatch units on the ground in Exclusion Zone-024. Your orders are to hold the Exclusion Zone-024 at all costs and find out what happened to the rest of the units on the ground. More Overwatch units are being sent in ...but for now, you are on your own".

The Environment

"Your surrounding will be hostile....there will be Creatures you haven't seen before and danger you never thought existed, you will need to watch every step you take. The Main dangers however lurk near...Chornobyl the Old Nuclear Power Plant. This should not be entered under any circumstances. A 2-minute stay in the vicinity of Chornobyl is fatal, Bad Weather near Chornobyl and in the Exclusion Zone has worsened radioactivity. You should be ready to find shelter to escape Bad weather every minute.

"Mutations in the Exclusion Zone-024 is not something new....so be prepared to face dangers, mother Natur, and even your own kind..... Although many dangers lurk...you can also find many treasures left behind...I have heard rumors...about a part of a scientific experiment...however, this overrides my salary...if you find notes or any other information about this experiment...you will be generously rewarded."

"I have also received information that something is moving in the vicinity of Exclusion Zone-024, we have not been able to find out exactly who or what is hiding in the woods near Exclusion Zone-024 but stay on alert. Always wear your protective gear and never take it off...whoever may request it. You will not survive in Exclusion Zone 024 without your protective gear. and finally..Overwatch forces have written reports of strange noises or whispers at night...so avoid working in the dark at nights...rather stay in a safe shelter .... where nothing can happen to you"

A Scientist - The CPRD
( The second Faction in this Conflict )
"Huh...everything is going to shit, if anybody can hear this I am Researcher [REDACTED] currently working on the Project [REDACTED] inside the Exclusion-024. The Containment of the Test Subject has failed and it has killed nearly all Researchers and Overwatch Soldiers on Site! We are currently inside a Secret ......*Loud Footsteps can be heard....something is trying to open the door* No! No!....Sta-*Load Screams can be heard*"
A Secret Science Project from the CPRD is at that risk of being revealed to people without proper authorization. The CPRD Sents a Team of Scientists with the OSF to gather the remaining Documents of the Project and Personal

Overwatch Transhuman Arm


The remaining Overwatch Transhuman Arm forces from the Exclusion-Zone 24 have been cut off...they have lost Radio Contact with Dispatch and are trying to find the remaining Scientists. To protect them from Threats? To evacuate them from the Exclusion Zone? Only time will tell ...

The Player Agency - OSF

After the OSF Enters the Exclusion Zone-024, will it be tasked with the following:

The First Mission of the OSF will be to Build & Fortify a Base inside the Exclusion Zone-024, this will be the HQ of the OSF and any reinforcements or supplies will be dropped there. After its completion will be OSF Tasked with Holding the Exclusion Zone-024. The OSF will have Autonommey to fulfill certain Missions to learn what happened inside the Exclusion Zone & Or the Researchers.
Out of Character
My goal in this short story is to promote RP in an aggressive environment. The players should make independent decisions that will later change the course of the story. I will show them traps as well as questionable scenarios that will affect their loyalty or humanity. PVP, as well as PVE in this short story, is possible...also I would like to avoid brainless fighting, but foster an RP where players of the OSF can find traces and uncover what the Combine were up to here or what happened...

Overwatch Standard Forces

Major [ 0 / 1

Captain [ 0 / 1 ]

Seargent [ 0 / 1 ] - Squad 1

Corporal [ 0 / 1 ] - Squad 1

Private - Squad 1
Private - Squad 1
Private - Squad 1
Private - Squad 1
Private - Squad 1
Private - Squad 1

Seargent [ 0 / 1 ] - Squad 2

Corporal [ 0 / 1 ] - Squad 2

Private - Squad 2
Private - Squad 2
Private - Squad 2
Private - Squad 2
Private - Squad 2
Private - Squad 2

Seargent [ 0 / 1 ] - Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Sqaud 3

Corporal [ 0 / 2 ] - Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Sqaud 3

20 Players max
( OSF Faction members can bring their own Character into this Event but there is a risk of beinged Pked )
( None OSF Faction member can also sign up , beeing part of the Faction is not a requirement )
Combine Planetary Research Directive

Project Overseer [ 0 / 1 ]

Scientist [ 0 / 2 ]

( The remaining Researcher and a VIP are somewhere in the Exclusion )

( 3 Players max )

Overwatch Transhuman Arm

Overwatch Ordinal [ 0 / 1 ]

Overwatch Soldiers [ 0 / 2 ]

( The remaining Overwatch Forces in the Exclusion Zone-024, these Units will be handpicked by me and must perform High-Quality RP )

( 3 Players max )

Secret Conversation

"Aaah Major....please come and have seat with me, Whiskey ? - ???
"No..I do not drink on duty "- The Major

"This is really a pity, this whiskey from the 1900s tastes really excellent ... but well let's get down to business - ???

The Major quietly listens to the man in front of him....

"You and your men have received orders to head to Exclusion Zone 024. There you are to support the Overwatch forces on site, is that correct?" - ???

"That is correct " - The Major

"I want you to do me a favor....I have received information that you have heard about the Secret Scientific Experiment. I want you to keep any information you find about this experiment...Top Secret, no other entity except you may see or get your hands on this information. You have permission to execute units on the spot should they gain knowledge of this..." - ???

"If I do not find any information about this Secret scientific experiment, what should I do?" - The Major

"This is a Secret Laboratory....exactly at this location...*Points at the Map* , I want in case that you don't find any information about the Secret Experiment. That you burn down this lab and amputate any people in this lab....should they still be alive " - ???

"Understood * Stands up and would Leave the Office *" - The Major

" Ahh, and Major....don't disappoint me... if you fail to achieve any of our Secret Mission...your unit and you... won't come Home and Avoid the Darkness...the Rumours you heard are True.... " - ???


Special Thanks to :

@G R U G

If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.):

Sure i would love to spearhead or help the Staff

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?:


Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?:


Will this concept affect the mainserver?:


Misc info and map:

i will need something to change the Weather and Day and Night Time!

and i would if accepted only use some of the Stalker Mobs...only those who look like a Zombie but Mutated...

Misc Info ?
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I like this idea, dealing with a antlion infestation sounds cool as hell.
I hope we get stuff like stalker anomaly, fields of active electricity, mutants that we never seen before:

Some stuff from metro too:

there might be more to add to this but i hope we have a nice time in the zone: "Get out of here stalker"
#Updtaed - What changed :

# Portal Storms have been reduced to Very Bad Weather around the area after I got some advice

I am hoping for a response from the Short Story Team without Pushing them :)