Accepted Cengiz - Event Concept - Stalingrad needs you!

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Staff Member
Creative Team
Steam Name & ID: Cengo | STEAM_0:1:113942347
Discord Name & ID: Cengiz#4268

Minimum two-paragraph backstory on the concept:


Main idea:

"The Soviet Reclamation Forces General Staff knows that the Combine are planning something Huge. They don't want to sit on the presenting plate and wait for them to strike first. No, they will act first! Major, your mission is to travel to Wolgograd, better known as Stalingrad. You will lead a troop of 50 brave men there and establish an Headquater. It will be a hard and long journey, Major, but the General Staff counts on you! Do not disappoint the motherland"- Vladimir Sterlinkov Borisovich - Marshal of the Third Army.

The Main Idea for the Soviet Reclamation Forces is to create an Headquater, far away from the combines eyes. However, the soldiers on this long journey must face great dangers. The journey from Moscow to Stalingrad is not short. It will take them days, if not weeks, to get there, and even if they reach Stalingrad, they do not know what awaits them. So why go on such a dangerous mission?

They are afraid, afraid of what the Combine are planning. They are scared of the traitors. They want to build a base far away where they can rise anew from the ashes of the old Soviet Union.


Additional plot info:

The Mission of the Soviet Reclamation Force :
  1. Arrive & Build a Headquarters in Stalingrad
  2. Contact the General Staff back in Moscow

The Soviet Relcemation Force Expedition will have Transport Vehicles filled with Supplies for the New Headquarters in Stalingrad. The mission of the soldiers will be to secure the cargo. To scout the surroundings and avoid enemy Combine patrols. The goal is to avoid a fight with the Combine as much as possible and arrive safely in Stalingrad. The players decide how the story goes if they are trigger-happy or unnecessarily draw attention to themselves, the mission could be jeopardized. The players are divided into squads to be able to proceed coordinated, maximum of 8 players form a squad. In a squad, there will be a squad leader ( Seargent ) who will give instructions to this squad. Each squad leader will receive instructions from the platoon leader.


The Environment


The road from Moscow to Stalingrad will not be an easy one. Combine patrols, zombies, and other dangers that will be waiting for you. Snow storms are also nothing new comrade. You should be prepared for bad weather and be able to find shelter in case of emergency. However, there is one big danger that you should avoid at all costs: The Forbidden Lands (Russian QZ). Twisted horrors and deeply terrifying creatures lurk in the woods and the snow. It is well advised to stay away comrade, Of course, it would be faster if you traveled through the (Russian QZ). However, we advise you not to do that, the decision is up to you Major.

Soviet Reclamation Forces

S.R.F Major [ 0 / 1 ]

S.RF Captain
[ 0 / 1 ]

S.R.F Lieutenant - Squad 1
[ 0 / 1 ]

S.R.F Seargent - Squad 1 [ 0 / 1 ]

S.R.F Corporal - Squad 1 [ 0 /1 ]

S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private

S.R.F Lieutenant Squad 2
[ 0 / 1 ]

S.R.F Seargent - Squad 2 [ 0 / 1 ]

S.R.F Corporal - Squad 2 [ 0 /1 ]

S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private
S.R.F Private

S.R.F Private

18 Players max

Elite Overwatch Unit [ 0 / 1 ]

Overwatch Ordinal

Overwatch Ordinal
Overwatch Soldier
Overwatch Soldier
Overwatch Soldier

[Overwatch Players will be actively hunting the SRF if they should draw the attention of the Combine ]

6 Players Max

24 Players ( 18 + 6 ) are needed in total

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.):

Sure i would love to spearhead or help the Staff

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?:


Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?:


Will this concept affect the mainserver?:

Very Unlikely

Misc info and map:

Open for suggestion & Still searching

Special Thanks to :

@G R U G

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**Artyom Kravchenko walks in, donning a large trenchcoat, a gas mask and his Iconic Blue Beret. Under his coat is some notable prison clothing, hand sewn and repaired, with all of this he has an old vest made for pouches and a gas mask bag
Fucking Stalingrad? God damn. If Andrej wouldn't be a fucking Loyalist or already C24 Character. He would be there
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