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"Work. Ring true to the visions our fathers had of this All American City, and this vison will become a fact of reality before your very eyes."


Current City Administrator: Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker


Population: Approx. 200000 Citizens


Basic City Statistics
Total City Stability Rating: 48%%
Infrastructure Stability: 49.4%
Air Quality/Purity: 81.8%
Xenian Infestation Threat: 5.83%
City Cleanliness: 64.4%
Citizen Satisfaction Rating: 42.9%

Total Imports: 49% of All Goods
Total Exports: 51% of All Goods
Nutritional Intake: Imported

Luxury Items (Tobacco/Alcohol): Imported/Exported
Building Materials: Exported

Ballistic Ammunition: Exported
Clothing/Accessories: Imported
Medical Supplies: Imported
Electronics: Exported

Vehicles: Exported/Imported
Military Supplies/Gear: Exported

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**All across the city streets of City-16, a city wide broadcast flickers to life. The City Administrator Jeremiah Whitaker has taken the podium and is prepared to give an address to the public.
"To the inhabitants of the City-16, Boston, this is your Administrator Jeremiah Whitaker speaking. I'd like to take the time to share with you all a recent experience I had in a place far beyond the likes of our humble city. To the distance region of City-24. A prime example of Universal Union exceptionalism and quality leadership. It was upon my quick yet enjoyable visit to this city where I was able to bear witness to what life under the Combine Empire has the potential to become. Extravagant, eloquent, and most of all, luxurious. For I must take the time to remind us, that our recent elevation into a state of self-sustainability was brought upon by the care and dedication of our fellow European sectors and cities. For without them, our journey back into stability could just not be possible in such a small amount of time. If we are to run parallel to this desirable way of life, if we are to continue to grow and expand like our ancestors did generations ago on this same soil, then the favor must be returned. Our relationship with the marvel that is City-24 will only continue to grow. And with time, together, a new ago of prosperity will be achieved. Expect more updates within the coming months of recent changes and updates regarding foreign affairs. For now, as you walk to your newly constructed factories for work in the morning, when you gaze upon your state issued meals of the evening, give special thanks to our friends across the seas. For they are the the tip of the spearhead when it comes to a better tomorrow for all of us. Glory to the Combine Empire and her Workers. "

**The screens shut off, a fat grin on the Administrators face right before the cut out.


"We are getting close to the point of acceptance. An acceptance of the fact that there is a price we must pay for sharing this world."

The once popular Massachusetts Workers Welfare Program is falling.

Efforts to expand the city limits and push work quotas has resulted in a great deal of pushback.

Protests and riots are becoming a frequent issue.

The order has been given to act swift in the breaking of these movements.

This is no time for panic.




Thousands are dead or injured.

Stability is slipping lower as the hours pass on.

Bombings have been rampant about the city.

These next few days will decide the future of City 16, Forever.



Weeks of brutal combat have been brought to a halt today as special forces have extinguished the remaining rioters and resistance forces.

Civilian Work Groups are already being dispatched to begin city-wide repairs.

This has been a costly victory. The deal continue to liter the streets, and probably will for many more weeks.

A small price to pay for civilized society.

Glory to the Universal Union




Whitaker has give the order to advance.

In retaliation for the February Riots, City 16 is expanding its sphere of influence.

As if enough lives haven't already been lost.

How much more can one city endure?



The void of warfare hungers.

The attempted reclamation has left casualties on both side piled high.

Pressure from the administrative body has proven to yield no source of relief.

This is clearly the start to something terrible and prolonged.

Population numbers begin to shrink by the day.

Some hide while others die.

For what?




Boston is now nothing more than a warfront.

Every aspect of life is dedicated to 'The Great Pushback' as the leaders call it.

Jeremiah constantly reassures the already morally defeated populations this is a 'necessary sacrifice' of the community.

What was once an optimistic take on the Combine's America is now nothing but dismay and hardship.

Passion is no more. Gaining land in the name of Jeremiah and the Empire is all that matters now.

Civil Protection Conscription is through the roof, there are more Civil Protection delegates than factory workers.

Expand, retake, recapture, remain, enforce.

We will take back what is our.

Or die trying.




Weeks of major triumphant Combine victories have been brought to a stand-still.

Extraterrestrial allies have migrated North to stop the advancement of Union forces any farther from out of the depths of Boston.

Combine forces have hit an all time high in casualty numbers as the Resistance now have the reinforcements to begin digging in.

How long with these new defenders hold against the rapidly expanding forces of City 16?

The rules of engagements are rapidly evolving.




Finally convinced by his advisors to cease his violent push forward, Whitaker orders his forces to cease their advancement.

Combine forces are now focused on building up defenses around the land they were able to capture.

Despite the advancement being brought to an end, thousands of Combine forces have been vanquished.

The sudden arrival of Vortigaunt forces ensured that the final days of the conflict brought about the most casualties.

More than 9,700 dead.

6,700 mutilated or missing.

All for a shred of more territory.




Whitaker announces his newly crafted concoction of work orders to restore order and glory to the city.

Where the fighting ceased, labor was to take place.

Soldiers trade helmets for hard hats as the various institutions begin work.

Within Six months, the follow is to be completed:

A formal defensive structure around the entire perimeter of City 16. A titan of a Combine defense structure.

New age Trade Unions are to be constructed and led by the people, creating jobs and opportunity where the previous welfare program failed.

And at last, a massive infrastructure reform. Both the newly acquired and previously owned territories will receive the finest advancements of Combine infrastructure.

The time for War Games is over.

Now is the time for economics and politics.



The Six Month Plan is beginning to work. The riots have slowly been snuffed out.

The new city perimeter defense efforts are still under construction, but moving along at an acceptable pace.

Perspective surrounding the Great Expansion has shifted from one of discontent to one of pride and accomplishment.

After all, we were the victors.

Cry not for the fallen, but celebrate that such heroes existed in the first place.

Monuments are built to preserve the memory of the lost.

Import and export values are at a net positive.

How long will this turn around last?




Boston continues to climb as desired position within the Combine Empire.

New members join the City Cabinet with bold new ideas for the future.

An independent staple of the coast, there is a buzz about new ideas for the future.

More expansion? New trade deals? New alliances?

What will become of this new Boston?



Nova Patria Civitatum Foederatarum

Just as stability had been restored, new areas of influence had been consolidated, and tensions extinguished, something new has came into the light.

Opposition from within.

Another local by the name of Tod Ellsworth

His strong disposition towards Whitaker has made the masses raise an eyebrow.

Talks of a new way have been in the works, right under the nose of the aging Administrator.

Some say this has been in the works since the dawn of Whitakers land grab.

What is Ellsworth planning?
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The popularity of Ellsworth became far too much of a threat to the future of Boston.

Despite the fact that he had the love of the people and even the local lawmen on his side, it wasn't enough.

He was able to secure a new home somewhere within Europe. Robbing Boston of another bright new mind.

Needless to say, the locals were far from amused regarding this power move.

A faint reminder of the Sins of the past conducted by Whitaker.
