City-53 - Kyiv, Ukraine


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City Fifty-Three - Kyiv, Ukraine

Status: <:: Unstable ::>

"The City of the 'Rus"

City Fifty-Three, or formerly the capital city of Kyiv, is a major industrial and residential center located in North-central Ukraine. With the city being located between the Dnieper River, there are two sectors of Kyiv, the Left Bank and the Right Bank. The Right Bank, located on the western side of the Dnieper, contains the more historical landmarks of the city and also has the majority of Kyiv's business and administrative institutions. The old Parliament Building of Ukraine as of right now is being used by the Combine as the administrative Nexus building for City Fifty-Three. In the Eastern Left Bank, is primarily just dominant with residential complexes. Industrial and Green Areas are located both in the Left and Right Bank.


KievChurches.jpgThe first instance of what would become the city of Kyiv was first founded in the 7th Century. Kyiv was founded by three brothers who each made their own settlements near each other until eventually coming together to form the town of Kyiv, named after the eldest brother, Kyi. The city was seized in the mid-9th century by Vikings who sailed down from the North. Soon later Kyiv would also fall into control of Novgorod under it's ruler Oleg and made the city it's capital, leading to the creation of the Kyivan Rus.

Throughout the period of the Kyivan Rus, the city would become the spiritual center of the Kyivan Rus. By the 12th century, the city's wealth and religious importance was due to the city's more than 400 Orthodox churches. It would become a cultural center in Eastern Europe.

The glory times of Kyiv won't last forever. In the 1230s after a series of succession wars, the Mongol Horde attacked the Kyivan Rus and sacked Kyiv, destroying most of it and killing most of it's population.
With whatever remained of the Runs lands and Kyiv, became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1362. Many years later, Kyiv would be integrated into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. However, with Ukrainian and Orthodox unrest in region would lead to a Ukrainian Cossack uprising led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, capturing Kyiv. However, with increasing pressure from Poland, the Cossacks turned to Moscow for assistance against the Polish. But, in return for Russian assistance, would mean that Ukraine must be annexed into Muscovy.

During the period of being part of Russia, Nationalist movements in Ukraine and especially in Kyiv were formed in order to have a free Ukraine. It would be until the Russian Revolution in 1917 and the Russian Civil War where Ukraine became free from Russia. Unfortunately, Ukraine would be annexed into Soviet Russia and being formed into the Ukrainian SSR. With Kyiv being the capital. During the Soviet Five-Year Plan period, Kyiv was expanding immensely, with new mechanical, electrical, and chemical industries being established in the city.​


The German Invasion in 1941 again brought severe suffering and destruction to the city. Nearly 34,000 Ukrainian Jews were massacred and many others. Many of Kyiv's inhabitants were deported for forced labor and into concentration camps. It won't be until 1943 when the city would be recaptured by the advancing Soviets. With the city's important role in the war and the destruction it suffered, the Soviet government honored it the title of Hero-City. It would be reconstruction in the postwar Five-Year Plan. Kyiv would continue to serve as the capital for the Ukrainian SSR until 1991 with the dissolution of the USSR, having Ukraine and many other Soviet Republics becoming free.
Ukraine was finally able to find it's own future. It's own path to take. However, the disaster at the Black Mesa Facility would forever change Ukraine's future and the future of Mankind.

uk.pngIn the early 2000s, the disaster at the Black Mesa Research Facility caused several portal storms to open up all across the globe, leading to devastation and the invasion of Xenian wildlife. Kyiv and the rest of Ukraine would be heavily impacted by the opening of portal storms all across the country. Unrest amongst the populace enveloped the country due to the weak Ukrainian government's inability to cope with the disastrous situation. So many inhabitants and the government would use the expansive underground metro tunnels to escape from the portal storms and the Xenian invasion above ground.

This would go on for the next three years until when the unbelievable happened. An massive alien empire called the Combine invaded not just Ukraine, but the entire world. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fought valiantly against the Combine invaders but would be in vain. After seven hours of fighting, the world would capitulate to the Combine invaders, becoming another world under the jackboot of the Combine Empire.

In the wake of the Combine's victory, almost half of all the structures of Kyiv were in utter destruction. And whatever was left untouched or only partly damage was repurposed by the Combine for use such as using the now defunct Verkhovna Rada parliament building as the main Nexus building. The Combine would also utilize the railway system that Ukraine had to relocate many of the inhabitants of Kyiv across to the remaining cities in Europe and abroad.

1061874370_0_357_5697_3440_1000x541_80_0_0_cf81e80434699d6cc6dc95c30ffa7fc2.pngFor the populace that were lucky enough to not get relocated away from their home were forced to live in the overcrowded soviet-style apartment complexes. Life was miserable.

In the late 2010s, a new organization seemed to appear out of the shadows.
A symbol seen in dark alleyways, a symbol many haven't seen for nearly 20 years now.
The Ukrainian Trident.


Combine Civil Administration


The Combine Civil Administration is the main operating organization of City Fifty-Three. The CCA's core duty is to ensure the City keeps stable and in-order.
The CCA is encompassed by the Core Administration, Civil Worker's Union, Bureau of Enlightenment, Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, and Civil Medical Union.
The CCA uses the former Verkhovna Rada Parliament Building and the Ukrainian Government Building as the main structure for their operations.
However, it has been ever been going so difficult for the CCA to keep order in Kyiv nowadays. Ever since this strange group that been using the old world Trident, the Ukrainian populace has begun to slightly rebel against the system.

Civil Protection

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Civil Protection is the Combine's law enforcement organization that works in all urban areas on Earth, including City Fifty-Three.
As of right now, Civil Protection in City Fifty-Three has had a rather eventful couple of months. With this new group that appeared out of nowhere, the populace has been in a state of unrest. Rebelling against the Combine control of the city in support of this resistance group that has the Trident.

Kyiv Underground State

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Lurking in the shadows, away from the over watching eyes of the Combine, is a organization that claims to want to bring freedom to the people of Kyiv and the people of Ukraine. This organization refers to itself as the Kyiv Underground State. This organization's primary resistance operations are the sabotage of key Combine activities and high target locations. Ever since the first signs that the organization existed and were present in the populace, many people began to resist the Combine's rule in secret. Until the perfect time to strike. The organization is comprised with all forms of citizens with differing ideologies. Democracy, Anti-Totalitarian, Nationalism, all of those. All united for a free and democratic Ukraine.
"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heros!"

Free Territory of Kyiv

Amongst the chaos that Kyiv has been going through, appears another group from the shadows. This group is similar to the Kyiv Underground State, however is different in the way they'll achieve their goal of "Liberation." This organization refers to itself as the Kyivan Makhnovist Movement. This organization's goal is also for the freedom of the citizens of Kyiv. However, instead of a democratic Kyiv, this organization aims to establish Kyiv as a Anarcho-Communist Utopia, hoping to bring back the dreams of Nestor Ivanovych Makhno for a Free Ukraine under Anarchism.
"Power begets parasites. Long Live Anarchy!"​


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