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Radio Bob Approved
City 70 - Detroit, Michigan

"Don't drink the water, they put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here..."

A city run down and abundant with poverty, stretching across the side of the large Lake Michigan. It reeks of smoke and dust, emitting throughout the city via the many industrial zones plastered around the already torn city. The biggest and most important of these is the water "purification" plant located by Lake Michigan, where water is drained in use for Combine approved canned water, to be shipped and distributed across to different cities on Earth. Old, wrecked and abandoned neighbourhoods scatter around the city, housing (as the City 70 Security Council refer to it) many different "drug labs" and anti-civil activities of a similar such kind. Most of these "drug labs" are used in order to reverse the effect of the canned water to then be distributed to rebel communities as far as possible. The "purification agent" used for the water is created within other factories across the city, where citizens unknowingly contribute to the production of the drug, and are instead told that it is just to clean up the water. The process takes around 20 minutes max, which allows for a constant production of Combine-approved water. It is the main advertisement within the city, with posters and banners plattered around showcasing the water and encouraging citizens to produce more.


Outside the city, a large abandoned patch of land still remains, creatures from the nearby wasteland emerge and infest this area, although it is also scattered with abandoned towns with many goods to any wanderers. The slums within City 70 are used as underground railroad routes that lead to the outskirts of City 70, the Combine monitor this railroad closely and constantly shell it with headcrabs, leading to infestations within. This is also where the "undrugged" water is trafficked through, where Resistance scientists have removed the drugging agent from the Combine water products to be handed out to Rebel bases located within and around the underground railroad.

The central Overwatch Nexus is held in the centre of the city, alongside being a military stronghold for City 70 it is also a powerhouse, providing energy to all power-essential technology within the city, including factories, CP outposts, etc. It houses the C70 administrative board and is guarded heavily with rows of secure walls, and large checkpoints for each entrance, in times of emergency within City 70, these checkpoints will lock down, and automatic defences will operate within the perimeter. City 70's main entrance for relocating citizens uses a mass checkpoint station, purposefully scanning incoming citizens for contraband, relocation coupons, and checking ID for past records and identification confirmation. "Miscount" citizens are sent off via train to someplace unknown, whilst those successfully scanned as clean are permitted entrance. Sirens wail from a distance, smog and fumes rise from every corner, advertisements for Combine approved water products are seen throughout. Alongside the canned water produced, "water flavoured" rations are also produced, similarly drugged and shipped off throughout the city, and the rest of the world. This city is a priority for water-related rations, and produces thousands per day, if production were to somehow stop it could dent water ration stocks in every city as a whole.

The central Overwatch Nexus is held in the center of the city, alongside being a military stronghold for City 70 it is also a powerhouse, providing energy to all power-essential technology within the city, including factories, CP outposts, etc.

this will require authorization from cop leads or another due to it being apart of their faction lore @Spine
Well, looks like Spine has spoken for the Civil Protection faction. Even if water here is processed as per what the city has in its description, he may be against the idea completely of having a garrisoned amount of units placed in this area.
Thank you for the submission. Spine is fine with the current set-up regarding Civil Protection and such.

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