CITY ADMINISTRATOR Arvid Haugen, City 22 - "The Norwegian Oppressor"


Radio Bob Approved


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<:: General Information ::>​

Full Name: Arvid Haugen
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Male
Nationality: Norwegian
Ethnicity: Norwegian
Place of Birth: Oslo
Raised in: Oslo
Languages: English, Norwegian and Finnish
Date of Birth: 23/3/1970
Age: 32
Occupation: City Administrator of City 22
Current Citizenship: ACTIVE

<:: Medical/Physical Information ::>​

Weight: 76KG [165ibs]
Height: 182.88cm [6’0]
Build: Mesomorphic
Blood Type: O-
Illnesses: None
Conditions: Depression
intelligence quotient: 137
Medical History: N/A
Pre-war Diagnosis:

39 % - Light Depression

<:: Personal Information ::>​

Relationship Status: Single
Religious Orientation: Christian
Sexuel Orientation: Heterosexual
Political Believes: Conservatism
Political Party: N/A
1. economy & Administration and Management
2. Ph.D., and a degree in Law.

<:: Physical Traits and Identifying Factors::>​

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Skin Features: N/A
Blemishes: N/A
Markings: N/A
Voice Description: Male Voice with a deep pitch, speaking out German Accent​


Arvid Haugen was born on March 23rd, 1970. His parents were very supportive of him, and he never felt any sadness during his childhood. He became acquainted with everyone he met frequently at his daycare facility when he turned five. Arvid knew the names of his daycare supervisors as well as the children in his class. He actually found it interesting to listen to the head supervisor’s life story! And so, his ability to listen to and gather opinions and stories from complete strangers began to grow. At ten years old, he wrote a speech for the Student Government Association in the fifth grade. To Arvid's surprise, he felt calm and collected as he stood up in front of his peers and delivered a speech so well-written that he received a unanimous vote to become Class President. Arvid felt he could accomplish anything that involved public speaking or debating. At 16, he was invited to debate about the law at a Norwegian show. The honor brought him great pride in his abilities. At 17, he graduated from his high school as class valedictorian in 1988. His valedictory speech brought tears to the eyes of all of its listeners, for Arvid wrote it with passion and great detail of his class's achievements. And he had his future planned out as well. He was given scholarships to Yale and Harford colleges. He studied vigorously at Oslo, his college of choice, for the next six years to earn a M.A. in Business and Administration, a Ph.D., and a degree in Law.

Those degrees would play a vital role in Arvid's journey. In 1996, he was invited to the position of Party Speeches for the Christian-Conservative party Kristelig Folkeparti. He and his aging parents were overjoyed. He would be the youngest recipient of the honor and duty to date. He held political rallies, spoke in favor of numerous Conservative Prime Minister's nominees, and was even befriended by the King himself. In 2000, he ran for the highest office the Norwegians had to offer: Prime Minister. He fought "tooth and nail" but was eventually defeated by the Arbeiderpartiet candidate. Ever since then, Arvid has vowed to someday reach the presidency, or at least something like it. However, he became a very influential member of the Norwegian Parliament in the process. Arbeiderpartiet advisors found him to be worthy of representation. This somewhat made up for his defeat.

By late 2000, it seemed he would get his chance again. The previous president had finished his terms, and he was running against a "stick in the mud." His strongest opponent had no charisma about him. He was dry, had a very unlikable personality, and he knocked out two opponents easily and became the Conservative candidate after winning by a landslide in the primary elections. It all seemed as though Arvid would win, right? Wrong.

It was January 20th, 2001. When Arvid was giving a speech to the population in front of the town hall about the portalstorms, a strong gust of wind could be felt. When he looked up, he saw the storms again. He stopped talking and, like most of them, looked up with full astonishment, but also fear, because they knew what was going to happen, because many countries in Asia, Africa, etc., had already collapsed, and the EU, Russia, and the USA were still standing with a premonition of what was to happen. He looked again at the people who were paying attention to Storm. He straightened his tie and began to say, "Now where was I? That's that pro-" A loud lightning bolt struck Oslo from the sky, and the force left a skyscraper broken in close proximity to Arvid'sposition. He held his hands in front of the falling building's dust and protected his eyes. The masses who were supposed to hear his speech panicked, and not a minute later, a portal opened that looked like a scene from Sci-Fi, and Arvid asked to himself, "Is that possible? Is this a dream? " Suddenly, a hunter came out of the portal and started to attack the people. In greater fear, the people started panicking, and it caused more injuries and deaths while Arvid had the chance to flee. He was scared and sad that he couldn't help the people, but it would be suicide if he tried.

Arvid could feel his feet touching asphalt as he ran for a very long time and then realized he was still on the main road. A black limousine pulled up promptly. It had a foreign license plate on it. The driver told him to get in. Without hesitation, Arvid followed the sound of the British voice. The Hunter beings were lost on the horizon, but Arvid did not dare breathe a sigh of relief. He knew those "things" were hostile and would pursue humans. The limo skidded to a halt in front of Oslo's Parliament building, and a disgruntled and acutely disturbed Arvid emerged from the leather interior. He was rushed inside the building, where he found a conference with the King. A white-haired man in his later years stood up and started a discussion on ways to diplomatically stop whatever was attacking them. Arvid needed to head into an air-conditioned room to clear his mind and settle his stomach, which was so woefully cringing at the thought of immediate surrender. The room he sat in was covered with windows. He looked up at the sky, which had become as dreary as ever. Gray storm clouds began twisting and undulating around a few points in the atmosphere. Arvid peered upward at this point. Suddenly, the clouds separated into wide rifts at the locations Arvid noted. An immense flash of blue light illuminated the entire room. Arvid was unable to make sense of his surroundings. He lost his balance and stumbled over a plush sofa. He suddenly changed his opinion, knowing that if we didn't start diplomatic discussion, the population, Earth, and the King would be in danger, and by now there were already many, many casualties. While the Parliament was discussing it, he looked towards the TV and made a live broadcast from the U.N with a fella named "Doctor Wallance Breen". He said it would be suicide to keep on fighting, as it equals suicide and people would suffer, so he talked about surrender.
Arvid himself doesn't like giving up, but he totally agreed with the unconditional surrender. He'd rather live than die trying to fight some aliens. As he was done with his speech, another message was spread and it was from the UN-Security Council, saying, "Today, on the 20th of January, the Seven-Hour War began and ended. The Earth surrendered unconditionally in order to save the population and the soldiers' lives. Every soldier, partisan or policeman has laid down their arms and reported to the local "Union Commander'' how they call themselves for further job details. Breen will be the Earth Administrator, as he discussed the unconditional surrender. Arvid freezes in shock at the news. He went back to the Parlament, and a few of them were given the option of joining them or taking suicide. The King especially took the suicide option and was offered a cyanide pill, and he took it. The King died, like many other politicians in the Parliament, and the rest were offered to join their combined rule over the city. A few of them did, and a few didn't. The news even broadcast the surrender of Wallance Breen to the Combines. It seemed to Arvid that they wondered how deep their intelligence ran. But the surrender seemed to have worked. The ship's energy cannons began powering down, evident by the drone of its power source slowing down. A large grub-like thing, attached to what seemed to be an alien life-support system, was slowly lowered down from the no-longer-existing ceiling. It "spoke," but it clearly did not have a mouth. Am I imagining this? Arvid thought. That being turned what appeared to be its head toward Dr. Breen. that whatever beings understood the English language. Dr. Breen began his sentences with "We mean you no harm! On the behalf of the United Nations, I am hereby surrendering Earth! Save us! We will give you whatever you want!" and the following was just basically the demands and so on. Arvid knew bad times would occur. So his meet up with those makeshift Police forces were made. But unusually they’re different. They got Brainwashed in some aspects and are fully loyal to the regime even by the very early occupation. He got his first encounter as he traveled to City 22, or more “transferred” and as usual, he got set with a Suitcase with stuff that is not worth a dollar and good to go. As he arrived in the City. There was an urgent Administrator call with some experience in law and management. To his fun luck, he got some, but his not decent amount of Social-Credit was some backlash, but he wrote a letter the local acting Administrator from Summit 24

“Dear acting Administrator

I, Arvid Haugen, wish to present to you my application for the Administrator position. I have a PHD in Law and education in Management and Organization, but I am writing to you also for the pardon for my low Social-Credit amount that is insufficient for the requirement limit. I hope, we can go on a compromise

Sincerely your Haugenn.”

Out of luck or skill, god knows he got accepted to a debate. Now being in the debate position between the applicants, he nailed it with his pre-knowledge of debating and gaining favor. So the Summit 24 decided to put him under CLOSE watch for the Administrator position, where he isn’t able to complete overthrow the regime or doing stupid decision. He got a representative over him from Summit 24 and he must submit every change idea to him before doing so.
But Arvid isn’t angered or annoyed. He knew it was a good compromise for his low social-credit. He is still awaiting Orders from Summit 24.​
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