CITY ADMINISTRATOR Volodymyr Grygorenko - City 53 | "The Novice"


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Volodymyr Grygorenko
"The Novice"


"I am no politician. I am just a man who works in the people's best interest."
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  • <:: Basic Information ::>
  • Name: <:: Grygorenko, Volodymyr Petrovych ::>
  • C.I.D: <:: [Expunged] ::>
  • D.O.B: <:: 01-04-1980 ::>
  • Age: <:: 37 ::>
  • Gender: <:: Male ::>
  • P.O.B: <:: Nizhyn, Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine ::>
  • Nationality: <:: Ukrainian ::>
  • Physical Status: <:: Active ::>
  • Civic Status: <:: Tier-6 Priority Citizen ::>
  • Current Location: <:: City-53, Kyiv ::>
  • Occupation: <:: City Administrator of City-53 ::>
  • Education: <:: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University ::>
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<:: Physical Information ::>
Physical State: <:: Medium-Weight ::>
Height: <:: 5'6" - 168 cm ::>
Weight: <:: 140-150 lbs - 63.5-68 kg ::>
Eyes: <:: Hazel Blue ::>
Hair: <:: Black >::
Ethnicity: <:: Caucasian ::>
Body type: <:: Meso-Endomorph ::>

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<:: Background Information ::>

Born to a poor working-class family in the city of Nizhyn in Northern Ukraine, Volodymyr Petrovych was an introverted and shy kid in his younger years. He didn't have many friends and would stay inside most of the time; but he was okay with that. He would spend his down time reading any books he could find about the world, developing a deep interest on the subject that would carry on into adulthood. Other than that, he had a relatively normal upbringing; he had loving parents, attended and graduated high school, had crushes on some pretty girls at school, and so on. Normal teenager stuff.

After graduating high school in 1998, he packed up his belongings and moved to the capital city of Kyiv so he could attend classes at the Borys Grinshenko University. He would only be at the university for one year, dropping out in the summer of 1999 so he could travel around the world, like he always wanted.

For two years, Volodymyr would travel all over Europe and some parts of Asia--visiting historic landmarks such as the colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Red Square in Moscow, and many more. In the early 2000s, the Combine would invade the Earth, conquering it in under seven hours. Luckily, Volodymyr was back home in Kyiv when the invasion happened. He would bear witness to the destruction of his home, and the whole world.

After the Combine occupied the Earth, he had a difficult decision to make. Either fight the Combine and risk being killed, or to collaborate. With no other options to make, Volodymyr decided to collaborate with the Combine, seeing that the fate of humanity rests on the Combine's shoulders.

In the years since the Occupation of Earth, he progressed up the ranks of the party; even getting himself a pretty decent position in the Combine Civil Administration in Kyiv, now known as City 53. When the former City Administrator, Dmytro Shevchenko, passed away via illness in late 2016, protests erupted amongst the Kyivan populace demanding for a change in direction. When this was going on, Volodymyr thought he could be that change and decided to try his hand at running for the position of City Administrator; despite having little experience in politics. The primary force that drove his campaign was the promise to improve the way of life for Kyiv's citizens and to promote equal cooperation between one and all.

Despite being viewed as young and inexperienced by the party's elite, he was still able to achieve the vote at a close call, becoming the new City Administrator in which he'll serve as to the present day.

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