city of shit - feedback


Radio Bob Approved
i'd like to start this thread with a quick apology,

for all the short-comings of the event, no one's fault but mine, an over-ambitious project that relied too heavily on people who never showed up or dropped out and removed themselves from blame or responsibility at the last possible second.

major shoutout to @Chains who was the only dude helping me gm the whole time, and while i was still stressed to death, i could kinda bare it, regardless, no amount of our efforts really put quality back in the event, which i apologize for, i think i had a change of interest from the time of writing event to running it, that, coupled with lack of help, and lack of attendance by key figures (even today), ruined the event

shoutout to @Andrew and @Amiro for joining last sec to act in the event, relieved me of a bit more streess

but, by all means, my worst event, i wont lie, there was no grand quality or attraction, im avoiding running shit like this again, because it sucked

stay tuned for japan event 2, which i can assure, will be way better thene wtv the fuck this was.

things id list that this could have benefited from:

- a better team, 3/4th of the original staff of my friends I had planned bailed on me and never even joined the discord or left

- different method of selecting players, the most important roles were given to people who didn't show up knowingly, or forgot or even showed up and just pinged.

- not to pursue too much individualism without enough people to cater to every aspect of your story, I wanted to make everyone their own main character, this wasnt ambition to begin with, became ambitious the best the event started and i was the only gm.

Moral of the story, don't rely on people
Sad how it turned out but in the end it was very fun for me with the roleplay I got to do and even had some small character development even if it was small and even had a character redemption in my death but overall I would give the entire thing a 6/10 and I would really hope to see something similar in the future once there are more admins to help with such a thing so things run much better 1691099538342.png1691099641805.png1691099492503.png1691099551481.png
honestly i feel like the concept was a way cooler one than the japan event, its just really unfortunate that it didnt pan out as it should have. i don't think it was any fault of BDB or any of the GMs in this, and I applaud them for trying so hard with this
Feel like an asswipe for missing the initial launch now, cause the few hours that we had of this event were genuinely amazing for the most part. I wish the best for everyone that decided to continue pushing the event, and hope that sometime in the near future there will be a reboot of sorts.