Containment Breach - Day 1 Feedback


Active Member
A majority of the new death row inmates had been killed through various tastings with dangerous anomalous entities…

The intercom spoke of a site-wide Euclid and Keter level containment breaches, many anomalies now roaming around the facility with no one left alive to tell them what to do any longer.

Foundation Personnel and the remaining D-Class are confused as to how they will continue from here… However, they will try their best in their attempts to escape the facility.

Nine-Tailed Fox has been dispatched to the facility, many troops making their way to Site-31 via helicopter and ground transportation. It will take a while before they manage to get to the front doorstep of the facility itself.

The Chaos Insurgency and their plans have come full swing into motion, many of their spies haven’t been uncovered as they relay vital information to their superiors. They were successfully able to cause a site-wide containment breach.

This concludes the first day of the three-day event. Tomorrow, your main task is to try and escape while the Mobile Task Forces attempt to recontain the anomalous roaming the facility.

What did you think of this event? We’d love to hear your feedback in the replies, along with constructive criticism to potentially enhance your experience on the event.
absolute banger fr 10/10
only thing i can ask is that it starts earlier like 5pm gmt or something

I would also like that class d get given weapons, their fists are broken in TBC and literally have no chance tommorow tbh since guards will slaughter them
Gotta say, the event was really fun so far, I was able to GM A Few people in 087 and that was pretty fun, plus watching the other encounters.

Only main issue would be a lack of interactions with 079
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I was research assistant Gilligan. First off, the event was quite pleasant and not so bad.

- the atmosphere was there, it certainly felt like we were in a facility during its day-to-day.
- The person playing SCP-049 seemed knowledgeable on how he works and talks. I can’t speak for any other SCPs as I didn’t interact with them.
- Staff were attentive
- D-class got owned
- I get player freedom and all, but when it came to what to do, researchers had a bit TOO much freedom as we were a tad clueless for the majority of the first bit of the event. I ended up simply following around the other researchers as they were trying to think of another thing to set the D-class on.

The most heinous example I personally saw was the first ‘test’ where we brought D-class to the infinite staircase SCP and with very little interaction beforehand shoved them in and told them to walk. Unfortunately, Zima was the only one who could legitimately monitor them as he was the only admin. And even then, he eventually got bored I guess and left. Given that the rest of us couldn’t do anything besides sit at the entrance, we left the D-class players down there with presumably no admin to sic an SCP on them.

- some of the foundation staff characters would act as if they had no clue what they were doing or what kind of facility they were at. It’s a nitpick I guess but seeing a security guard be like “an endless staircase..? Huh? A plague doctor?” At a job where he probably would understand at a minimum there was some paranormal shit going on, is a bit weird. Plus a team of professional scientists weren’t all that professional. Plus, it felt as if they rushed a lot. Like, very little /me’s and whatnot; just “d-class come here, d-class go in” proceeded by staring into the room AFK until the D-class died.

- imo the calm parts of the event where everything isn’t going to shit shoulda lasted a bit longer. But that’s just me.

-setup… took… too… long…

That’s about all I can think of. To wacky tiger, don’t be discouraged just cus I put more cons than pros. Overall I’d say the event is going good so far, but of course there’s always bumps in the road
9/10, it should have gone on longer

also tomorrow pls don't start the event while all the americans are at work, the server will be basically half dead if you do.
9/10, it should have gone on longer

also tomorrow pls don't start the event while all the americans are at work, the server will be basically half dead if you do.
i might have to start the event at like 5:00 PM EST, sorry for all of my GMT friends out there but for us americans it'll be like 8 AM if you want it earlier than this.
The most heinous example I personally saw was the first ‘test’ where we brought D-class to the infinite staircase SCP and with very little interaction beforehand shoved them in and told them to walk. Unfortunately, Zima was the only one who could legitimately monitor them as he was the only admin. And even then, he eventually got bored I guess and left. Given that the rest of us couldn’t do anything besides sit at the entrance, we left the D-class players down there with presumably no admin to sic an SCP on them.
Sadly, for a situation like that it'd more or less require 2 staff, I had been GM'ing the lower portion along with Zima, so I came in a bit late
event is actually crazy
played a stupid janitor char letting out two SCPs and stealing everything from everywhere.
Also, may want to start assigning security levels to the keycard doors so the cards actually make a difference
the way custom item creation is on the SS server is that misc items like the keycards are nearly impossible to configure on stuff like doors, idk how else we could translate that to something like a key to make them actually useful and not for aethestic
the way custom item creation is on the SS server is that misc items like the keycards are nearly impossible to configure on stuff like doors, idk how else we could translate that to something like a key to make them actually useful and not for aethestic
I mean just simply making a static text like ‘lvl 3 keycard required’ (worthless cus everyone has lvl 3 lol) next to a keycard lock and trusting players not to be dumb might work