Containment Breach - Day 2 Feedback


Active Member

All SCPs escaped. (106 was Contained.)
Most D-CLASS escaped.
Chaos Insurgency got their way.
MTF Failed their mission.

The Alpha-Warhead was detonated.

This was the final day of the Containment Breach event. This is my first event in Short Stories, so please leave some feedback of the event below. I will be using constructive criticism to the best of my ability and utilize it for future events that I am involved in. Otherwise, thank you for joining!​
rigged i am shocked and appalled

A fucking zombie took a whole mag of UMP to the head,a five seven with two mags and 1 bullet to the head too, and dont forget the 500 leg shots too.
what a banger though fr
I escaped through a vent with a bud and nearly died by SCP-076 several times over, nearly died in the warhead explosion. Good shit.
I was the only researcher that bothered to join back.

My main gripe is that I had spent almost all of day 1 interacting with 049 and having a conversation with him, so I’m sad I didn’t get to continue that this day as 049 never showed.

Another gripe was that we had been stuck in the area between light containment and the entrance zone for a long ass time, long enough that people simply started breaking character and quoting memes and whatnot - and the danger of 035 kinda passed as he sat there aimlessly.

But overall despite me being fed to 106 in the beginning with NLR, then being reduced to mostly cowering in a corner as a method of survival, it was an interesting and fun event, even if it was kinda goofy that MTF weren’t blasting the D class. I figured D class would have their own group separate from researchers and guards, but maybe that would be too much to keep up with.

In the end, assistant researcher Gilligan got led to the exit by SCP-999 before the explosion, and managed to escape. Whether or not he was crucified by the O5 council with the rest of the security who failed to listen to orders was to be seen.