Craw - Event Concept - EXPERIMENT: 3008


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team

*DISCORD NAME & ID: General Craw419#9525




ITEM #: SCP-3008
DATE: 200■
DETAILS: "There has been a large increase in Instances involving SCP-3008-2 exiting from SCP-3008-1 and attacking Foundation personnel as well as an Increase of Missing Individuals near The Retail Park housing SCP-3008. [These Disappearences are most likely a result of them being lost within the retail park and entering SCP-3008-1]. This is abnormal considering we have not experienced such rises in Incidents over the last decade. I would suggest sending a group of D-Class Personnel into SCP-3008 with camera equipment as to properly understand the situation.

SIGNED: Dr. ■■■■ ■■■■■■



EXPERIMENT: 3008 is my take on a 'Unique' Short Story within The SCP Universe. This Short Story takes place within SCP-3008 otherwise known as "The Infinite IKEA" which is an entity that traps you in a parallel world that is an endless IKEA store that stretches over the horizon like The Ocean. This Short Story would run slightly similar to that of CODENAME: VENUS with Exploration Aspects and that every Player is unique and has their own story/Faction to show where you can be anyone who came from anywhere.

Do not be mistaken by the mere sweetness of a humble IKEA store however, There is Vile and Deadly entities that stalk you from every corner of the IKEA when the lights go out which leaves Survival as a very slim luxury that not many have the pleasure of getting.

This event would be a Three Part Event with The first day being an Introduction to SCP-3008 and its inhabitants aswell as forming alliances and meeting with groups as to find a means of survival. The Second Part of the event would be where the plot is revealed and where and what is causing these attacks deep inside the heart of IKEA. The final part I don't want to spoil but it will be the fight of a lifetime. The integral part of this event is how the players come together and split apart as it may very well result in how or if they are able to survive and escape the Infinite IKEA.


If players that are trapped within The Labyrinth of IKEA find themselves forming together in a group of sorts then that may attract unwanted attention from other players who formed other groups which could lead towards infighting over dominance over a certain territory.

There will be 'Side Missions' for all players whether that be exploring an abandoned outpost that was left from other survivors or fighting off a group of IKEA Staff if the lights go out. These 'Missions' would reap good rewards whether that be materials, weaponry, medicine etc.

In the end point of the Event, The players decisions and their relationships they have made with each other will directly impact their chance at survival against the terrifying onslaught of IKEA Staff that attack when the lights go out...who knows? You may just find a way out...


The Enviourment changes frequently in IKEA, It appears bright but foggy during the day, Signs labelled as "Exchange" hang from long, metal wires that reach far up into the sky where the human eye cannot even see. Ominously peaceful music sings from the intercom each morning as the staff move around the Labyrinth, carrying out their duties peacefully as survivors scavenge the Always stocked kitchens for Swedish Meatballs and freshly cooked Fish before swiftly moving back to their towns made from various furniture stacked atop each other.

At night however, Fear sets in as The staff become hostile to anyone they see, lumbering their disfigured bodies and blank faces across their Store, tearing any survivors they find to a pile of blood and guts as they calmly repeat the same phrase over and over again. "The Store is now closing. Please move to checkout". Every night seems to be a fight as they attempt to tear down your fortified walls with the abnormal strength, being torn apart by your weapons as they fall to a pile of empty skin on the ground, eventually retreating back into the endless shelves of the Living Room section that extend beyond the Horizon.



The Foundation

D-CLASS Personnel [0/4]
Death-Row Inmates turned Scientific Guinea Pigs by The Foundation. Used for testing

Human Beings

Newly Trapped [0/-]
Average people who went to shop for furniture today and got trapped in their personal hell

Accustomed Survivors [0/-]
Survivors who have been trapped within The Labyrinth for who knows how long

Elder Survivors [0/3]

The longest living survivors of The Labyrinth, Wise Elders who have lived the most of their lives within IKEA's walls. There is nothing they do not know about this Labyrinth


The Staff [0/4]
The twisted skin Beings of this realm, abnormal and strong killers whom fight for an unknown reason.


Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.): I do want to assist the team during the event and help with event Characters and such...I do not think I am fit to spearhead this event so I will leave that to the Professional SS team (That does not mean I don't want to help out though. I do).

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: No.

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?: No.

Will this affect the Main Server in any way: No.
ikea monsters should be staff/people who die during the event, and instead open up more roles for the different aisle tribes. love this idea
ikea monsters should be staff/people who die during the event, and instead open up more roles for the different aisle tribes. love this idea
With Aisle Tribes I don't really want to have them pre-established like the players only have one or two tribes to join that they cannot lead. I would rather have the players themselves decide to form their own tribes

So if you wanted to make a tribe based on the principles of an IKEA Brand Kitchen Knife. Go Ahead.
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