Denied Donavin Jones - Event Concept #12 - 'Mars'.

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Donavin Jones

Steam Name & ID: Meme_Lord_Satan
Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

I plan this to be a 1 week event, yeah this is gonna be a long one.

<:: 185 Citizens, 32 voluntary. 35 Civil Protection teams. 20 Biotics. Selected for Off World relocation. ::>
<:: Affirmative. ::>

Were the words spoken by Dispatch, as the bunch were sent off world. But not to a new dimension, but to a planet on this solar system. Mars. On the year 2010, a plan to go to the planet Mars was hatched, a discussion between CPRD, CWU, and CCA was made. The plan was given a green light. Thus, those who were deemed 'trust' worthy were chosen to go on this ambitious operation.

Details on the ship.
The ship that carried them over to mars was a 4 month trip in total. All of the citizens, and the Biotics were tasked in maintaining the ship. Along with Civil Protection, and OTA Delegates. On the ship contained 12 CPRD scientists who were given many plants and even xenian flora to experiment with on the planet.. With this came Antlions, of which were giving not only the 'Antlion Juice' for destroying Xenian Flora, if an outbreak were to occur.
View attachment 17441
Any and all who disobey are killed, without thought or care. Surprisingly, only 11 people were killed in the ships departure to the planet. The director of the operation was 'Simon Vladiskani', a man from City 17 who was originally the Co Manager of the CWU, who started working in the CPRD. In the course of the 4 months, it all went well and no issues happened, the only 'issue' that happened was a fire in the kitchen, which was put out quickly.

Arrival on Mars.

On arrival, all workers and CP's were given special suits of which could keep them breathing. A base was constructed, a quarters of which the workers sleep, and get their supplies in, a kitchen. And finaly, a CPRD lab for testing. The first 5 months on the planet was a over all success, the combine were learning a lot of the planet. And a possibility of farming it of its resources, or terraforming it, in the duration of this. More citizens were sent, along with OTA and supplies. On the 7th month, a crisis happened in the area of which the Antlions were held for harvesting, sabotage had occurred which caused them to go loose. 30 Antlions had gone loose, 2 of which were worker antlions. None of them were caught, which caused the facility to go in code RED, a 2 week hunt was made to try and find them to no avail. The desert of Mars left no reliable tracks. Which caused a long hunt for the missing antlions. The first year in, CPRD scientists made a discovery of which was big. Xenian Flora cannot exist well with the Martian land, not until tests were made in a cave, the Xenian Flora was small but was alive. Another shipment of Citizens and Supplies were sent, it would be the last one for a while. The total population was 650, only 50 of which were Civil Protection, many of the other guards were OTA. The workers built the PROJECT-13, or comedically was called 'Air Conditioner'. As the name suggests, it produced air within the region. Enough for if the Citizens must, can breathe for about 30 minutes without a suit. 32 hours with.

The 30 Antlions had ran over to one of the many mountains Mars hold, making the very first colony of antlions. On a different planet. As time went on, the workers made quick work to repopulate, creating as many grubs as possible along with the regular Antlions. The Hive would be noticed only 2 years in, after reports of Workers going missing. By now, over 300 Antlions are present, and growing. Including, one single Guard.

On the year 2012, chaos would erupt after a mass riot would occur from the force of 600 Citizens, breaking into the armory. The Civil Protection force was overwhelmed, 20 of which deserting. Joining the Rioters. OTA tried all they could, but the over all result ended in the facility being taken over by the 'Martians League'. 329 People remained, along with 40 Biotics, all of which were freed in a matter of 4 days.. But, connections to earth were 'gone'. They were alone with what they had, and that was food that could last them 2 months at best, same with water. Simon Vladiskani was sent away, not being executed. But forced to roam the wasteland that is Mars. Quickly, a new leader 'Karl Weber', a German man who, in his words, 'Will fix everything'. Many combine tech could only be operated by Civil Protection, and the remaining CPRD. 10 of the Vortigaunts deserted, moving to live near the giant antlion hive, using it as their source of food. As did the Humans. Remember that Xenian Flora in that cave? Well, the CPRD scientists kept it for research. But, since they were mainly being held captive it grew to a size of which allowed Xen Flora and Spores to be made, allowing headcrabs to be made on a population of around 98 known Headcrabs. 4 years would pass, the main diet of the people was antlion, and farmed crops they had in the habitats. Karl Weber would be dead, and many of the workers found out that the suppression field did not reach here, causing many to reproduce. Some suspect the Combine have either forgotten, or given up on the project all together. But what is known, it is every man for themselves.

Workers. 0/∞
Vortigaunts. 0/6
Defected CP's. 0/10
CPRD. 0/4


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.): Yeah, I would.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: Yes.

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?: No, if people wish to use chars FROM willard. They may

Will this concept affect the mainserver?: Not really.
I will possibly make changes, as I made this late at night.
Event on another planet sounds interesting. Thanks for the submission.
its even worse cuz the one that he actually got accepted he isnt even allowed to help/lead in
I've had two accepted.
One of which they said they would talk about (they forgot about it I think.)
This has been reviewed collectively by SS team members who provided input. Below is a general statement on why this submission is: Denied

This doesn't seem like it has much to be worked on while it would also set a precedent of Xen Fauna not being able to thrive on other planets, which would require a fair amount of discussion with the CT team to decide if it makes sense or not. Alongside that, I don't think there's ever been much interest from union science departments to send somebody to Mars.

Long story short, it wouldn't work very well. The main premise is just 'moon event', and it'd be a lot of effort to make it feasible.
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