Donavin Jones Event Concept #13 - 'We must make it home, no matter the cost'

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Donavin Jones

Steam Name & ID: Meme_Lord_Satan
Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the event:

< : : We have to make it home, no matter the cost ahead of us. : : >

Is what a lone Civil Protection unit spoke in their group, refugees from the now abandoned City-21.. Their objective? Make it to City-42, no matter the cost.
The group is of 50, 10 cps, 5 MAA Remnants, and 2 vortigaunts that have been removed of their shackles. Merely as they had no choice, or it would end in slower progress. As of now, they have been forced to halt their progression to City-42 as a lone man approached them from afar, a rebel who was near frozen to death.
"A storm.. One no like any other I've seen is coming! You must head back south, you'll have better odds at the Xenian Malignancy! You must run!"
Before collapsing, dead. The people were terrified, The CPs and MAA had to keep order within them.. They had noticed a old abandoned Town, they could use that to their advantage and perhaps survive the incoming storm in 2 days. But at what cost will it take for them to survive?

Civil Protection 0/10 | only 1 rank leader
"They are our last hope of order on this march.. They are what remains of what was safety, I just hope they still have their humanity."
The CP's job are to keep order and peace in the refugees, in hopes of surviving the incoming storm and to make it to City-42.. But some can disregard this, and cross a few lines.

Militant Arm Arteria 0/5
"In some ways, I distrust em more then OTA.. Cause I'm pretty sure they are criminals, but they do have some heart I think. I just pray they won't go rogue on us."
The MAA, or what remains of it were mainly cannon fodder.. But now all their good for is protection, and military like combat unlike some of the CPs.. No one is sure if they will go rogue..

Vortigaunt 0/2
"The frogs.. Some are happy they got freed, some aren't.. I just hope their 'hivemind' doesn't get us all killed."
The vortigaunt were freed merely to help speed up the run to City-42, after a Rank Leader thought it would be for the better to unshackle them. It is up to the vorts if staying with potential dead weight is worth it.

Citizens - 0/30
"We just want to go home.. We thought the combine could save us from.. That thing.. But with that storm coming.. Would we have better odds in the Xenian Malignancy?.."
The Citizens hope is low, unrest is high. News and confirmation of this storm coming has caused many to panic, and some to consider leaving and take their chances to the Xenian Malignancy. Only a few carry weapons, and they aren't all to good.

CWU Remnants 0/3
"We will keep order, as best as we can.. No matter the cost, we will survive."
The remaining Senior + Workers were made the leaders, CPs and MAA take orders from them other then the lone Rank Leader.. Majority of the time, their say matters most. Even if their laws are controversial, the CPs vowed to follow and keep them in order. Survival, at any cost.

The Threats.

Zombies - High
"We thought they would have died in this kind of weather.. Guess not, these bastards are some how stronger!"
The zombies have been frozen, but the headcrabs have adapted and evolved in this weather, making them immune to the elements.. Their weakness? Heat.

Bandits - Low
"Low of the scum.. But in a way I understand.. Survival at any cost.. But fuck, if only they could help us!"
The bandits, all be low are a genuine threat to the refugees. They can steal, pillage, and hinder their progress on mass and may even kill them all if action isn't taken correctly..

Rebels - Medium
"They left us! Left us in that city, left us to rot! At least the CP's came back for us, can we really trust them!?"
The rebels, all be seemingly the good guys will shoot the cps on sight, including MAA.. They did abandon you, it is up to you if you wish to cooperate or even join them.

Antlions - Low
"A single hive is near the mountain, they come out at night and hunt whoever dares try and fight it.."
The Antlions are struggling, and require food.. But with this new branch of Refugees, they could easily exploit it if given the right time.

THE STORM - Catastrophic
< : : That storm will kill us all! : : > "What do we do?!" "Humans, we must go back to the Xenian Malignancy!" < : : No, thats suicide. The leaders know what they are doing! : : > "Do they?!"
"Calm yourselves, we will go to the nearby town and refuge there! We will survive!"
Is what was yelled.. Whether or not if they survive is up to both the leaders and the people. The storm will kill them if they cannot find a warm and secure place to refuge in.

Workshop Content (collection including map, NPCs, unique tools/weapons, etc): (A dupe)
Map (Workshop link & ID, like gm_flatgrass): this.
or this
Thanks Falliz <3

If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team): Yes.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: Yes

Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?: Yes

Will this concept affect the main server?: No.

Where on the WN lore map - (if anywhere) would this effect, and to what severity?: low1682719827198.png

Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: @The_Grass_Man
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I am chilled to the bone! Sounds like a good event!

MAA is dedzo tho unless this is gonna be a story set in a time MAA was a thing? Or are they just veterans?
The city they are from had maa in it.
The city got overrun by the Xenian Malignancy, there fore all contact is lost and the MAA there is still the MAA
Hiya, just want to ask a few questions which are confusing me here:

1. How did this group magically make it out of the XMZ unscathed? VENUS showed there were no boats left except for the one used at the end as well as Overwatch abandoning the city, there was litterally no way out considering the train tunnels were collapsed and the roads were closed. No human can make it entirely through on foot without being killed by the tremendous spores let alone 50.

2. Why are the MAA there?

3. Why are there two free vorts who are helping the Combine?
there are free vorts in the metro helping the combine yo
The difference between these two situations is that in the metro they need to work together to survive.

Vorts can live easily in the Malignance Zone. Why would they try to help their enslavers there?
The difference between these two situations is that in the metro they need to work together to survive.

Vorts can live easily in the Malignance Zone. Why would they try to help their enslavers there?
Answering this one first - Why wouldn't the vortigaunts just leave the metro, it is infested with antlions which is their most prized food source.
Vortigaunts have been known to be loyal, as of now there is a vort trying to make Synthetic vorts (which don't make sense) but with that in mind, the 3 vorts can and will help the combine in this logic.

1. How did this group magically make it out of the XMZ unscathed? VENUS showed there were no boats left except for the one used at the end as well as Overwatch abandoning the city, there was litterally no way out considering the train tunnels were collapsed and the roads were closed. No human can make it entirely through on foot without being killed by the tremendous spores let alone 50.
Repaired Vehicles and the use of makeshift masks, the reason its 50 is so more players can actually join the event and play it, and due to reasons that the group was originally bigger. Only 50 remained when they made it to the outskirts of abandoned Katalla, they had also made quick movement during the expansion of the XMZ in hopes of escaping. I'd like to think the XMZ didn't instantly in one day gain that much ground after the Venus event, and in this context I'd like to think it didn't. + It had gained more land after the Alaska event.

2. Why are the MAA there?
The MAA were stationed here, the city was abandoned due to the XMZ and thus the MAA still, under technicality, exists.
The city they are from had maa in it.
The city got overrun by the Xenian Malignancy, there fore all contact is lost and the MAA there is still the MAA
I even answered this.
Repaired Vehicles and the use of makeshift masks, the reason its 50 is so more players can actually join the event and play it, and due to reasons that the group was originally bigger. Only 50 remained when they made it to the outskirts of abandoned Katalla, they had also made quick movement during the expansion of the XMZ in hopes of escaping. I'd like to think the XMZ didn't instantly in one day gain that much ground after the Venus event, and in this context I'd like to think it didn't. + It had gained more land after the Alaska event.
It's not the repairing wasteland vehicles and using makeshift masks I'm concerned about, its the fact that the group somehow made it through the XMZ from City 21 to Katalla alive. If you played VENUS you would know near the end of the event when the city was entirely consumed by the Malignance, in the heavily militarised group of 20-30 CPs, Rebels and Vorts combined was broken down in 15 minutes with only 5 escaping luckily via a boat.

A group of Fifty would spend weeks if not a month or two walking across the American landscape where it would be constantly be beating down with spore life, Xenian fauna continuously attacking and all the elements are against them. They can't even sleep without being attacked. Even if there were 100 people in that group the statistics are impossible.
made it through the XMZ from City 21 to Katalla alive
Need I remind, the XMZ wasn't at the reach it is now at Venus, it is at its reach now from the Alaska Event, it was not as big.
If I recall, the XMZ didn't reach up past this point (the dark line)
While yes that isn't a lot, it still shows the possibility of them going up past it. The XMZ only reached up the top by that point cause of the failure of Alaska, in this scenario the people already made it to Katalla by the time the Alaska event had ended.
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