Denied Donavin Jones - Event Concept #9 - 'Stuck'

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Donavin Jones

Steam Name & ID: Meme_Lord_Satan
Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

The year is 2028.. Long time has passed since the outbreak, and it almost feels like it happened so quickly.. You see yourself in one of the Quarantine Zones made by the Military, or what is left of it. Life is hard, suddenly those who were rich are no longer in their big mansions. They get to live with the rest of the scum like you, either homeless or just barely getting by. Food is rationed, and you have to have a valid ration card and ID to get them, and are sometimes regularly canceled. Whether it be a Firefly attack, or due to the fact they wanted to as a means of 'punishment'. On the outside, lies bandits and infected, no one within the Quarantine Zone is allowed to go outside, for any reason.. However, many venture out for a means of either escaping. Or getting food to bring back.

Gangs are common within the Quarantine Zones, hell sometimes people practically sleep walk joining them. Society is collapsing.. We just don't know when the tower will stop falling.

The event will take place in one of the Quarantine Zones, which is protected by the remnants of the Government. Since my last one was basically just a boring 'Scavenge and Survive', or Post-Apoc for short. And I actually had this idea come back when I was replaying the game, where it starts off in the Quarantine Zone after the introduction segment. The event will take place in one of the Quarantine Zones. It will basically be City-RP, but a lot more depressing. There will really be 3 Factions.

The event will be 4 days.
This event will be mainly Passive RP focused on the first day, allowing people to know each other. There will be certain areas of which have spores in them, and will require a gasmask no matter what. As these spores can infect people to turn into Runners, Stalkers, or eventually. Clickers. Players DO NOT need to apply to be a Citizen, only if they want some stuff. I-E a gasmask, or a gun. Lets explain the role of each faction (Properly this time)
The Governments role is to restore order, and to keep people within the Quarantine Zone.
They will do as such. Allow hours of the day to give out rations to the hungry, give out propaganda on how the Fireflies are terrorists, and to kill any and all Infected they come across
The Fireflies are a Paramilitary Militia that plans to 'restore the government', as they see the current government as oppressive. They will do as such. Recruit anyone willing to join, kill anyone that opposes them, and commence attacks on the Government within or outside the Quarantine Zone.
The middle party.
The Citizens are actually the most powerful of the two groups, due to the fact both of them want the Citizens to favor them. The Citizens can either Join a gang, be loyal to either the Fireflies or Government. Or simply live on the outside, away from them. The last thing either group needs, is for the Citizens to protest or riot.
This event isn't going to be easy. PK's WILL be harsh, whether it be being in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting infected, or angering the wrong people. This event will test the players survivability.


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.): Yes, I love the last of us.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: No.

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?: If people wanna use chars from willard here, go for it, not like it'll change much. But everything else no.

Will this concept affect the mainserver?: No.
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Just a recommendation, stop making so many event suggestions. I’m not saying they aren’t good, but the more you make the more they just get piled up and queued. Just… give it a rest for a second, lmao.
Just a recommendation, stop making so many event suggestions. I’m not saying they aren’t good, but the more you make the more they just get piled up and queued. Just… give it a rest for a second, lmao.
Listen, its like a addiction.
I just keep flowing with ideas, I gotta get my fix.
Listen, its like a addiction.
I just keep flowing with ideas, I gotta get my fix.
Try writing them down in a google doc, refine them and then after a while post them to prevent pile up. So it has thought and quality put into it instead of just "idea, write, post"? (Only to get denied a few hours later)
Try writing them down in a google doc, refine them and then after a while post them to prevent pile up. So it has thought and quality put into it instead of just "idea, write, post"? (Only to get denied a few hours later)
I don't know how to make google doc, and I'd just forget about it.
Listen, man. We appreciate that you feel motivated to submit events, but please, take some time and put more effort into the events, otherwise they'll just keep being denied. The event submissions forum isn't going anywhere anytime soon, you're wasting your own time by continuously writing events that lack the quality we are looking for in a submission...

I'll still run this through the staff team, but take the words above into consideration next time.
Listen, its like a addiction.
I just keep flowing with ideas, I gotta get my fix.
Listen dude, I understand what you mean as the creative flow to create constant events has happened to me before. You gotta just stop and take one idea. Make a Google doc and make it detailed. Do some research and refine all the kins out so you know Exactly what you wanna do. One you believe it is perfect and 100% the best you can do...then post it

But please don't write 90 event concepts in 5 days. If you rush em they are bound to be denied
This is actually a nice idea. I don't usually comment on these but I really like the Last of Us and i always thought the quarantine zone and that first chapter of Last of Us had a lot of RP potential. Would work well for a short story event.

Other people are overwhelmed with your constant flow of event ideas? Idk I ain't seen the others. But yeah, this is a great concept, just needs to be fleshed out a little more with specific plot points and stuff.
Listen dude, I understand what you mean as the creative flow to create constant events has happened to me before. You gotta just stop and take one idea. Make a Google doc and make it detailed. Do some research and refine all the kins out so you know Exactly what you wanna do. One you believe it is perfect and 100% the best you can do...then post it

But please don't write 90 event concepts in 5 days. If you rush em they are bound to be denied
Like Craw said.

I have at least 4-5 event concepts loosely formed in google docs right now. They consist of random sentences and words that remind me of what I want the event to eventually become. That's where your write your stream-of-consciousness ideas. If you don't write the good ideas down as they come, you'll forget them.

Second step is to sleep on it. Look at it again the next day with a refreshed mind, and start editing it down to make it clearer and more focused. Repeat.

Third, start piecing ideas together. Formulate the plot by create a beginning (build-up), middle (climax), and end (conclusion) section. Make character sub-plots and connect them together so the players have common interests to interact with each other.

Remember that the bottom line comes down to what maps are available on GMod. Most of my event ideas started by finding a cool map that could be RP'd in.
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Still pending a verdict on this one, looks like it was never posted to the SS Discord and I wanna make sure it gets a fair review.
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