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Giswil Tunnel



Giswil Tunnel, 02/08/2017
In Switzerland, between North Zuerich and Autostrasse lies a road tunnel created prior to the Combine's liberation of Earth. During its prime, the nearly 1,300-metre tunnel would have a vast amount of traffic pass through it daily, estimating a couple of hundred vehicles, ranging from semi-trucks to motorcycles. The tunnel itself contained a lighting system that would power on for diverse to illuminate bits of the roadway for drivers passing through, due to the lack of natural light exposure in the tunnel. To maintain the timer and overall control of the lights, as well as the electricity that powers them, there is a small depot: built into the tunnel's left lane.

Post-liberation shows a different life for the tunnel. The traffic formerly of trucks, cars, and motorbikes, came to a complete stop caused by a pile-up that circulated during the events of the Seven-Hour War. The choked tunnel with its vehicles and corpses still present stays as well covered traffic route for refugees and common resistance looking to move through the Swiss suburbs. Barnacles and other necrotics way do not pass through the tunnel but have made themselves a nice home within it. Xen infestation is not exactly as influential to the lifeforms that either pass through or live in the tunnel, but infestation patches are still present.

1/1/2017 | A refugee making it through the tunnel


Approximately 550 metres from the tunnel's South Entrance, the pillar of support that had been holding the tunnel since its creation, and all through the liberation of earth, had undergone a severe blow from an unknown source. Meant to withstand over 26 tons the pillar had collapsed, possibly from the plain and zero efforts from the non-existent Department of Transportation of Switzerland. Currently, the tunnel is split in half by the debris barrier draws a straight line gluing the South entrance shut from the West entrance.

Trading routes, by groups of refugees, rebels, and other humanitarian efforts, that formerly went through the Giswil Tunnel are unknown and more than likely in the process of being re-written and rethought out due to the bridge's collapse.