Info Guidelines & Rules [Archived]

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Willard Management


Welcome to Willard! (General post rules)

We wish to create a community welcoming for all individuals who are interested in playing Half-Life 2: Roleplay. This forum is not rated mature, mature content in the form of harassment, threats, bullying, child abuse and sexually explicit content will not be tolerated. This includes defamation. Other mature content needs to be clearly marked in the title.

Behavioural Maturity - We expect a level of maturity from all our members who take part in the Community. This means that everyone should be respectful of other players and not go out of their way to flame, instigate drama or spam. Other disrespectful and antisocial behaviours and/or actions fall under this. A friendly and cooperative atmosphere is what we strive for.

Ideological Mentalities - Please note that all users who play and those you speak with may have differing ideologies, politics and/or religions which may not directly feel comfortable when you start talking about your own views on the matter. While we do not condone any hateful actions towards anyone's views, we do ask that if you engage in conversation regarding such, it is kept civil at all times and even kept to your private DMs and chats.

Common Courtesy - In direct link with the “Behavioural Maturity” rule, we expect a certain level of courtesy from our members. This simply means we expect players to follow the rules as per they are written, respecting server staff and players and generally ensuring the experience is as fun and fair as possible without taking steps to ruin it.

A Message from our Community Leaders to you:

Willard Networks does not condone the influence of ideological behaviours festering within the playerbase. As we are a gaming community, we wish to present a habitable and non-toxic environment to all its playerbase as much as possible. The community of Willard is a melting pot of many individuals of different backgrounds that fit into a variety of categories.

It is also recognised that within this melting pot arises a plethora of social thoughts and processes that appropriate what Willard stands upon as a foundation of its community in general. We expect our players to politely to treat each other with the respect and decency upon which you would expect in return.

We do not give individuals specialised treatment for any reason; whether it may be positive and / or negative in equal mannerism within an inclusive environment.

Please enjoy yourselves.

Freedom Of Roleplay

We want to offer you as much creative freedom as possible while maintaining a base level of quality control. You decide your own backstory, development, and direction. We expect you to use this freedom responsibly and not abuse it at the cost of other players' experience. We grant freedoms so you can contribute to the overall roleplay of the server in a positive way.

For PK-specific rules, please look here.

1) General Ruleset

While out of character it is expected of you to remain respectful and calm towards others. Every player should feel welcome in the community no matter what their background is. Any form of OOC discrimination is forbidden and can result in a community ban if it is severe enough.

Always follow an administrator's instructions even if you disagree with the decision. If you feel an admin is making the wrong decision, the decision can be reviewed by a member of Staff Management. You can present this via a forum complaint/report.

Failing to roleplay a situation is strictly forbidden. You're expected to be roleplaying at all times, If a player breaks the rule during the situation you must finish the roleplay and report later. You must also roleplay any injuries that occur to your character, even if you are alone.

Hostilities toward staff members is not tolerated. They are volunteers, and they have no obligation to be assisting in the issue you're currently trying to fix. Those who insult, berate, or otherwise antagonize members of staff while they are providing assistance can result in that administrator dropping the case entirely until you are able to converse more sensibly

Examples of breaking this rule:
  1. Insulting another player through /pm;
  2. Spamming;
  3. Disregarding an administrator's decision;
  4. Leaving the server intentionally to avoid roleplay or consequences of any kind;
  5. Taking advantage of an OOC issue to give yourself an advantage in an IC situation (initiating a shootout when a player involved crashed, waiting for someone to type to get an IC advantage);
  6. AFK during roleplay situation;
  7. Leaving the game just after an active situation, it is best to wait 30 minutes as people might be actively looking for your character.
    1. You may not switch characters either.
  8. Cheating or exploiting to gain an advantage of any type.
  9. Creating throwaway characters in order to cause trouble.
  10. Transferring items between characters
  11. Use of LOOC mid-RP to stall or complain.

2) Powergaming

It is not allowed to perform actions that would not be possible in real life either, this is not limited to roleplay through /me. It is not allowed to force actions upon another player. You are not allowed to roleplay a non-player character.

  1. Roleplay through a /me to lift up a truck.
  2. Jumping from height and not roleplaying the consequences from your fall.
  3. Roleplay through a /me to shoot a player with the result of the player ending up dead in the process.
  4. Looting a stash without properly roleplaying its description (nor knowing about it
  5. Repairing your armour during mid-combat / unrealistic situations.
  6. Getting back up after being downed in combat only to instantly partake in the fight again. Once you go down once, you are not allowed to rejoin a fight.
It is mandatory to RP fear in situations/actions which you would usually refrain from doing realistically. Repercussions of your characters actions must always be considered, situations which result in death due to a lack of fear RP may result in a PK.
  1. Drawing a gun to rob someone in the middle of a secure area.
  2. Running off/drawing a gun while being aimed at.
Lack of fear roleplay or fear for your life in general may result in a permanent kill.

Looting another character can only be done in realistic situations and time frames. Your characters life and safety must always be put before looting. Prioritizing looting over the need to escape or tend to wounds will be considered powergaming. The following are examples of powergaming while looting:
  1. Looting characters after a shootout in a public space.
  2. Looting characters before tending to injuries sustained.
  3. Returning to a scene to loot someone after fleeing.
  4. Looting bodies while Civil Protection is present.
  5. Looting without roleplay.

3) Metagaming & Metabaiting

Providing in-character (IC) information to another player using out-of-character (OOC) means. Providing OOC information to another player using IC means. Using OOC means to find in-character information. Using OOC communication and/or information to influence anything in character.

All characters you create cannot interact with each other in any way. You may not use a third party to transfer IC information from one of your characters to another one of your characters either. You may not reference any of your other characters.

You may only have one character involved in a particular objective and/or RP scene at the same time. Examples;
  1. You and other group members arrange a trade deal, then you show up on another character;
  2. You report someone to the Civil Protection on more than one character;
  3. Showing up to a business you own and spending money;
  4. Gathering information on one character, and using that information on another character.
Members of factions may have alternative characters in the same faction after approval is granted by Faction Management. These characters are given some leeway when it comes to benefiting their own faction or referencing their other characters.

Any platforms not under the control of the Willard Administration cannot be considered in-character unless it has been clearly approved by the Dispute Managers. Factions wishing to have IC channels in their Discord must receive approval prior from Faction Management and Community Management. Giving out any IC information on Discord without approval and without an admin present to supervise is considered metagaming.

Along with this, streaming in-game activities while in an active voice-channel has the potential for metegame, because of this if caught doing so it’ll be considered as metagame and follows the standard punishment procedures.

Returning to the scene of your death is also considered metagaming, even if done on another character. Some time must be given so the players on the scene can leave it. Once the players involved in your death (involved meaning present at the scene in this particular instance), you can roleplay normally in that particular area. Returning to the same general area is enough to be considered returning to the scene. You may not roleplay gathering information on your own death on any character you have, or referencing any of your dead characters on any of your other characters. Interacting with your own body on any character

  1. You message a player using /pm or on Discord to find you at x location;
  2. Making decisions to do things without roleplaying in-game and making these decisions IC;
  3. You get PKed on one character, and someone tells one of your other characters about it so you can get revenge;
  4. You use more than one character to benefit a faction, group or business you are a part of without FM/CM approval;
  5. One of your characters gets beat up so you @everyone on a Discord server to get in-game to help you;
  6. You see the Combine outside a friend's base so you PM him on Discord to warn him;
  7. You PM someone that is masked to find out their real name to get around the point of the /mask system;
  8. You get killed in the slums area and then return on another character to get revenge.

4) Deathmatching

Killing another player without or with poor reason to do so. This also includes you provoking others, followed by performing aggressive actions such as shooting or killing and (or) the provoked party ending up dead.
  1. A character may attack another player if a character's life is at risk.
  1. Shooting at a player because he is black and your character hates people from Afro American backgrounds.
  2. Calling a player names for them to come after you so you can shoot them.

5) Character Rules

When naming your character, you must consider the following;
  1. names cannot be famous or be similar to a famous person's name;
  2. names may not be the same as or similar to characters in video games, movies, TV shows or any other form of media;
  3. names should match the character's background;
  4. names should exist in the modern-day and be reasonably common;
  5. names should not be comical or reference memes or pop culture;
  6. names may not contain any special characters, and they must match a Firstname Lastname format;
  7. names may not be nicknames and should be full names as they would be shown on a Combine issued ID;

Characters must be at least 20 years old. Descriptions must also be proper. Unserious, over-sexualised or unrealistic physical descriptions are not allowed.
Younger characters (Minimum of 17 has to go through a character authorisation process. Please read ECHELON lore to learn more)

Admins have the final say when it comes to a name or description being valid or not. Players instructed to find another name or description should do so.

None of your characters should have any impact on anything your other characters are involved in. The metagaming rule goes into more detail about this.

Each of your characters should be unique from your other characters. Making similar characters that have the same motivations, goals, objectives etc. is forbidden. This is to avoid players name changing to avoid consequences.

Should a character be PKed or name changed, the character that comes after should have no connection to the previous character. Any players PK’ed in a faction may return to their faction if Faction Leadership permits it for the new character.

6) Third-Party Modifications And Software
Software or any third-party mods that give you an advantage in-game are strictly forbidden. Client-side mods however that provide voice line assistance, macros or other such tools created by the Community are authorised to be used. Make sure that anything you choose to use is approved by the Administration first.

This is to protect you from malicious threats and the server.

7) Offensive Roleplay

The purpose of this rule is to find a balance between allowing players to be comfortable when playing while still allowing some freedom during roleplay. The roleplay that is restricted under this rule falls under the broad term of "Offensive Roleplay", but it does not mean that any roleplay that offends a player is not allowed.

Offensive Roleplay includes the following;
  1. torture;
  2. dismemberment;
  3. cannibalism;
  4. other roleplay that may disgust another player, for example a graphic description of an injury.
Rape and any form of Erotic roleplay is fully forbidden.
To do any of the roleplay listed above, it must be done with the OOC consent of all players involved prior to the roleplay being started.

Offensive roleplay must be conducted away from other players and areas where players are likely to stumble across it. If an admin deems a location too public, it can be considered a breach of the rule. It is the responsibility of the players participating in the offensive roleplay to try to keep it away from players that may be uncomfortable with witnessing it. Players knowingly entering an area where offensive roleplay is occurring are assumed to have consented for the purposes of this rule.

If a player is uncomfortable with the roleplay and they are a participant, they may request that it stops at any time.

If a player witnesses offensive roleplay and they do not wish to see it, they may remove themselves from the scene.

  1. Torturing a player without making sure they are fine with participating in that kind of roleplay;
  2. Describing a gruesome injury in detail when someone arrives at a scene.
The following types of roleplay are not allowed to happen on the server at all:
  1. bestiality;
  2. necrophilia;
  3. paedophilia.
Sexual roleplay is covered in Rule 14.
Creation of notes are under your responsibility: if sexual or offensive notes that you created are found by other players, this will be considered as offensive roleplay without permission given.

8) Heists, Raids and Scams

It is only permitted to rob another player for a maximum of 500 credits or 5 items. It is only permitted to scam another player for a maximum of 1000 credits. There are no limitations on drug and weapon scams, or on loans (a namechange / PK during an active loan will lead to your money being removed and given back to the loan contract owner). This applies to both scamming a player for drugs or weapons and for scamming a player for money off a drug or weapon scam.

When it comes to mugging/robbing players there is some basics to know of:
  1. Civil Protection requires 4 units before you may mug them.
    1. If no staff are online, CPs are permitted to engage you in combat.
    2. You may not mug/rob anyone directly outside the main Nexus.
  2. Follows similar rules to Rule #4 (Deathmatching) when it comes to reasoning.
  3. Rolling for actions can be consented to.
Heists on a business may only be performed with either:
  1. The Owner being online
  2. 2 employees currently online (Unofficial employees count as well)
  3. Exemption: CWU, MOC and OSI may perform inspections with only 1 employee online.

Note: Staff will have to oversee the heist.
Note #2: Do not perform a heist on the same store within a 2 week timeframe.

Chaining robberies on your character unless adequately roleplayed will be considered unrealistic and a poor portrayal of a character, so be careful If you choose to go that way.

  • - Consistently robbing people in a very short period of time. Players should wait a while before attempting this again.
Raiding applies to player groups, containers or bases belonging to a player.
  1. The Owner has to be online. (An Owner who has not played for 2 weeks loses all Ownership)
  2. Please wait 2 days to rob or raid the same person.
  3. Raids must be overseen by Staff.

9) Property Destruction/Arson

Destroying another player's property requires approval from an in-game administrator. This only applies to real estate such as apartments and businesses.

  • - Setting a house on fire without the approval from an administrator.

10) Crime

You are free to commit crimes anywhere in the City. However, performing crimes against civilian infrastructure or within the public areas of the City requires at least 4+ CPs online. If you are unsure of the current CP count, type in the command /checkcrime. Slums and Sewers do not count as part of the City.

If you are desiring to take the initiative with a rebel group and desiring to attack the Combine DIRECTLY with armed assaults on their territory, 5+ CPs online are required. This is to SIMULATE a proper response force capability, should it happen. You can always ASK to see if the count is above 5 to enact insurgency against the regime itself.

Note: Crime may be committed under the limit depending on the activity undertaken.
(Example: Earlier, we had a Citizen assault a CP with only 3 CPs on; this was allowed because the CPs initiated it first, and despite being below crime limits, the CPs could handle the lone resistance making it fair to handle.)

City areas include the following locations:
  1. Streets (Excluding Triumph - TEMP)
  2. Stores (Ones within Slums do not count)
  3. Ration Building
  4. Apartments
  5. CMU and CWU
If you are aggressing against others (Property, personnel or resources) You may not utilize hidden bases, as explained in Containers and Bases, to hide for 15 minutes after committing said crime. Any areas that are not considered 'hidden' via OOC means are able to be freely used.
Note: This does not apply to those who are being hostile in their own offensive operations (Sweeps, Raids, Assassinations Etc.)

After committing a crime, you must give Civil Protection and Dispatch at least 15 minutes to search before leaving.
  1. After you have made your escape and the time is up, you may leave or switch char. You will never have to wait more than 30 minutes to switch character.
  2. This also applies to general hostilities. If you were a aggressor or defender in a combative RP scenario, you must remain on character for at least 15 minutes following the encounter before swapping, or leaving.
    1. If you need to leave during this, contact a staff member to inform them and they will handle the situation.

11) Combat

Our combat system currently operates on something known as S2K. This means combat happens instantaneously and is not determined by rolls or turns.

A few simple rules to keep track of first:
  1. Do not heal midfight
    1. Wait until afterward
    2. You may not repair your armour AT ALL during combat
  2. Because it's written in PK policy but not here:
      1. This simply means if Combine over-deploy; yes all rebel deaths will be reverted. Keep your deployment guidelines in mind as Combine players.
  3. S2K is the default
    1. Do not switch to S2RP unless otherwise authorised
  4. Binds are not permitted to execute characters in a fight, but are permitted to start a gunfight. Ending a character's life should always be done with proper roleplay beforehand.
  5. If you go down (into BLEEDOUT) during a combat situation and you get revived, you are NOT allowed to rejoin the active fight. You must roleplay your injuries accordingly and seek proper medical attention. To prevent loopholes, no amount of medical RP is sufficient during the fight, and the fight must have ended before you are allowed to re-engage after becoming critically injured.

You should never start combat unless you can actually finish it, so once you enter combat, make sure you are ready.

There are a few things to be aware of when it comes to combat:
  1. When initiating combat, it is required to make a /me before attacking other players.
  2. Combat does not need a reactionary /me in order to start.
    1. Voiding combat due to not seeing another performed /me is not a good reason to avoid it. The logs will state whether or not a person did so. If confused, call an admin to confirm.
  3. Usage of an activated Stunstick and /punch is forbidden mid-combat
  4. AFK’ing in a combat zone can and will get you killed with IC consequences
If an Admin ends a fight you are part of, do not start a new fight straight after. This will fall under Deathmatching. You must wait 10-15 minutes before starting a new fight. This also applies to those you kill, if you kill someone, you must wait 2 weeks before being allowed to attack them again.

Events will by default use S2K unless a staff member states otherwise. Please note that time scaling also does not apply to public zones such as the streets, Nexus, camera surveillance zones and any location with more than 10 players.

The servers main form of hand-to-hand/melee combat defaults to S2RP. This requires you to roleplay a fight according to the situation and are expected to portray it realistically in line with your characters traits, strength, experience, the environment, fears, knowledge of combat etc.

This does not allow you to play a fight like you're a black belt martial artist or combat instructor; use common sense and make the fight a fun and fair equilibrium for all involved.

Also remember that anything beyond basic knowledge of fighting like crazy judo moves/karate/kung-fu/any form of Krav-Maga, Systema etc. that gives you a tremendous advantage requires a character authorization approved by staff.

- When attacked from behind, you wouldn't expect it and suddenly roundhouse-kick/dodge it,
- When someone tries to hurt you with a pipe in the arm, you wouldn't just brush it off or dodge/block it like you're Bruce Lee etc.

Rolling may only be used if all parties involved agree to it. With rolling, the roll made only applies at face value to the target (e.g. Two people fight, you /roll agility and the result sum is your value used on the target, same goes for the defending side.)

When 2+ or more people fight against a single person together using rolls, they may stack their rolls to gain a group advantage over the target (e.g. Player X and Y both try to tackle player Z, so both their rolls will count and stack together against their target.)

When specifying or detailing your roll fights, refer to the above clause about common sense and fight knowledge.

In the scenario players disagree or contest which option to use, a member of staff will act as a mediator. The staff members decision will then be the system used to continue the scenario.

12) Timescale

Timescaling is a feature where an event or situation is placed into its own time bubble. One which players outside of the situation may not interact with unless timescale to their time correctly. For example, an S2RP gunfight may be occurring in the slums and CPs are responding, the fight must progress while the units are on the move, because realistically timescale would make those units still be some distance away while that fight is starting/proceeding and may even near its end by the time CPs arrive on scene due to the timescaling.

Timescaling is mainly used in situations with /me’s but does not apply to any situation using TBC, S2K, S2M, etc. S2RP and Rolling are both protected by Timescale.

However, there are some zones where Timescale does not apply to regardless of the situation:
  1. Public open streets
  2. Areas monitored by an active camera
  3. Nexus
  4. Areas with more than 8+ people in it (Only applies to the City)
    1. Slums, Sewers and Triumph (TEMP) do not count as part of the city
Examples of breaking this rule:
  1. An S2RP fight starts in slums and CPs rush in without scaling
  2. A group reaches a passage or doorway which requires RP to get through but someone who was chasing them rushes them, even though they may of escaped by the time they got there (Distance, time and all that should be taken into account)

13) Sexual Roleplay Rules

Character descriptions must describe the character's general demeanour and appearance for players involved with roleplay. Character descriptions should not intentionally sexualize the character and should be rather neutral in describing the character.

Fade to Black is defined as choosing to skip a roleplay scene as opposed to roleplaying it out in detail. Typically, the involved parties agree on what would have happened between the involved characters and simply move on.

Sexualized content and RP is generally forbidden, keep that in mind. Notes, papers or other such scripts containing sexual content will be removed and the player punished. Sexual Activity must once again happen in F2B.

14) Groups

Groups can be created in-game by any player given they have at least 4 members. They can be up to any size but must follow a certain set of rules.

  1. Do not push real-life ideals onto players. Keep ideals relevant to the current game world. Modern politics should not be discussed either, the world ended in 2001.
  2. Groups advertised on the forums must have a suitable amount of effort put into them. Anything that is not suitable will be removed if deemed too “dull”
  3. Groups must make sense to the server world and lore.
  4. Groups found to be metagaming or breaking server rules will be forcefully disbanded. You must encourage roleplay.
  5. While antagonistic groups are allowed and have questionable ethics, please abide by prior server rules.
Groups with 8+ members may gain their own forum section. If your group has its own forum section or maintains special assets or properties, you must maintain activity or forfeit the benefits you receive.
15) Containers and bases

Containers and bases have some restrictions on them to follow to make sure the game is fair for everyone and no one person or group can hold a monopoly over the rest of the server. We make sure to limit how many bases you can have and how many containers you may have.

Starting with the limits:
  1. You may only have 1 base.
    1. You may claim a base by placing a group lock on a door OR placing a padlock on a door.
    2. You may only own a single room (no matter the door count) in this way. Rooms within that room that have no viable exit are owned by the group (example: slum apartments have a bathroom).
    3. Claimed bases cannot be taking public places (see: claiming entrance / exit of sewers as a base).
    4. Only groups (3+ members) may own bases. (This is to prevent solo or duo's consuming the whole slums)
  2. Every individual is allowed a max of 2 small containers or 1 medium on top of 2 safes.
  3. Donators gain an additional 2 mediums (Depends on donation level).
  4. Groups have a max limit of 3 large containers (Excluding donator containers).
  5. Shops start with 1 large container but may have an additional 2 large containers.
  6. Workbenches inside bases cannot be destroyed by Combine forces unless they are known to be actively being used by anti-civil elements to create contraband. This comes in the form of reliable intelligence derived from informants, pictures / video of it happening ICly, and/or catching them in the act of creating contraband.
Now here are some container rules to follow:
  1. Hiding containers initially requires a /me. All containers can be hidden but only small containers and safes can be hidden anywhere.
  2. Large and Medium containers can only be hidden within bases.
  3. Each container must show the lock to allow players to break it off if found.
  4. Container locks can only be blown off if there is sufficient evidence by Civil Protection teams of knowing where it is and/or having an accepted PK request on the individual(s) or group that owns the container(s).
  5. Finding containers requires a generic roll of 18+ and must know of its existence ICly.
    1. This roll is skipped if the information is extremely reliable (such as directly from the mouth of the container holder, or from a inner resistance cell figure who has knowledge, etc.).
  6. The roll can only be done ONCE per container found in this manner. If the roll fails, no knowledge is gained and any knowledge leading to knowing the containers location is gone. Should the roll succeed, knowledge is granted and the container can be raided.
    1. Accurate information provided by informants would show activity in the area to prove that their knowledge is not wrong. This is a IC clause to prevent informants with information they know to be true both IC and OOC from getting them punished simply because the Combine in the raids didn't win any of their rolls and hence found nothing.
  7. Container hiding spot must make logical sense.
  8. Do not block passageways nor place containers in a way that you can use them through a wall.
  9. Safes are the only type of container that can not be raided under normal circumstances, but can be raided in the event that the owner has been inactive for two OOC weeks or gives away the password.
  10. All containers (including safes) can be raided by Combine Forces if they see you use them within their line of sight.
Finally some further container rules:
  1. Finding containers requires IC knowledge, ensure to take a screenshot or video evidence that you know of the existence of a container.
    1. CPs/OTA note: If multiple reports have been received from Scanners or Intelligence related officials about a base location, then you may search the area with a generic roll of 18+ being required to find container(s) in a base PER container.
When containers get raided by Combine forces, they will be ICly destroyed. You may appeal their destruction on forums in a complaint or appeal if you feel that fair play and rules were not followed.

Note: Should hostile forces raid a base in the event of an information leak, they shall refrain from destroying items if possible. This is to ensure that in the event of a void, all items can be easily returned to its owners.

Finally, 6. was added under Base rules due to the limitations of the HELIX script inventory system and might be removed as a rule if we find a proper solution to it.

16) Decoration (PET and Panels)

Decoration ranges from the use of PET flags and Panels to decor your home, building or business. We ask everyone to never abuse their flags in any way and must abide by set limits.

  1. Do not spawn large props
  2. Offices & standard housing may contain a max of 10 props
  3. Loyalty housing & small stores allows 16 props
  4. Stalls and Secret rooms allowed 5 props
  5. Medium stores can have 24 props with larger stores having 36.
  6. CMU & CWU is allowed 70 props.
    1. Workshift props do not count towards this limit
  7. The general rule of thumb: Avoid details in low-pop areas.

17) Voiding & Redos

Voiding is the act of making an RP event almost seem as if it never happened. All events are erased from the characters memories. Redos are the act of re-acting a situation that already occurred.

Voiding will only occur in the following situations:
  1. Someone has broken a major rule
  2. Staff mistake causing a situation to go in another’s favour.
  3. A major event has occurred which was not authorised.
  1. Many players have been involved
  2. Non-Combat scenario
  3. A situation went in another’s favour for clear OOC reasons/causes.

18) Lore and Continuity

In order to create an immersive environment for players to enjoy, the lore team have defined the IC lore and continuity of the world we play in. In the same way other types of RP have their own lore, we have created our own. This rule exists to allow admins to ensure players are sticking to the lore.

Players are required to follow any lore and continuity outlined. This is to make sure everyone is on the same page. Intentionally ignoring any continuity can ruin the immersion in a given RP scene.

You can find our Lore section here on the forums.
For city locations, you can find them here.
For a general timeline of our community, you can find it here.

Willard Administration Team
Last edited by a moderator:
Guidelines updated:

Forum Posting​

We wish to create a community welcoming for all individuals who are interested in playing Half-Life 2: Roleplay. As such, we will be implementing regulations that manages to keep written content limited down to the following:
  1. Keep gore and sexual detail to a minimum- if it is not allowed on the server, it is not allowed on the forums.
  2. Any detailed language of grotesque events (suicide, elements of torture and gore) should be kept to a minimum and not the forefront of story content.
    1. This is to ensure the consistency of written content is kept within a reasonable standard without going overboard detailing certain events.
Fully removed the reference to Freedom Policy due to its removal. Changed to Freedom of Roleplay.
Added new defintions to the Metagaming and Metabaiting rules
Container rules added
Combat rules updated
Mugging rules updated
Crime rules added
ERP rules now clarified (Check character rule number #5)

Prop rules added
Added a sub-rule clarification about CWU inspections under the heist rules
  1. This is obviously exempt from live Rebel raids, Overwatch Transhuman Arm deployments & Civil Protection sweeps, who if they are roleplaying with you in their upmost prime calling - a response must be immediate.
    1. If you are posing as any of the following, you must roleplay within a far shorter timespan for being.
      1. A Threat
      2. An Obstruction
      3. A Decoyance.
    2. This is non-negotiable due to the common sake for all Half Life 2 RolePlayers and keeping the fear factor of the Overwatch, Civil Protection and Rebels intact without causing time-awaited collateral damage. The following actions that are interlinked with this rule are as follows:
      1. /punch
        1. Don't use in TBC.
        2. The players have responded to your /me fairly, involving an OTA knocking someone out.
      2. /me
      3. /it
    3. Away From Keyboard?
      1. If the player is AFK and is somehow in combat, contact them or get an admin to move them if unable to do so.
      2. AFKing in a base that is under a raid will result in the player suffering in-character consequences. This is simply a token of fairness because you were there for a good reason one way or another. If you believe you shouldn't be there, refer to above guideline and staff will come help you.


For too long have players suffered at the hands of inconsistent timing during a particular event involving multitudes of players from many different factions, these have been granted after consultation with @Atle. These rules indicate that when it comes to actual rebel / citizen raids, CP sweeps and Overwatch deployments, not passive roleplay. The flexibility of the schema must be respected.

Nobody wants to wait ten minutes during a sweep, raid or deployment while everyone runs around in circles and keeps bumping into you.

That's ten minutes lost for you standing still when everyone plays during growing and heated playtimes. It is usually very inconsistent for timescale or a session gone live with activity to be sitting around waiting for Mr & Mrs AFK to respond when you should be moving, or maybe involving an LOOC argument ongoing for ten years when you could be roleplaying it through instead of loss of time.

Staff are always next to observing these situations anyhow and are usually resolved quickly, though that doesn't mean they should keep happening the way they are. Consider this my own brainchild, to which should bring fairness to all factions and mark an ability to deal with a roleplay situation almost immediately instead of it being dragged in high-demand scenarios.

Have a lovely day.​
Crime rules updated.

CP limit clarified to no longer apply to the slums. The City does not count the Slums as part of it. Thus meaning a CP can now die even with 0 other units online in the slums due to it being a danger zone.
Rule 17 added:

Refrain from using LOOC mid-rp
  1. To add onto this, if you wish to call an admin or make a complaint about RP (Except minges, those killing you without RP, etc) should be done after the fact the RP has happened, not during. Please refrain from calling an admin over an RP situation, same with LOOC use overall.
    1. Basically RP now, report later. And for fights: Shoot & die now, report later

This rule was added because there was lots of staff interfering with RP situations due to players refusing to accept fair situations and ruining the interest of RP. This will no longer happen. From this day forth, LOOC usage will be frowned upon mid rp. You must partake even if the situation is unfair for you. If you wish to make a complaint... do it later and not during the RP. Essentially let whatever RP is happening, happen.

Shoot now, make a report later
RP now, make a report later

No one wants to be locked in a situation because some dude is complaining in LOOC. So cut it out, you will RP your situations and if there was a problem, with said situation, make a report on it after the fact it has happened.

Also, this does not apply to those who are breaking any of the above server rules (No this does not mean you can just accuse someone of breaking the rules, you need full 100% proof), those who are simply mining and not interested in RP, etc.
Metagaming updated:

Planning with other players OOCly is now entirely disallowed. Since some of you wanted to try use it as a loophole... well don't bother anymore since we are not allowing any form of OOC comms anymore. You may only be exempt from this rule temporarily if you are taking part in an event and need to plan OOCly for it, you are doing OOC faction work or taking part in an activity that requires OOC communications.

New rules added:

Rule 18:
  1. Hostilities toward staff members is not tolerated. They are volunteers, and they have no obligation to be assisting in the issue you're currently trying to fix. Those who insult, berate, or otherwise antagonize members of staff while they are providing assistance can result in that administrator dropping the case entirely until you are able to converse more sensibly.
Rule 19:
  1. Players may not go to a higher authority unless it's first permitted by a senior administrator. The logistics follow as: Admin --> Senior Admin --> CM. Those who privately message CMs without permission, or attempt to message several staff members at once, will be given a warning.
Rule 20
  1. Do not leave a mass amount of items lying around your apartments, stores or bases. They will be cleaned up by the server Administration if found. Sometimes we will try to find your storage container to put it away if there is room. If not we make a note of it and clean it up. Keep items in storage.
Clarified the rules on contacting staff/CMs

Read Rule 19 for details
Added hidden base rules which also clarifies what is a hidden base

More rules and rule updates are to come soon as we review Combat, sweeping, groups and faction rulesets.

Coming to let you know that a massive rule update is currently in progress. We noticed our current ruleset is far too suffocating and way too long to read. So we are planning to simplify all the rules and try to fit everything down onto an A4 piece of paper through the use of spoiler tags.

We felt like our current ruleset is just generally too large too specialized to keep track of for staff and players. So we want to modify it to make it:
  1. Easier to read
  2. Fit onto a smaller page
  3. Be more generalized rather than specialized
  4. Make rules more clarified and clearer by making them far easier to understand.
These changes will not be noticed or seen on this page anytime soon, but will eventually pop up with an announcement to everyone to state what the rules are. You can expect some of our current rules to change as well as becoming more lenient again in some areas as we felt we are drifting away from the Willard founding concepts of Freedom of Roleplay and becoming far too restrictive. So we are aiming to get back on track and reverting some prior changes which have caused more damage than not.
Rules updated.

Please read through if and when you can. This new ruleset will help us to combat both old and new rulebreakers and better help the community and staff to understand what the intention of our ruleset is. This should cover all available subjects... but note it does not explicitly cover any specifics of rulebreaking, this is because specific rulesets cause more harm than good, so we decided a general explanation and ruleset is the best way to go in helping the community to be safe and fun for all.
Moved cannibalism to allowed, given it follows the other Offensive RP rules.
Small adjustment to base rules, specifically regarding raids against them:

"Note: Should hostile forces raid a base in the event of an information leak, they shall refrain from destroying items if possible. This is to ensure that in the event of a void, all items can be easily returned to its owners."
New Crime rule:

If you are aggressing against others (Property, personnel or resources) You may not utilize hidden bases, as explained in Containers and Bases, to hide for 15 minutes after committing said crime. Any areas that are not considered 'hidden' via OOC means are able to be freely used.
Note: This does not apply to those who are being hostile in their own offensive operations (Sweeps, Raids, Assassinations Etc.)
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