Holy Light Season 2 Day 3 Feedback

Tried to slow Knight down because he moved so fast.

Scrambling together supplies was pretty good. Spooky furnace encounter was spooky.

Messed up the battle plan. I was just trying to be sneaky, I didn't realize they saw me on the side enough to gang up on me.

That being said, I don't think the plan would've gotten much better if it went as planned. If I actually killed the priest with that shot (with subsequent shots), I think Joel would've been possessed quicker and things would've gotten read bad because he would've been healthy Joel and not shot-in-the-gut-with-a-shotgun Joel.

Good combat system though, I was hyped. Confusion wasn't so great but it was handled quickly. Didn't get to hand that guy his aspirin though, and Raptorian didn't get to be cool.
Mfw huge fight just to give a random guy aspirin
im the heir of a overlord so.. pretty fire event I’d say.

in all realness though i loved the plot twist i learned, i left the aspirin for the guy at the huge statue.. felt weird that Uriel called me “lord” or something, a good weird.