Holy Light Season 2 Day 4 Feedback

I pretty much prefer the first half of today's event over the second half.

There was considerable build-up, a mysterious set-up, and more props to flesh out the safe zone more, which is good because the past days have been barren of world-building props and descriptions.

However, that second half was not executed very well. That APC made a grand return only to ultimately play an offscreen role, Brad was given incredible relevance but that was damaged by how even the rolls were adjusted to skew towards him, and then there's that incredibly inappropriate Undertale music for the finale. After that, all sense of seriousness went out the window and I can readily call the second half the worst part of this event, overall.

This event could've benefited from more of everything, really. Players, execution, world-building, extra bits here and there, but it couldn't really live up to the potential. I think I prefer the first season. Vital characters were missing once more, and this time, with the combat system skewed towards specific talents, weapons, etc, the lack of presence for those that had them seriously hurt this event. It could've been more, but it just was not.
I sure wish people who signed up for this event showed up for the event that they signed up for….

Also I had no idea UT music was playing and finding out after the fact was hilarious.
I am sad I didn't sign up. I initially meant to, but I never got around to it.