Introduction Day - 2150 Event Feedback

Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council


1. Was the roleplay in this taster session and introduction exactly what you expected to see?

2. Was the Collective appropriately showcased as an antagonist to your characters, and how threatening they are to you?

3. Was the opening intro when the event started cool? Do you want more of that?

4. Do you prefer those Sci-Fi weapons as scripts or as entities?

5. Do you like the S2RP focus when it involves the PVP element of combat between the Gamemasters and you? Was the relationship with S2RP appropriate?

6. Favourite Part? Worst Part?

7. Will you tell people about this event and join up in it?
1. Was the roleplay in this taster session and introduction exactly what you expected to see? Honestly I was expecting it to take place in a base before we went to the actual operation zone, where we'd chat for an hour or two then the real mission would be tomorrow, I wasn't expecting us to start off crash landed and actually doing the op on the prep day, I wasn't upset though, I do feel if it was a bit more clear more people would've showed since it was effectively day 1.

2. Was the Collective appropriately showcased as an antagonist to your characters, and how threatening they are to you? I'd say so, the S2K portion was typical, but the S2RP section I think did a far better job, with our relatively large group taking quite a while to take down 2 super-soldiers. I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate them a 7 or so.

3. Was the opening intro when the event started cool? Do you want more of that? Yeah, the audio that happened was really immersive and put alot into perspective, plus a few people did really quick In-flight /mes to represent how they were acting before the dropship was shot down, so it was really cool.

4. Do you prefer those Sci-Fi weapons as scripts or as entities? Honestly, however they were done worked, it was relatively simple and alot easier to use than the main server weapons we usually use in SS.

5. Do you like the S2RP focus when it involves the PVP element of combat between the Gamemasters and you? Was the relationship with S2RP appropriate? I think so, maybe long distances should be avoided, someone pointed out that as their sniper character it was somewhat difficult to convey that they were shooting people because of the distance involved. In regards to how combat flowed I think it worked really well, and added a lot of tension as opposed to being effectively insta-killed by a S2K.

6. Favourite Part? Worst Part? My favorite part was when the secondary attack on the base started, including the S2RP section, it was action packed and led to a really good fight sequence. Worst part was probably taking the base itself due to it being S2K against NPC's in a really enclosed environment (And 4 of us getting downed by friendly fire, which was hilarious) Also worth mentioning the stealth randomly failing. Would've liked to see that be done a little better, but I think that was probably more on the players then the GM's, who surely handled it as best they could.

7. Will you tell people about this event and join up in it? Sure!
1. Was the roleplay in this taster session and introduction exactly what you expected to see?
Definitely a more unique take on events from the ones we've had in the past, going down a more cinematic and slow-paced approach vs the fast-paced combat-focused events. A generally well-done introduction to 2150 and what we can sorta expect to see down the line. Also the amount of custom content including the Cyborg vision is a welcome addition.

2. Was the Collective appropriately showcased as an antagonist to your characters, and how threatening they are to you?
At the start, seemed like an average threat you can expect in war setting. But then you had the second dropship being shot down by the AA Tower which def helped the enemy gain a higher threat status. The VJ enemies did feel a bit weaker though but still fun when in number, then again, I saw a ton of Operatives almost die to the VJ enemies alone which was a big RIP. Finally, the supersoldiers were a nice touch to make the Collective gain a better seat in terms of threat level and appear more deadly.

I mean, the supersoldiers did certainly damage the Cyborgs.

3. Was the opening intro when the event started cool? Do you want more of that?
Yes, definitely more of these in future events. I think they are a nice touch to set the setting of the event before it begins. It gives you the run down of the story in one sitting and is easy to hear + understand.

4. Do you prefer those Sci-Fi weapons as scripts or as entities?
Entities are okay, but speaking from a GM/Staff perspective since I had my rank still set ingame, it did feel a bit of a hassle to give players their weapons at the start or after respawning. If you want, I can grab the weapon names and send over Willard compatible weapon files to match so it will be a quick drag and drop into the code.

From a player POV which I was maining, it did seem that the entity version of weapons felt a bit hard to grab in a sense. You sorta had to wait for it to be spawned in rather than just grab it from the floor as a script to equip.

5. Do you like the S2RP focus when it involves the PVP element of combat between the Gamemasters and you? Was the relationship with S2RP appropriate?
Now, I said this in VC already and while it was good, I think improvements can be made far in the future with the TBRP (Turn-Based Roleplay) system where turns are automated and allows long-range combat to commence at the RP level. A interesting idea I had and already part dev'd.

6. Favourite Part? Worst Part?
S2RP outright. A good step in right direction.
Stealth... let's not try that again as it seems stealth in gmod ends in tears and well, certainty in being spotted.

7. Will you tell people about this event and join up in it?

1. Was the roleplay in this taster session and introduction exactly what you expected to see?
Yeah, it was basically how I thought it'd be. Minus the cyborg teamkilling 4 people, and hitting on the cyborg cause it looked feminine.

2. Was the Collective appropriately showcased as an antagonist to your characters, and how threatening they are to you?
Sort of, tbh I don't know how to feel about it.

3. Was the opening intro when the event started cool? Do you want more of that?
I liked it, it was fun.

4. Do you prefer those Sci-Fi weapons as scripts or as entities?
Scripts, less confusing. Whenever I open my inventory, I always forget its a entity.

5. Do you like the S2RP focus when it involves the PVP element of combat between the Gamemasters and you? Was the relationship with S2RP appropriate?
I think S2RP should've happened first, instead of S2K first, then S2RP. Sort of killed the momentum the event had.

6. Favourite Part? Worst Part?
Favorite for me was the RP with the people(all though I left cause I had to take a shit and shower) Worst part, was probably the team killing. Ruined the immersion for me a bit.

7. Will you tell people about this event and join up in it?
1. Was the roleplay in this taster session and introduction exactly what you expected to see?
Just about, yeah.

2. Was the Collective appropriately showcased as an antagonist to your characters, and how threatening they are to you?
They're interesting antagonists. The event felt pretty low risk, as expected, due to it not being a proper session.

3. Was the opening intro when the event started cool? Do you want more of that?
I'm largely neutral on these types of things, but since others enjoy it, I'd be happy with it's continuation.

4. Do you prefer those Sci-Fi weapons as scripts or as entities?
Scripts would probably be ideal, if it's not too difficult from a coding perspective. Scripts mean that you don't need to call an admin for new weapons post death and also mean that ammo count and inventory management is more appropriate, given that the gun should really take up some space in your inventory.

5. Do you like the S2RP focus when it involves the PVP element of combat between the Gamemasters and you? Was the relationship with S2RP appropriate?
I felt a bit left out of the S2RP section due to being a long range sniper. Sure, I could get closer, but it sort of defeats the whole point of the class, and puts me in a more vulnerable position due to completely lacking armour. At a distance, the people you're firing at cannot see your /mes, and you can't see their /mes. Not only this, but you are also completely unaware of what's going on in general. Your teammates could be at death's door and all you can see is a cyborg unloading their firearm into a nearby fence for some reason that would make a lot more sense if you could see all the text. I contacted admins saying that I was firing a shot at one of the meta-humans, and I was told I hit it, but I wasn't quite sure what effect that had or if I even hit the one I was actually aiming at.

6. Favourite Part? Worst Part?
Favourite part was probably the passive parts, mainly due to the really cool setting and the interesting cast of characters that arose as a result. Worst part was the S2RP, for me, due to the reasons stated above.

7. Will you tell people about this event and join up in it?
Already have <3