Natality Intermission

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Humanity's perseverance to death in dark times has always been defined by one thing - life.
The ability to give, make, create it.
7 hours is all it took to deny them of that.​

Surrendering isn't always easy, but against overwhelming odds, sometimes, it's the right thing to do. To fight another day, some day. Whatever cause Breen had, or the prices he negotiated, he did gave humanity that chance. One bargain was heavier than the other, and amongst the bartering came a topic - children. Simple question: What to do with them? Draining Earth dry until the restoration of communications with offworld command is the new status quo, little merit do the underage have in this regard, same with work. Keeping them under the same life support as adults would just be waste of resources for no better immediate cause. Yet, dastardly silver tongued as he is, Breen provides an alternative. An orphanage for conversion to the Universal Union's cause. A child's brain is young, easily malleable and converted, the quantity is almost negligibly in comparison to the beneficial outcomes and potential use. And in the following research there will be a high demand for fresh, young minds.

Lucrative options aren't set aside, yet even with the Combine's approval, it's never so simple with them, as the prices paid always have a hidden tax.

Separated, taken, stolen, given away, it's all the same. Not with the orphans themselves. Devil hides in the details, and they wanted to know all of them. First they group up, then scan down, followed by tests. Segregation of cherry picked individuals with more prominent features from the rest results in being sent off to undisclosed locations across the globe, depending on their proposed specialty. Other less fortunate, albeit debatable on that, are delivered to standard facilities. If the Combine cant get what they want out of you, they'll at least make you inclined to their cause.

Unlike most of the Combine infrastructure, orphanages in the majority are augmented human buildings, best seen fit for the cause. As only key places are replaced with Union tech and materials, since long term occupation isn't required, and being able to salvage or re-purpose used equipment is more important. However, also unlike the usual modus operandi, human made items are used more in filling the broader gaps, where Combine's touch would usually be seen, although still pertaining the cold tacked on roughness. It may vary from facility to facility, but the general conscientious stays as that, even to the lesser ones.

What is in line with Combine's M.O., and to a certain degree exceeding it, is the location surrounding each orphanage. Desolation or seclusion, depends on the purpose of the facility, but away from the general public view is the constant, and heavy patrols visible in the vicinity leave food for thought: What exactly are they doing there?

"Welcome children, welcome to your new home."
I am not sure if it is just me, but that formatting doesn't look right. But anyway, very good.
Came back to this and after reading it again, I realized the formatting was actually fine, just the video above makes it look a bit odd. After re-reading this, I have wondered how it would fit into the Lore seeing as we already have some form of child facility/city dedicated to children that are in operation in Ireland. I guess this can work pretty easily, just wondering how it would link to the education facility in Belfast.
Full disclosure.

Didn't know there was any of that kind already. The idea of a Combine Orphanage is dated way back to 2013 - the first time I've came up with that idea. In the 2013 version it was Unit 731 style facilities across the globe, with certain amount of kids given special treatment for unknown reasons.

This version is specifically made ambiguous in pretty much all aspects from the get go. Only clarifying that it was Breen's idea, the general image for the orphanages themselves (e.g. their seclusion and guard) and how the children were in general treated at the beginning. Enough details to get a clear image, yet leaving out some for the imagination to flow. Since the purpose here (of the OP) is to give a solid backdrop for other players and content creators, be it for their backstory or creation of a specific orphanage, and the lack of intricate details will allow creative and different versions, albeit still following the general guideline.

Like, the Ireland city/facility can easily be a derivative of it, like a temporal housing before sending off to other sites, or have the "general quota" version. Then again, there are other countries with their kids, and each place has/can have their own unique version.

For my character Alexei Vanhorn in Remembrance, I am basing his orphanage years in a secluded Scandinavian/Nordic country (still picking which one, but I am aiming at Finland). And the whole city where the orph is is soullessly clean, literally. That's one version, others may have their own unique twist, like an orph in a manor Resident Evil style.

As for the video. Come on, it's Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall. The point is in the lyrics, although a bit more lighthearted in contrast to the topic, but fitting nonetheless.
As for the video. Come on, it's Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall. The point is in the lyrics, although a bit more lighthearted in contrast to the topic, but fitting nonetheless.
I was referring to the formatting like it just sitting on the right side.

Anyway, this lore works, so this can be accepted. I will wait for either Imperator RAD-X or Mendelevius to give their thoughts before acceptance.
Yup, it's fine. Thanks for the suggestion.

Perhaps it can be linked up with the wider scale project of ECHELON in terms of the harbouring of the younger generation. A pattern could bring some of these ideas together and give them further purpose.
Maybe we could have it so:

Most children have been sent to Orphanages around the world which is part of this, but for those children who show potential for the future operation of the Union, they will get sent to the ECHELON facility. These children would be ones with average+ intelligence with little to no mental illnesses of any kind. However, those with big mental illnesses problems or those with lower than average intelligence will not be considered 'fit' by Union standards and be left in the Orphanages for later "use".

When I say use, I really mean that the Union will most likely wait until their older and outright turn them into OTA or turn them into Stalkers. So children in an Orphanage may get picked out in small groups every now and then. For those who don't meet the requirements for being turned into OTA/Stalkers nor to be sent to ECHELON, then they will simply be set free when they are old enough and relocated into one of the cities on the map.

This is just a very draft idea I had pop up.
Basically that, Robert, I had/have that exact general point of view in mind.

ECHELON, from a quick glance, is as of now at the moment the only such facility, and is based in Ireland, which from a logistical point of view is ineffective, as such facilities should be way more in quantity, accommodating different specialties across the Combine needs, from the basic engineers to weapon development, to transportation, to more important things like Instant Teleportation, basically what the Resistance was/is working on. Even with all the deaths, the quantity of "potential" children post-war would also exceed the amount where it would be efficient to oversee them all in one place, especially in a city.

As for those that don't fit or just the general population of kids, here is an excerpt from my work which shows what can be done to/with them:

...Combine Propaganda 101, Social Experiments, Selective Screening, Force-Feeding Supplements, Mental & Physical Exercises... Augmentation Experiments, Long Hour Brainwashing 'Clockwork Orange Style', Live Body Autopsy, and the list goes on, unless you were lucky or smart enough to follow the daily routine and qualify for the Administrator, then you were treated with the less amoral package. Light Experimental Chemical Injections, Prototype Testing, Excessive Knowledge Studying...

As I said before, other players can create their own twists and orphs, and aside from bridging the lore gap of "what happened to the children?", that is all there is to it.
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