New Frontiers Feedback - Finale


Radio Bob Approved
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// NEW FRONTIERS - FINALE // A Short-Stories event designed by ZeroPants and RAD-X // With development support from gb //

// A pyrrhic Combine victory //

With the malignancy's core having been destroyed, the Combine can now focus efforts on pushing back and will soon reclaim America.
The patriot forces now lie dead, or disorganised, unable to put up much of a threat against the coming storm.
Refugees scramble to find a new home, hoping to find somewhere that might remain untouched by the Combine for some time yet.
Conscripted forces can smile on, and be proud, for their mission has been accomplished and their homes saved from the encroaching malignance.
Likewise, surviving Civil Protection elements have been re-established and their loyalty status reaffirmed.
But amidst each great victory, comes a great sacrifice.
The Grand Elder, The Master, grew bitter knowing his goals and territory were lost. His body now atomized as he sacrificed himself to destroy what remained of the facility - a final slap in the face for any who resided there.
Thankyou all, for coming. We all hope you enjoyed the event.

Please leave any feedback you have below. There's no format, go wild. Just try to be courteous.

This was truly a blast to plan and present, and couldn't have been done without all the help of our teams - both main server, creative team, short stories, and the development team.

And of course, not without the patience and support from our lovely community.​
Total Vortigaunt W. We technically got the Best Ending.

The last elevator scene was not it, impossible to push in. The map was mostly defender sided, like it had so many chokepoints.

It was fun S2K'ing though.
I need to know what each of the special things you could find were supposed to function in that desert map. I saw the car, the gravity gun, the monolith, the satellite, so on, but I don't know how each of those would play out.
Alright listen i had left a bad feedback review last time and it was because my previous character had barely any action or RP which had made me annoyed. But this event was honestly awesome i loved every part about the fights and action. Mostly i can't wait for tomorrow i chose to escape the waseteland don't know if i will but only time will tell hopefully great event (y)
Event as a whole was frankly a little boring at times though had some really good highlights, the finale being no exception. The latter complaint was mostly just due to poor quality rp of some people (A number of refugees were just minges or the good ones would just get bored and not play). Also a time or two where certain things were a little poorly reflected, usually because of staff hoping over to another map to do stuff there like for example: Camp Hope gets fucked and the region flooded with hostile aliens and stuff. Was super cool but then the server crashed and when it was rebooted any of that stuff is just gone and none of the admins were on the server to continue and reflect these changes.

It was fun overall. I made some cool friends, had some cool character moments. Many thanks to the people who I played with and made it all worth my time:
@Zebra for moreorless getting my character into the Patriots
@Kappatalist for having a fun character to chitchat with and enjoy the misery of surviving in these backwater lands.
@Gutsy being the only confirmed 'kill' (Only got him in bleedout) that I got.
@Travis for playing an always endearing character. Love Coxwell
@Dog (I think this is the right person) for playing Smith. Only knew the character for like a few hours but it was very fun to interact with them and fight alongside them.
@villeneuve this is a callout I want your head on my porch
@Furnaxx for playing Zhao, Marina's first 'friend' in the region and one of the few refugees I could enjoy rping with
@Tuki I am the main character.
@MCG gave me a badass jacket. Had a lot of interactions with Terrance

And many more whos OOC usernames I don't know or I've forgotten to include. I love you all, death to Minges. Undisputed rebel W. Patriots are in fucking control.

In the end I could only play like 20% of the main events because of timezones, so that was disappointing.

Only thing I'll say is that if this was an event that affects the whole of the Patriots in America, they were pretty underrepresented here narratively since as far as I knew, we were just a group of Seattle survivors + Alaska stragglers that stumbled upon a missile base on the way east, and ended up in a *Save da world* kind of quest. If this was so critical it would have made sense to have the rest of the Patriots show up same way we had the Despot show up as an outside wild card.
we were just a group of Seattle survivors + Alaska stragglers that stumbled upon a missile base on the way east, and ended up in a *Save da world* kind of quest.
Uh, no. In the first new frontier application post, it was said thay the patriot HQ on thr east coast informed you of a military base there. And "Save da world" quest didn't apply to you, because as far as we (conscripts) knew, you were working with the vorts to stop the launch.

Adding to the feedback, I really enjoyed it. Some decision making by the staff REALLY made me question why these decisions were made, as they literally did not follow logic (like not killing the invaders on the spot in the finale, or cutting off ammo to an APC after shooting only 10 rounds, or that one time when they decided to destroy the APC when I had a vort pinned down after it was hit with a manta (or whatever it's name is) like 20 minutes ago. Or the fact that they allowed a vort to THROW A DAMN BOMB WHEN YOU'RE LOGICALLY SUPPOSED TO HANDLE THEM WITH CARE.) But, overall. It was fun. The odds were against us, especially when most staff seemed like to give vorts and patriots handouts, but the connies still came out on the top.

...sort of, I guess.
Uh, no. In the first new frontier application post, it was said thay the patriot HQ on thr east coast informed you of a military base there. And "Save da world" quest didn't apply to you, because as far as we (conscripts) knew, you were working with the vorts to stop the launch.
Yes, I know, that's what bugs me. Narratively, for what's probably the most important event concerning the Patriots so far, they left the whole mission to rest on the shoulders of a ragtag band of refugees and marooned rebels. As soon as things started heating up, it was clear Patriots would only be able to face the odds by relying on external support (as it mostly played out), so it was odd that no 'outside' Patriots ever showed up same way the Tor guy did.
I need to know what each of the special things you could find were supposed to function in that desert map. I saw the car, the gravity gun, the monolith, the satellite, so on, but I don't know how each of those would play out.
The Rocket Engine and the silver obelisk, the lambda outpost etc. I will list them here:

  1. Grabbing the golden sword at the silver obelisk would summon you a free Gargantua ally for your team, whether it was Combine or Resistance. The Golden Sword would have initiated a trial that The Master of the West would await to see who would be proven worthy of facing a challenge. Dying would result in a PK. Winning granted you the Gargantua to support what ever side desired.

  2. The rocket engine was a piece of fragmented materials from a propulsion engine from what appeared to be an earlier rocket version that the Combine attempted to use against the malignancy. This obviously failed and the rocket didn't get far due to the technological restraints for such a missile. Finding it would reward you that piece of lore.

  3. If the resistance headed LEFT instead of RIGHT at the very beginning, they would have gotten a full RPG crate, a weaponised buggy and a gravity gun with an electro-disruptor device that would disable Combine machinery when managing to successfully hit a target, AKA the APC or the Crab Synth indefinitely.

  4. Activating all of the Pylons would teleport all of the conscripts out of the base, but that was too OP. It will instead stop Combine reinforcements from arriving to the area.
The finale was very fun from my perspective as a Conscript. That being said there were parts that felt kind of messed up. I realize it may have been/was likely from a balance perspective, but I also feel like there were way better ways to balance it than how it was done. For staff, please understand, while it may seem based on the amount of wording used for the "negative" feedback that I'm unhappy/critical, that's not the case. Overall this finale was fun I enjoyed it and I would happily play again - It's just hard to write a lot of positive feedback and not sound like you're trying to suck up.

Really, you guys did a fantastic job. Well fucking done. I'm looking forward, more so now than before, to playing on live, and I hope there's more events like this in the future. I would love to see some kind of prolonged event or side server where a mix of Conscripts, OTA/CP, and CWU/CIC forces work to push back the weakened Xen malignancy. Clearing map by map over an extended time. I know that may be a huge ask and we might not see it but how fucking cool would that be to each week have a map or two where we have to do objectives, and maybe there's Vorts and Patriots that have to do their own or counter it, and depending on how that goes directly influences the world map.

Part 1, Topside: Overall, this fight was fun. It reminded me of the old Onslaught maps gmod had, defending a base for as long as possible from overwhelming numbers. I'm not unhappy with this fight at all, but my feedback for the balance stuff is:
  • =We lost our ATR because News bluescreened. Nobodies fault, but IIRC nothing was done by GMs to remedy this. I don't recall if News ever made it back during this fight to use the ATR. When it was clear News was not able to come back I think a replacement should have been given.

  • =I was told to only have 6 rockets for the RPG I was given, and the enemy it got used against was the Gene Worm. I was not getting any damage #s from the Gene Worm, so I have no idea if I was helping or not. I shot all 6 rockets into it, and it didn't die, then I peeked around the corner a little later and it was gone. I realize it may be a limitation of the mods used but if the Gene worm was an entity that could only be removed by GM, not actually killed, then it should have been made more clear through the orange GM announcement messages when it was at "hp stages", otherwise it just felt at the time that it was a "Let's let this be here to soak up ammo and attention and I'll remove it when I feel like it's done enough" - Later there ended up being two other opportunities when having rocket ammo would have been super helpful. To fight the Gargantua, and to hit the weird portal tower thingy.

  • =At the start, we were given HP and Armor wall thingies to heal and repair. They seemed to regenerate, but not super fast. Granted they were a bit strong, I don't necessarily disagree with removing them, but we had nothing else to compensate for their loss, and it was a huge blow. We didn't have any armor repair kits or extra armor at all, and our medicine was very limited. There was a very clear and defined shift/line at this point where our defense went from "harried but holding" to "literally crumbling".

  • =Our ammo was also extremely limited. Not saying the GMs were stingy by any means, but we only got what we started with at the beginning. By the time the Gargantua arrived I only had a pistol with 2 magazines. This is expanded upon in the feedback for the lower level facility defense but generally it ended up feeling like a purpseful handicap when a facility like this would otherwise have had reserves for us to draw from.

  • =The spawning of the Xen soldier creatures directly inside our compound was. . . frustrating. As was the gate controls being outside the compound, so we had zero way to really secure that. It would have been cooler if the attacking forces had to fight their way up to the gate and blow it up to get in. Woulda been a lot more dramatic and fun than "hey the gate's open but we can't do anything about that"

  • =Being flat out told not to execute vorts/rebels but then them being allowed to do the same was not cool. I think someone tried walking it back to say that we weren't allowed to execute out of combat? But that's not what the original directive was, and that was only clearly stated after the fight was over. We were flat told do not execute

  • =Fucking Shaw. The legal metagaming was honestly kind of BS. We should have had a way to get rid of or disrupt him. That's all I'm going to say.
Part 2, The Facility: Also a fun fight. Really enjoyed the swap to CQB. The facility was cool and interestingly designed. I wish I'd had more time to explore.

=The impromptu nature of the prep at the beginning was really hectic and felt rushed. I think this was because y'all honestly didn't expect us to have to go down here? IDK. This isn't really negative feedback honestly y'all did a great job and I know you had a LOT going on so don't take this as negative feedback.

=Again, plagued by the lack of ammunition, medicine, and supplies in general. Yes, we got what we asked for, but the problem with that is knowing what to ask for and not being able to ask for more once the fighting has started. I don't understand from a lore perspective why the ascension facility, above or below ground, was not prepped for defense like at all. There were no turrets, no emplacements underground, no synths or drones underground, no HP/armor regenerating devices (something that would 1000% be inside an ascension facility), and no lockers for ammunition, magazines, weapons, rations, armor repair, etc. It felt like we were on the back foot for this part of the defense. A desperate last stand with what we had on us and nothing else, when in reality this was a hugely important Combine facility that should have had supplies for us to use for defense. It honestly would have taken a huge load off of the GM's work plate if y'all had just given us containers full of stuff. An ammo box or locker for ammo, armor or repair kits, rations, weapons/mags, medicine, etc. It wouldn't have really been OP because we'd have to retreat to rearm but it would have made the fight have more ebb and flow.

=It legitimately felt like the rebels were respawning and had more starting ammo/supplies than us. That part could have just been the effect of the strength of the Vort healy magic tho.

=The spawning of Xen aliens inside the facility to "assist the push felt cheesy.

=The force fields allowing intruders to pass, and the combine armored doors opening for the intruders by button press rather than having to be hacked or blown up.

That being said, honestly, overall, very fun, very satisfied in general. These are just nitpicks or places for staff to think on for alternative methods of balancing, because as it stands it felt at times that Conscripts/Combine were actively being hamstrung or railroaded to give the rebel factions a chance. Which, I get, I really do. You want it to feel fun for everyone. You want everyone to enjoy it. But that does tend to leave a sour taste in the one faction's mouth when they do "everything right" and then they get a "well actually" moment.
It's hard to give feedback considering I've been giving it throughout the event, making a LOT of bug reports and suggestions, bugging the staff through DMs and the @ command and so on.

I'll try to summarize my feedback:

The Patriots went ahead and intervened way too much and almost always with poor timing. They were the anti-thesis of what they were supposed to stand up for, and many important players could not show up at times when they were needed, resulting in additional difficulties.

There were many event spots that ended up being a missed opportunity due to player intervention, such as the radio tower, all the things players missed in that final assault on the complex, the parts for the chopper, etc. I get that all it takes is someone who wants to destroy something, but there were a LOT of missed opportunities around that I wished people made use of.

S2K. I really hate it. I was shot and executed while trying to type a post and by the time the staff got around to my refund, plenty of the people in the conscript group looted everything that was on my body to the point where my content broke from some of the items refusing to stay on my body while also visibly showing up in the inventory. I don't know who that guy in the red mask was that did it, but that was fucking awful. Let me roleplay, please. I was feeling anxious about that happening again to the point where I refused to type elaborate '/me's for the rest of today's epilogue. This also happened earlier when a new guy ran up to my ICly locked house, immediately called attention to the conscripts that there were vorts inside and initiated S2K. Warnings were given and all, but the fact that all of that played out and caused an irreversible change really sucked. It's just like hours of roleplay going down the drain when someone eager to fight decided to do that.

Agreed perspective. It didn't really end up happening due to popular demand to keep the server up after the end of Act 1, but then people committed to it and didn't show up for those days. Why? There had been things going on that we needed to do, and the downtime that resulted from the lack of a playerbase just made the waiting super dull.

Maybe it's something that's normal on main, but seeing people drag bodies away to execute them, repair armors mid-battle and so on was really jarring. It just looked unfair, and relied entirely on people that thrived on S2K over roleplay due to good ping, good shooting, etc etc. The stats were partially wasted on account of lack of S2RP sometimes.

I did love the new items and new features, such as the weapons, the medicine, the farming, the mining, the refinery (that had the overheating message for so long that we just had to ignore it eventually), so on. It's just too bad that nobody took the opportunity to trade for things that each side needed. We had fruit we could've traded to the Conscripts that were eating leeches and shit.

Plenty of interesting characters around. Nobody that made me wince in embarrassment from bad roleplay, only bad decisions that were made ICly. Wasn't a fan of that guy that got permabanned shooting me in the face and running into Cheyenne while I had a gun on him, though. Quite a handful of people I really did not appreciate that did similar things but most of it was handled and that was that.

I have no idea what happens to Terrance, considering his final situation, but I'd love to see what happens in the future. Hopefully, he doesn't get killed offscreen.

I do hope the PAC items such as the bags and the hats and all that have properly saved data next time. That's what made refunds hard after dying from the elevator, getting stuck, etc, because the inventory data for those new PAC backpacks never saved, resulting in me and probably many others losing a ton of stuff they would never get back.

Staff help was on-point. Took a long while to get around to it but when they did, it was resolved and that was that. No overly long delays. Questions were answered in a timely manner and inquiries were met with friendly replies. It was appreciated.

Were the vorts actually gaslighting us or what? I haven't heard a definitive answer from staff yet, just player speculation.

Perhaps the refugees needed more agency or ability to handle themselves. Players were punished for not being able to be present for any one day, resulting them in missing information, items, so on after a particularly eventful day, which was most days. I know a few players that were discouraged or tempted from joining the server because they could not keep up, having to rely on hand-me-downs from others that stuck around for longer. Not sure what can be done about that, but some sort of catch-up mechanic would be handy, or a timeline that updated itself for people to keep track of.