Operation: ANVIL feedback


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Day 1:

The LFC set out on a mission to sabotage the ANVIL mega-depot while the OCIN towers were offline, they traveled through the Alsace wound, a dangerous wasteland in order to reach the depot undetected. The LFC was forced to navigate through mazes of sewer systems in order to avoid armies of zombies on the surface of the wasteland. The LFC lost one of their leaders, 'Scav', to a small army of angry snarks after their nest was disturbed.

Day 2:

The LFC arrived at the docks outside the depot via airboat, scouting out the area in search of an entrance into the depot, eventually finding a crumbling wall in one of the old sewer systems that lead into a part of the depot, they prepared themselves to enter the depot the following day. While the LFC carried out their scouting, a shipment of equipment arrived at the depot. The shipment contained a great number of advanced weapons such as AR2s and a non-combine experimental dark energy gauss rifle. The CLC inspectors attempted to transport the experimental weapon into the facility, though they ended up dropping the weapon off of the bridge, deep into the xen-infested cavern below, the inspectors quickly covered up their mistake and continued on as if nothing had happened.

A civil protection overseer from city 58 arrived at the depot with six of his officers, the overseer had the goal of finding out the Director's control codes so that city 58 could take control of the depot. The overseer was not able to get the control codes by the end of the day.

The dark energy within the experimental weapon exploded upon being exposed to the water, causing a reaction with the Xenian flora in the caverns. Sparks flew from the weapon, damaging parts of the depot in the process, but nobody ever found out that this was the inspector's fault.

Day 3:

The facility began deteriorating as a result of poor management and the dark energy explosion, the chaotic situation gave some workers the chance to resist. The LFC used the chaos to slip in undetected, the LFC infiltrators traveled down to the train in the caverns in hope of planting an explosive on the train, the infiltrators were unable to plant the explosive due to the high number of workers that could see them. The LFC left the train and went to the director's office and with the help of a few revolting workers, managed to install a powerful virus into the director's terminal, all of the automated systems around the depot would go haywire, razor trains would drive off at high speeds, crashing into things and power cells would overload.

After installing the virus, a shootout began between the city 58 civil protection, the workers, and the LFC, many lives were lost in the firefight, though some people managed to escape in the chaos, taking the LFC's route out of the facility and escaping to the surface where airboats were waiting to rescue any escaped workers. The escaped workers would be able to smell fresh air for the first time in years, finally out from under the thumb of the director.

As a result of all of the chaos in the depot, the staff of the depot chose to evacuate, some workers, civil protection, the director, and inspectors all fled the facility via train. The workers that evacuated with the Combine forces were soon put back to work at other facilities, never knowing freedom.


Sector 10's main production depot is heavily damaged as a result of both the LFC's sabotage and the dark energy explosion, while the situation would have been much worse if the LFC had succeeded in planting the bomb, the depot will still be out of commission for a while, and sector 10 will suffer for it. It will take even longer for the OCIN towers to be repaired.


OOC info dump:

First off, I would like to apologize for that whole S2K situation, the end of the event got really crazy. I hope everyone enjoyed the event regardless, day 2 of the event was the best part in my opinion.

The LFC in this event were main server characters, not brand-new event rebels, so they put their characters on the line for their goals. I had originally planned for this to be a one-day event for the LFC where they sneak past NPCs to plant a bomb, but after the event team reminded me that that would be stupid and boring, we expanded the event to be much larger.

@Jei did a bunch of dev work for the event, like adding the worker suits and adding the passive music, @ConcernedCitizen did all of the amazing proppings around the map (seriously, load the depot map up in singleplayer and check out how different it looks, concerned's propping is amazing.)

If you escaped with the LFC as a worker, you can apply to bring your character to the main server, they will be marked anti-citizen though, but you will be able to share the horrors of the depot with the rest of the world!


What role did you play? did you enjoy it?

What could we have done better in the event?

What did you like in the event?

What did you hate in the event?

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?

How would you rate the event out of 10?
What role did you play?
I played my role as Vaas.

Did you enjoy it?
Hell yeah, I did. Made two new friends, an arch-nemesis named Big Piranha. And went into the Depot like Rambo.

What could we have done better in the event?
I would've liked to of had a 1v1 with the Big Piranha.

What did you like in the event?
Day 3 and nearing the end of Day 2.

What did you hate in the event?
It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last, minute details.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?
It was alright. Would've been more interesting if shit didn't go to fuck before we even infiltrated.

How would you rate the event out of 10?
What role did you play? did you enjoy it?
I was a worker, and enjoyed it a lot.

What could we have done better in the event?
I think S2RP could’ve been enforced better, but that’s also an issue with some of the players.

What did you like in the event?
Everything, lmao

What did you hate in the event?
Not really anything. Though I was late.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?
I’d assume?

How would you rate the event out of 10?
Probably a 9, only because I can’t actually gauge a bit of it because I was late both days, lmao.
What role did you play? did you enjoy it?

I was Erwin Macdonald, a worker, and I died by my own stupidity by assaulting a CP with a hammer as he yelled that the Combine was trying to leave. I ended up escaping as a new character that I don't remember the name of with a bunch of rebels, not having
any idea what was going on OOC or IC.

I loved it, especially since it was my first Short Stories event.

What could we have done better in the event?

The Control Room ordeal, I was in the middle of some pretty good FightRP, rolls and such, and was actually about to win, when I was suddenly gunned down as the entire situation devolved to S2K, effectively removing any chance of the control room workers to actually win.

What did you like in the event?

The build-up in the first day, as everyone got to know eachother and did day-to-day work in the Depot, the fact that a couple people ran into the train tracks surprisingly fitting considering the setting. The guy punching the director in the nose was amazing as well.

What did you hate in the event?

Not hate persay, but I think the whole "things are falling apart" could've been handled better. Everyone was effectively walking aimlessly with no idea what to do, atleast where I was, and anything important that happened with us was more coincidence than intention. I already mentioned the debacle in the control room, and I was a little sad to lose my character when thing's were going well for him through the RP fight, but it did kinda show how chaotic the situation was, if there was any upside to it.
Also there were a few bugs that were pretty annoying, the suit having the wrong ID and me clipping through an elevator and taking fall damage as examples.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?

I wasn't even aware the rebels were there until I heard one over a radio then saw a shootout go on through the window. After my first character died I made a new one and by pure chance happened to stumble across the exit, without any real interaction from the rebels themselves aside from them helping me and several others on the boat.

How would you rate the event out of 10?

Around a 8.5, really good, especially with the buildup, but the conclusion was a little too chaotic.
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What role did you play? did you enjoy it?
OTT, yes it was a very enjoyable experience.

What could we have done better in the event?
A guide for the map before it had opened to get the general idea of where everything was located.

What did you like in the event?
Workers were given a good amount of time to either escape or collect equipment to escape.

What did you hate in the event?
From an OTT POV I had no idea where anything was, it wasn't a terrible experience but places like the reactor was a complete mystery to me.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?
Had no idea they were there until I was told afterwards. Managed to kill 2 of them so that's a W.

How would you rate the event out of 10?
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What role did you play? did you enjoy it?
Inspector! And yes, I did! I love roles like these being caught up in the middle of major catastrophes!

What could we have done better in the event?
Honestly, just making the escape routes a little bit more apparent would've made trying to escape that much more satisfying. I felt like I was headless chicken running around, making ticket after ticket seeing if this was a plausible escape route or if this was an escape route.

What did you like in the event?
I personally liked how the Depot and the story progressed due to player actions. The LFC infiltrating, the inspectors fucking up with weapon crates, etc.

What did you hate in the event?

Other than what I noted above, I had no real complaints. Well, besides how overbearing the OTA and CPs were, it felt like not much could be done because of how much of a presence they had.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?

It was done extremely well. I didn't know they were present at the event until the very end.

How would you rate the event out of 10?

What role did you play? did you enjoy it?
I played as a worker, I enjoyed it a lot and it was a good short story.

What could we have done better in the event?
Fixing that no collided floor which made me fall through it, I almost fell down into the abyss

What did you like in the event?
The part I liked in the event was when I grabbed a cops MP5A3 after some workers took em hostage, I mag dumped an OTA with it but died

What did you hate in the event?
I have no complaints

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?
I had no idea they even entered or were there

How would you rate the event out of 10?
I didn't thoroughly enjoy the event, but it proposed plenty of worthwhile RP of which I won't take back.

I played Antonio R. Silva-Perez, the Spanish Conquistador, man of the people and now shackled former rebel.

I played both days with express intention of establishing a worker's union and uniting the people in their struggle to overthrow the management so we could entirely takeover the Depot and establish a new Spanish Resistance Front, just, in the Netherlands. But, it always seemed as if that kinda' rp was a shot in the dark, as we always we're outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded by far more intimidating adversaries then basic Depot guards that we could wrestle for guns with and riot again, and such was proved true when our only riot attempt was surrounded instantly, conspirators killed or imprisoned again, and my character is now en route to prison himself.

I enjoyed however, trying to set it up, met a great roleplayer simply through our characters both being Spanish, I rose Gabriel Monte to a Steward of a worker's union trying to have him rally men under me, I even snuck some melees when I could to him for a plotted rebellion yet still, we we're always simply never at an opportunity to riot considering security forces, and I doubt any player would want to die for nothing, there was no real spirit.

I wish there was more, clearer avenues of RP, perhaps lessen the guard to worker ratio to make a melee on gunmen riot more fun and likely, or don't crowd the crates with weapons we SHOULD'VE taken with thirteen OTA who search through the crates before they leave to make sure nothing is taken then see why we didn't take nothing.

All in all.


I enjoyed the event, my death was a bit sour, but I'm glad we got to rally some to rise up, even for a bit, and it got mowed down instantly so we never established anything - but still, cool RP experience, would love to try it again.
What role did you play? did you enjoy it?
Inspector! And yes, I did! I love roles like these being caught up in the middle of major catastrophes!

What could we have done better in the event?
Honestly, just making the escape routes a little bit more apparent would've made trying to escape that much more satisfying. I felt like I was headless chicken running around, making ticket after ticket seeing if this was a plausible escape route or if this was an escape route.

What did you like in the event?
I personally liked how the Depot and the story progressed due to player actions. The LFC infiltrating, the inspectors fucking up with weapon crates, etc.

What did you hate in the event?
Other than what I noted above, I had no real complaints. Well, besides how overbearing the OTA and CPs were, it felt like not much could be done because of how much of a presence they had.

Was the LFC's infiltration done well?
It was done extremely well. I didn't know they were present at the event until the very end.

How would you rate the event out of 10?

I did enjoy consequences to even minor actions like me and the other Inspector dropping experimental guns in the river.

The Inspector role was alot of fun, I had alot of freedom to do shit and room to fuck up, but, I didn't see it soon enough.
I played both days with express intention of establishing a worker's union and uniting the people in their struggle to overthrow the management so we could entirely takeover the Depot and establish a new Spanish Resistance Front, just, in the Netherlands.

I’m sorry, but as a CLC inspector? My brother in Christ, you ARE the management you’re trying to overthrow.

This is like if Hitler’s personal Auschwitz quality assurance inspector went and deserted to start an uprising in the middle of Eastern Europe in order to kickstart his personal domain based around the Kingdom of Saxony. It makes NO sense.

I’d understand if you did it as a lowly worker, but as an inspector? In such a powerful position you could have pulled off a lot more, but I digress. Glad you had fun though, just disappointed that you could have pulled off more in your position. 🫡
I’m sorry, but as a CLC inspector? My brother in Christ, you ARE the management you’re trying to overthrow.

This is like if Hitler’s personal Auschwitz quality assurance inspector went and deserted to start an uprising in the middle of Eastern Europe in order to kickstart his personal domain based around the Kingdom of Saxony. It makes NO sense.

I’d understand if you did it as a lowly worker, but as an inspector? In such a powerful position you could have pulled off a lot more, but I digress. Glad you had fun though, just disappointed that you could have pulled off more in your position. 🫡

i asked at the start how much power i had, kinda made it out to be i was basically a glorified worker in charge of facility conditions - when i figured out i had nigh as much power as morton i got confident
It was a fun event but the worker/guard ratio was broken. Nearly half of the player base was Combine, making it impossible to succesfully rebel. It would have been fun with only a handful of armed guards and more workers.

I still had a blast.

It was a fun event but the worker/guard ratio was broken. Nearly half of the player base was Combine, making it impossible to succesfully rebel. It would have been fun with only a handful of armed guards and more workers.

I still had a blast.

There were only meant to be six OTA in the event, the map is incredibly linear so having a smaller amount of OTA wouldn't be much of a problem. The CPs were meant to show up on day 2, get the access codes from the director, and then leave. They didn't manage to get the codes so they stayed and really threw off the balance in the event. It was 6 OTA, one civil protection overseer, and 6 CPs equipped with QRF uniforms against the workers and LFC, it wasn't fair. That's one of the reasons the LFC's deaths got voided after that shootout.

I should have communicated better with the team, 6 CPs equipped with QRF uniforms was *way* too much when the workers already have the OTA to deal with.