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Regions of the Malignance Zone

registry: brush him

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THE XENIAN MALIGNANCE ZONE, known simply as the Malignance Zone, or the West Coast Cancer, is a colossal swath of land in West USA infested with Xenian flora and fauna, and inhabited by Xenian wildlife. It dominates the entire coast, and has even seeped into the seascape.

Until recently, humans have not entered this region. This is no longer the case. As a result, many sub-regions within the Malignance Zone have been discovered, and more information on the zone can now be gleaned.

The Emerald Mist
The border of the infestation is marked by an anomalous green fog known as the Emerald Mist. Believed to originate when atmospheric spores clash with pure sunlight. The result is a mist that is non-toxic, although when remaining within it for extended periods of time, mild sickness is known to occur.

The Emerald Mist marks the point where the rest of the world is separated from the spreading Malignance.

Vibrant Thicket
A thicket of arches and enveloped trees line these desert forests. This region is known to be a habitat for several varieties of biological spore creatures, including Tentacles, massive, limbless creatures with sharp bladed heads.

Other species include Bulbroots and Luminescents, glowing feeler spores which avoid humans, but react positively to water and light. The Thicket is also known to be ripe with barnacles, which appear in clusters called Barnacle Trails. This region is understood to be one of the safest regions.

The safest parts of this region are hollowed trees filled with Luminescents that glow when active consciousness is detected nearby. When someone rests within it, the light will dim. There are no invasive tendrils within these hollows due to the repelling odors emited by the Luminescents, which have not proven effective on most humans.

Panther Canopy
Jungle-like expanses of enveloped trees line this area, where the forest roof has evolved into a great canopy. Its violet and red structure are magnificent, but indicative of the presence of Panthereyes, cat-like aliens which hunt from the trees and pursue prey.

Other species such as Houndeyes have been known to take dwelling here, but the main opposite species is the Blackantler, which Panthereyes have taken a keen hunting advantage to. Pursuing the beasts from the rooves, Panthereyes descend on and ambush their prey, chasing them down in great numbers from vantage points.

There are some barnacle trails within this environment, but they are rarer. Panthereyes will give up chase if their prey goes near the next region.

The Land of Giants
Ash-black forests ripened and then harvested by fire, it is filled with Houndeyes, Bullsquids and Headcrabs which have re-evolved not to run, but to hide.

This region's dominant species is the Xenian Gargantua, which utilizes biological flamethrowers within its arms to char vegetation and wildlife alike when searching for food. There are many Gargantuas within this region, though they rarely interact, surviving solely as solitary creatures.

Within the Land of Giants, it is uncommon for any living creature to pass through unscathed, and few creatures, if any, dare to tread.

Malignant Mire
A swamp comprised of spat fluid and enveloping rot that stretches for many miles, and a prime home to some of the most dangerous species of Xen. Here, great rot trees extend their tendrils to crush adversary and feast on corpses, and it is also a great habitat for Caves, creatures that, true to their name, are often confused for caves, are sentient, and are hostile.

It is a gestating ground for Venomous Headcrabs which bred after they were launched into the zone by shells, but it is also the location of the mysterious Tribe Dahh Jurr-Esh, a massive village of Vortigaunts.

Not far from the Tribe is the reclaimed Antlion Hive, which has been successfully sanitized of all spores by worker antlions. To date, this is possibly the ONLY hive within the Malignance Zone that has not been infested. It has been domesticated by the Vortigaunts, and the KING that used to reside within has been exterminated.

The way ahead is blocked by a COLOSSAL SPOREWALL. In order to breach it, one would need to consult the aid of the Vortigaunts, as no amount of gas mask or respirator filters will prevent the spores from affixing to the flesh and consuming it in its entirety.

Tainted City
Once the vibrant city of Los Angeles on the coast of California, its lively past has been reduced to a breeding ground for trypogenic spores. An immense quarry filled with giant flowers surrounds the city, and the only way in is through a great tunnel carved within the flesh of a supermassive tentacle which has emerged from a bloom within the heart, surrounding the remains of the Spinal Stack.

Although the city was once hopelessly infested, a great majority of it is actually now burnt. It is believed that a human traveling through set fire to the heart of the Spinal Stack, which was the heart of most of the spreading spores within. Swaths of the city are ash, and the wildfire continues to this day.

Until the full breadth of the spread has been burnt, the city will be a fiery mayhem, where the only hope of escape is the Dock where passive Xenian sea creatures make their rounds from isles off the coast.
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A possible interpretation of the Malignance Zone. Good for Rumors and Legends. Has my support.
Looks all good here.

Minor note: This does make the XMZ sound friendly.. too friendly. But nothing of concern and since this is the XMZ Zones, moving this to Legends and Rumors as not many people have ever ventured inside the XMZ... and anyone who did, most likely did not return.
