Info Roadmap

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Willard Management

Rather than post updates in the latest devblog, here's a separate topic with updates relating only to the roadmap moving forward. We'll be updating the roadmap whenever changes occur with a post made to highlight changes. Devblogs will be posted along the way when content is ready to be shown.

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Update 01.02.2021

- Changed "re-balance cooking skill" to "Cooking skill overhaul", after examining its recipes more closely we've determined the current setup needs more extensive work for a more grounded lore feel and build its recipes different to be far less convoluted. Headcrab meat will no longer be purchasable from Bartering as well, heacrab/antlion meats will be obtained by slicing up headcrab/antlion carcasses with a sharpened knife.

- Changed "re-balance bartering prices" to "Bartering skill overhaul", this skill will no longer be tied to levels like the other skills and will work based on more varied permits instead. "Food Permit, "Drinks Permit", "Clothing Permit", "Tools Permit", etc.
Update 02.02.2021

- Staff evaluations are now complete, applications will now be available
Update 19.02.2021

- Completed cooking skill overhaul
- C24 v3 is now in the BETA phase and initial testing has started
- Begun implementing new Short Stories management with @Mulky and @FungletheBungle as leads once Long Haul concludes
- @Goose joined as Trial Admin
Update 18.03.2021

I know there have been no public updates in a while so I am taking upon myself to list down all the changes so far from my POV. V3 updates will not be included. This will mainly cover faction updates and other work going on in the background.

  1. Civil protection reforms are underway and making progress.
    1. Specializations and ranks added
    2. Dispatch plays support role (Authority increases per decrease in sociostability)
    3. Removed all current Rank Leaders from their positions
    4. New models may be on the way
    5. 1 or 2 new weapons MAY be coming
    6. A few minor changes are underway such as small edits to rewards, civil partnerships, etc
    7. 3 guides are being created. 1 of them is almost finished which will act as the main and base guide for CP. Another one for Dispatch will be made and finally 1 optional one for getting the full details of CP.
  2. OTA is almost done.
    1. Guide is finished up
    2. Suppressor and Charger added
    3. New weapons added
    4. Remove some rules relating to LOOC
    5. Made some other minor edits to the overall guide/rules
    6. Finally replaced SqL with ORD (Ordinal)
    7. Models are the last thing to be done and then OTA is finished
  3. CCA is making progress
    1. Can't say much on their behalf. But they are making progress too
  4. Same as above for CMU, CWU, BOI, BOE
  5. City 24 v3 is making progress, almost ready. Just going through a few minor edits have a performance test.
  6. Developers will soon be getting back on track since things like exams and work life and such is over for them. So that will soon be back in order.
  7. Modellers are working away with some new models
Update 23.03.2021

- Completed crafting re-balance 2/2
- Completed bartering price adjustments (may need more misc changes)
- DrodA joined the team as a Developer
- Optic joined as a 3D artist
Update 05.04.2021

- CP/OTA overhauls complete
- Permit/wages PDA visual tool updates complete, used by CWU & CCA
- Moved gas plugin 2.0 earlier & moved smuggling further back
Update 20.04.2021

- Completed new skills UI
- Completed gas/xen spore plugin
- Reshuffled timeline around a bit with new updates
- Two public betas added to timeline
- Apartment/shop system added to timeline
Update 10.05.2021

- Smuggling concept complete
- Moved both BETAs after smuggling / apartment sytems
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