Stalingrad the Long Journey - Day 1


Staff Member
Creative Team
Feedback, please, I had some headaches during the event, but people seem happy I guess.
I am happy with the event. I enjoyed a lot of it except when I crashed and got back to only see chaos wreaking the lands.
It was really good! The beginning was a little bit slow but it picked up after that, though that happened the same time our organization went down the toilet. It was chaotic, but in a good way. Overall I’d give it a 8 out of 10, I want to fight more aliens and zombies though!
I didn't like it, I applied although I hate the faction as the PvE premise made me expect a slow paced roleplay experience with soldier characters, but instead it was the average rail shooter mission with chaotic pacing.

Event should have probably ended after the bunker assault since it was the first climax to an already very long session. I expected things to wind down from there to allow for some roleplay, but instead we went running in the snow again for another half an hour and I died to two player OTAs while I was /me getting to cover from a gunship since apparently the right thing to do was disregarding fear RP and running through open terrain.

Side note but InstaPKs & event kicks are fucking horrendous and Im not even sure why everyone in the SS squad is so obsessed with the idea that that provides any fun factor to their events. There is no roleplay involved in anyone's death, GMs take no prisoners, don't even try to make anyone's death interesting if it comes to it, nor even come up with anything creative to send off any character, it's just boring. Events just turn into a meat grinder where the only story that prevails is whatever the gm predetermined from the beginning.

At the end I only really enjoyed the parts where I could make my own fun thanks to my character, but that was minimal. As a last note, GMs really need to stop using Ineu Valley, every events we play on that map plays pretty much the same, it's horrendously stale by now.
I liked the event, being a bullsquid was fun.
note but InstaPKs & event kicks are fucking horrendous and Im not even sure why everyone in the SS squad is so obsessed with the idea that that provides any fun factor to their events. There is no roleplay involved in anyone's death, GMs take no prisoners, don't even try to make anyone's death interesting if it comes to it, nor even come up with anything creative to send off any character, it's just boring. Events just turn into a meat grinder where the only story that prevails is whatever the gm predetermined from the beginning.
At the end I only really enjoyed the parts where I could make my own fun thanks to my character, but that was minimal. As a last note, GMs really need to stop using Ineu Valley, every events we play on that map plays pretty much the same, it's horrendously stale by now.
However, I do agree. Instapk's and the fucking Ineu Valley is dumb.
But, idk if I'm biased since I'm a bullsquid, but I thought the event was awesome for the first day.
But, idk if I'm biased since I'm a bullsquid, but I thought the event was awesome for the first day.
Same here, but it's a player's merit to come up with a good character to make the event fun from the get go.

Personally, it's odd to me that in an event that lasted up to four hours or something, you'd have these non-roleplayed deaths that just kill off most character development in your event. Like everyone, everywhere is saying, SS and CT writing is not impressive, so Im really not interested in reading about how this will look in the world map after the event, I just want to read the survivor stories (like in the Alaska event), and events like these will probably have none since by the end of it you end up with a roster of characters shoe-horned in mid-event because the chars with some thought put into them died on day one.

Good luck with the event though, maybe it's just not for me.

Cool atmosphere and environmental storytelling

The S2K sections were good, there was a great sense of panic and disorganisation. Excellent punish to a stupid mistake from whoever shot at the OTA.


RP quality from a lot of the SRF players was not good.
RP quality from a lot of the SRF players was not good.
remember the rules :eek::eek:

"You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content."
I just hope Day 2 and 3 focus on the RP more than the combat. Not saying the combat wasn’t fun, but we just need moments where we actually RP. Also, I am kinda iffy on the instant PKs, however, I remember them being like this in Alaska as well.