Submergence Day 1 Feedback Thread


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Hey guys! Thanks for joining up.

Hope you had fun.

We had a bit of a rocky start but it got better after

MASSIVE THANKS to @Eski & @Freudek For their AMAZING work and creative ideas for anomaly event​
i liked it it was super coool!!!! the tons of different anomalies was sweet, really felt like an scp world
that being said add MORE anomalies cuz that = more fun
Opened a locker, found a red zombie, slammed the locker in his face, found another locker, found a gun, gave it to a dude with no eyes, found a fubar. Real ass event, 10/10
I liked doing scientist things, the world was neat and fun to explore but I think we might’ve stayed in one place a bit too long, but that’s more a player thing than a GM thing, overall it set up an interesting plot and I’m interested to see where it goes.
this shit was scrumptious as fuck but playing as a d-class was annoying af 💀
the researchers did things where the d-class shoulda done it ⛪