Denied Tapout Short Story Submission

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Steam Name & ID: Tapout STEAM_0:0:159152927
Discord Name & ID: Tiphoon89#9770

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

It has been a few weeks since Daphne Crosby, the Bottlestreet Gangs former cook came back from the dead. Brain damaged, bloody, yet still somehow alive. Nevertheless, she continues her eternal search for her former lover ‘Andre’.

The question remains, how is she alive? The Vortigaunts have questioned her about what she remembers. Few details have been extracted from the former southern belle, but one familiar name has surfaced from her.

Ava Turner.

The all so familiar smuggler in the sewers seems to have a connection to how this poor betrayed lover somehow crawled back from the grave. Daphne also seems to speak of a train, and mysterious individuals who speak in funny languages. Daphne also mentions a ‘favor’ Ava Turner can grant them, but the details are vague in Daphne’s current state of mind. Will The Resistance dig into this mystery and ask Ava Turner about this impossible recovery?


I plan on this event happening in a few weeks if accepted, as it would happen after Daphne reveals some more details. I'd like like to do some building/prop placement beforehand in the Short Stories server, or the adminbox for the second part of the event which will take place in a forested area and throw some detailed storytelling ideas to the Short Stories team before it all plays out.

This event is a two part event. The first part will focus on Ava Turner, and answers to the mysterious yet impossible return of the former Bottlestreet chef. Once The Resistance contacts Ava, fulfilling her small requests will lead The Resistance outside the city on a scrap train to the outskirts of City 24 in the Monnetier-Mornex Commune, South of the City.

Here, the main chunk of the story will unfold. Ava Turner directed The Resistance here, claiming there is a way to restore the Bottlestreet Gangs reputation, if they follow through with some demands made by the mysterious speaking individuals in the forested area of southern Geneva. The question is, will the moral compass of The Resistance stay intact after their demands by the mysterious group who supposedly saved the Bottlestreet cook? Or will The Resistance simply refuse their demands, and in turn, risk ruining their reputation even more?

I do not want to spoil the reveal of this mysterious group until the players find out themselves, but if the Story Team wishes to know more about what I have in store for them, let me know and I can spill the beans.

This event will not have any risk of PK, however there will be combat at part one of the event, and possibly part two depending on how the players react to the mysterious group.


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.): Yes

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: Yes

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?: Yes

Will this concept affect the mainserver?: Yes
This event is also going to my way of showing off my story telling skills to the Short Stories team, in hopes of impressing them so I can apply for a future position within the SS team. My ability to roleplay has already been praised, and I want to take it to the next level by hosting this mini event. I hope this gets accepted, as I have had this event brewing in my head for almost two weeks now.
I see three roles for the short story. Usually short stories are comprised of several roles to allow for more diversity. This should be classified underneath main-server event suggestions if you plan to have only two three (Andre, Ava, and Daphne). I suggest revisions to include more people and more story telling, but this could all be worked out via discord.

My stance for now is NEUTRAL.
I appreciate your interest in Short Stories and will be awaiting a response from the rest of the team.
This is a rather minimalistic submission at best. This seems more like an event for specifically bottle street, which Short Stories shouldn’t be used for personal events that only a few people can attend.

As this isn’t exactly a short stories, more of a personal event, Im going to mark this as Denied.

Please come back in the future with more inclusive short story events. Bring your current event concept up with main server staff. Plus this is something that could play out naturally on the main server.
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