Denied The City 3 Arteria against Communists

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As some of you fellows have seen on the Lore Map, City 3 is currently in an unrest state. It is also a City where there is an Arteria unit located.
If you have paid attention to the newspapers published by the BOE of City 24, City 3 is an unrest state and we can infer that there is ongoing conflict outside the City 3 'Dome'. This could be an interesting concept to explore in an event scenario.

Hypothetical event scenarios:
1. The 41st Division of the City 3 Military Arm Arteria is tasked with an objective, several OTA are attached to the formation as commissars
Communist sympathisers attempt to prevent the Combine forces from accomplishing their objective.


2. The Communists could stage an attack on the positions of the troops stationed outside the City 3 'Dome'. Combine forces defend.

The aforementioned ideas could be carried out with a player group of up to 20 or 30 players and it could be a neat idea for some lore development. Combine vs Rebels, around 15v15 or 20v10
Considering that some people have participated in the Auspicius event [City 2 Operation London Bridge Incident], this could be another event idea to further explore the Conscript faction on the server.

Hope some of the Short Stories members would relate to this suggestion.
I think it would be way cooler if we made it as a whole lore-shaping event rather than just a 15v15 or 20v10 skirmish. It could involve CCA, CWU, CMU...previous preparations of resources, war-planning, political debates and then if it gets decided, a regiment of conscripts would be sent to help retake the city. If it fell, it fell ICly. This way we'd shape the 'Fate of the Combine' on earth through nice and timed events
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I think it would be way cooler if we made it as a whole lore-shaping event rather than just a 15v15 or 20v10 skirmish. It could involve CCA, CWU, CMU...previous preparations of resources, war-planning, political debates and then if it gets decided, a regiment of conscripts would be sent to help retake the city. If it fell, it fell ICly. This way we'd shape the 'Fate of the Combine' on earth through nice and timed events
Yes, I agree. The city 3 crisis could also be used as an event multiseries much like City 2 Auspicius event sequence. Plenty of involvement for all factions
In total, there are 3 main Combine military formations in C3 - the 41st, Legion UPSILON, and Legion SKY.
As some of you fellows have seen on the Lore Map, City 3 is currently in an unrest state. It is also a City where there is an Arteria unit located.
If you have paid attention to the newspapers published by the BOE of City 24, City 3 is an unrest state and we can infer that there is ongoing conflict outside the City 3 'Dome'. This could be an interesting concept to explore in an event scenario.

Hypothetical event scenarios:
1. The 41st Division of the City 3 Military Arm Arteria is tasked with an objective, several OTA are attached to the formation as commissars
Communist sympathisers attempt to prevent the Combine forces from accomplishing their objective.


2. The Communists could stage an attack on the positions of the troops stationed outside the City 3 'Dome'. Combine forces defend.

The aforementioned ideas could be carried out with a player group of up to 20 or 30 players and it could be a neat idea for some lore development. Combine vs Rebels, around 15v15 or 20v10
Considering that some people have participated in the Auspicius event [City 2 Operation London Bridge Incident], this could be another event idea to further explore the Conscript faction on the server.

Hope some of the Short Stories members would relate to this suggestion.
the main issue with this is the fact the combine consider the conscripts disposable. The communists in City 3 have TANKS, artillery. Mortars, WAY better equipment then any the combine would be willing to supply. And even with the OTA there fighting with the conscripts. THEY ARE STILL Either at a stalemate or losing ground. Sending city 24's arteria arm would be basically useless. But it could be a cool event to pk all of them if you think sending them is an idea.
Conscripts are cringe, and I'll never host unimaginative skirmish short "stories".

@FungletheBungle Thoughts?
I trust DeNuke with Arteria-focused events
Also the ideas that I have provided are not the limit. As it has been mentioned above, the city 3 crisis could be used as an event series, similar to City 2
the main issue with this is the fact the combine consider the conscripts disposable. The communists in City 3 have TANKS, artillery. Mortars, WAY better equipment then any the combine would be willing to supply. And even with the OTA there fighting with the conscripts. THEY ARE STILL Either at a stalemate or losing ground. Sending city 24's arteria arm would be basically useless. But it could be a cool event to pk all of them if you think sending them is an idea.
Losing battle?
I like those odds
Also when we were doing Arteria recruitment everyone was notified that it’s high pk chance and only one “proper” character with “something to lose” joined up. Other than that, if people use new characters then it’s a win and an opportunity for some epic Arteria gaming
the main issue with this is the fact the combine consider the conscripts disposable. The communists in City 3 have TANKS, artillery. Mortars, WAY better equipment then any the combine would be willing to supply. And even with the OTA there fighting with the conscripts. THEY ARE STILL Either at a stalemate or losing ground. Sending city 24's arteria arm would be basically useless. But it could be a cool event to pk all of them if you think sending them is an idea.
Auspicious Chapter 1 Remake
I trust DeNuke with Arteria-focused events
Also the ideas that I have provided are not the limit. As it has been mentioned above, the city 3 crisis could be used as an event series, similar to City 2
DeNuke isn't involved with Short Stories. You'll have to check up with him personally if you trust him with this idea. Sorry for the confusion.

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